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以太坊区块浏览器 verify and publish

1. BSC开发入门(2)- 如何在BSC上创建一个BEP20 Token

...连接插件钱包,并使用选中的地址发起部署交易点击【Deploy开始部署】麦子浏览器插件钱包会弹出交易确认窗口,点击【Accept】几秒钟后查询 Bscscan 可以发现合约已部署验证合约验证合约合约后,合约才能在Bscscan上开源,以供所有人验证安全性。在BscScan上进入部署的Contract,进入【Contract】tab,点击“V...


2. 重点|《WisdomChain文档知识库》之资产定义

...ch.wisdchain.io/Wisdom Chain开源代码库:https://github.com/WisedomChainGroupWisdom Chain区块浏览器:https://scan.wisdchain.com


3. 卡尔达诺1.7.0主网发布并进行了新升级

... this effort, the company made another announcement through an official tweet, which read, “IOHK published Cardano 1.7.0: Daedalus 0.15.0 and Cardano SL 3.1.0 release note today! Find more about the latest Cardano updates and changes here:” According to the official announcement, the Cardano 1.7.0主网 release was dated 31 October 2019. This release brings important changes to Daedalus 0.15...


4. Findora-零知识证明Podcast特辑

...we use for this. Systems like Bitcoin have all the inputs and outputs to transactions transparently published on-chain. Similarly, in Ethereum, all the inputs to a smart contract are in plain sight for everyone to see. In Findora, we can hide everything, the sender, receiver, transaction details, and contract data, inside zero-knowledge proofs. We use different tools for different kinds of transac...


5. 维基链WICC|项目进展周报第72期(6.15-6.21)



6. 维基链WICC | 项目进展周报第72期(6.15-6.21)



7. NEAR 前沿|基于门限签名的随机信标如何工作

... protocols have one live. Threshold signatures is not the only proposed approach, and we previously published a short overview of various other approaches to randomness, including an approach that we considered back then in this blog post. Refer to it for the details on what the randomness beacon is, what it means to be unbiasable and unpredictable, and what approaches besides threshold signatures...


8. NEAR:基于门限签名的随机信标如何工作

... protocols have one live. Threshold signatures is not the only proposed approach, and we previously published a short overview of various other approaches to randomness, including an approach that we considered back then in this blog post. Refer to it for the details on what the randomness beacon is, what it means to be unbiasable and unpredictable, and what approaches besides threshold signatures...


9. Soteria 主题分享 | 邹杰:Libra技术专业解析

...-version Prints version information 打印版本号OPTIONS:-a, --address Account address used for publishing 发布的账户地址--deps Path to the list of modules that we want to link with 连接列表-o, --output Serialize and write the compiled output to this file输出文件ARGS:Path to the Move IR source to compile 输出文件夹c)MOVE编译器的组成compiler # Main compiler crate. Thi...


10. 深度|《WisdomChain文档知识库》之多重签名

...ch.wisdchain.io/Wisdom Chain开源代码库:https://github.com/WisedomChainGroupWisdom Chain区块浏览器:https://scan.wisdchain.com


11. 深度 |《Wisdom Chain文档知识库》之多重签名

...ch.wisdchain.io/Wisdom Chain开源代码库:https://github.com/WisedomChainGroupWisdom Chain区块浏览器:https://scan.wisdchain.com本文来源:WisdomChain中文社区原文标题:深度 |《Wisdom Chain文档知识库》之多重签名


12. 400万FIL测试网奖励计划7月20日启动;经济模型参数即将确定 | 6月26日AMA完全整理

... For the first iteration of the protocol, we will reuse much of the existing code path. Miners will publish their storage deals, announce to the chain that they are doing an upgrade, and prove that the upgrade has been done successfully.(承诺产能扇区就像平台经济上的空Uber汽车。矿工在供应不足时向网络承诺容量,并在需求到来时将其升级为有交易的扇区...


13. 金色荐读|V神:以太坊上的各种BTC到底靠不靠谱?

...ecurity. Ed. by Mark Manulis, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, and Steve Schneider. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 156–174. isbn: 978-3-319-39555-5.[3] Rosario Gennaro et al. 「Robust Threshold DSS Signatures」. In: Advances in Cryptology — EUROCRYPT ’96. Ed. by Ueli Maurer. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1996, pp. 354–371. isbn: 978-3-540-68339-1.[4] Philip MacKe...


14. Facebook Move语言入门教程

...些模块和资源进行交互。 // Simple peer-peer payment example. // Use LibraAccount module published on the blockchain at account address // 0x0...0 (with 64 zeroes). 0x0 is shorthand that the IR pads out to // 256 bits (64 digits) by adding leading zeroes. import 0x0.LibraAccount; import 0x0.LibraCoin; main(payee: address, amount: u64) { // The bytecode (and consequently, the IR) has t...


15. 邹杰:Libra 技术专业解析

...V, --versionPrints version information 打印版本号OPTIONS:-a, --addressAccount address used for publishing 发布的账户地址--depsPath to the list of modules that we want to link with 连接列表-o, --outputSerialize and write the compiled output to this file输出文件ARGS:Path to the Move IR source to compile 输出文件夹c)?MOVE编译器的组成compiler# Main compiler crate. This d...
