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1. MEMO系统节点匹配



2. Obee Network New AMA

...ll games, etc. The rapid development of technology has also achieved social giants with billions of users such as Facebook, Youtobe, and Twitter. However, it is difficult to ensure data security and user privacy during the operation of Internet companies. Therefore, with the increase of users’ social information in the future, strengthening user privacy and security protection will undoubtedly b...


3. PopsicleFinance双花攻击分析

...核心函数正是 collectFees 函数。下面我们逐步分析其代码。首先获得存储在 userInfo 中的用户状态。其中用户状态中的 token0Rewards 和 token1Rewards 是由于用户存款而累积的奖励。接下来计算该合约中,对应机枪池的 Token 对的 Balance。如果在合约中有足够的 Balance,就按金额将 Reward 支付给用户;否则会调用 poo...


4. 解析跨链收益率提升平台 Popsicle Finance 遭攻击原因及过程

...核心函数正是 collectFees 函数。下面我们逐步分析其代码。首先获得存储在 userInfo 中的用户状态。其中用户状态中的 token0Rewards 和 token1Rewards 是由于用户存款而累积的奖励。接下来计算该合约中,对应机枪池的 Token 对的 Balance。如果在合约中有足够的 Balance,就按金额将 Reward 支付给用户;否则会调用 poo...

知识:以太坊,安全,DeFi,Uniswap,Popsicle F

5. 保护数据库信息如何用Go语言+对称密钥做数据加密?



6. [虚拟印钞机]PopsicleFinance双花攻击分析



7. MEMO系统规划设计



8. 德国银行将于一月推出比特币投资基金

德国私人银行Hauck&Aufh?user表示将于明年1月推出加密货币投资基金,允许机构和半机构投资者投资于数字资产,包括比特币,以太币和恒星。●根据Fundview的报告,这家位于法兰克福的银行正在与当地金融科技公司Kapilendo合作,建立名为“ HAIC数字资产基金I”的基金。 Hauck&Aufh?user将管理该基金,而Kapi...


9. 三元社区xOpenOceanAMA实录

...ted islands in Defi and Cefi. Our goal is to build an ecosystem that’s beneficial to all kinds of users in the current fragmented market by providing an entrance to one-stop trading with symmetric price information and all mainstream asset available while empowering all the individual users and investment institutions to trade on the best price and apply their own investment strategy.”团队...


10. CapsuleMiningcreatesaneweraofmining

... Mining is the world's first Bitcoin sustainable computing power mining service platform, providing users with a complete set of real mining service solutions, which can easily realize one-click mining.Mining initiative Capsule MiningThe sustainable computing power product designed by Capsule Mining is the first in the mining industry and the best for investors among all products on the market.Cap...


11. NexisDAO:让 Nervos DAO 的资产流动起来

...款流程普通的 Nervos DAO 交易:Input1: Cell: { capacity: 10000 lock: User type: null data: null } Output1: Cell: { capacity: 10000 lock: User type: Nervos DAO data: 0x0000000000000000 }dCKB的交易:Input: Cell: { capacity: 10300 lock: User type: null ...


12. 三元×Vee.FinanceAMA实录

... me take a moment to speak to the thoughtful design of the Vee interface because I believe that our users come first and deserve a high-quality experience.? We’ve worked extremely hard to create a simple and streamlined experience for all of our product offerings.? I also can’t forget to thank our thousands of Beta testers for providing valuable feedback on our product and design.? Having expe...


13. TradeLearnCUDOS:1,200,000CUDOSRewardstobeShared!

...n together with the CUDOS project to give away a reward pool of 1,200,000 CUDOS to qualified KuCoin users.Don’t miss out on the infrastructure token for Web 3.0?>>>CUDOSThe campaign will run from 10:00:00 on September 16, 2021 to 10:00:00 on September 23, 2021 (UTC).Activity 1: CUDOS Net Buying Competition, Enjoy a 600,000 CUDOS Grand Prize Pool!All users who have a?CUDOS?net buying volume (buys...


14. Whichcryptoexchangeisbestforusers?Comparisonoflendingservices

...ng services.But when it comes to anything related to funds, the platform used is something that any user will seriously consider. So this time we will conduct a horizontal comparison of the lending services launched by the three major domestic digital currency trading platforms (Binance, OKex, and ZB.com).1.????? Interest rateWhen interest rates are used as collateral for currency borrowing, the f...


15. 德国银行明年将启动加密货币基金

...投资于大量的加密货币,例如比特币,以太坊和Stellar。德国银行Hauck&Aufh?user将在2021年启动一个加密货币基金。 该投资组合将持有主要的加密货币,例如比特币,以太坊和Stellar。 该银行行长表示,加密货币在机构投资者中正变得“越来越有吸引力”。正如今天早些时候宣布的那样,成立于1796年的德...
