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1. 一文盘点25个值得关注的加密协议

...kenSets描述:TokenSets 是一个建立在 Set 协议之上的 DeFi 资产管理平台。资源:Website|Docs|Twitter|Discord理由:该项目似乎要实现完全去中心化治理,这可能需要发布一个原生代币。空投策略:购买/出售Set token或创建你自己的Set token。9、Gro Protocol描述:Gro Protocol是一种迎合稳定币的收益聚合器协议。资源:Web...


2. RMT 项目周报(2019年12月6日)

New SureRemit website is now live!This is an essential step in the rebranding process as the proposition and strategy is clearly translated into a non-crypto user experience.We want to make our services easily accessible to a non-crypto audience. The fact that the RMT ecosystem is built on blockchain and the Remit Token (RMT) is the utility token facilitating the transactions, should not be a pote...


3. Obee Network 项目进展(07.21-07.28)

...上发布小短文即可获取OBEE奖励。英文版:Technological progressObee Network official website1)The official website of Obee Network has been renovated as a whole. At present, our website has been completely renewed, with a brand-new interface and different feelings. Welcome friends to step on it.URL:https://obee.top2)Obee Network Android 1.0.2 version, fixes major bugs, such as ...


4. 在IPFS上部署您的网站:为什么和如何

...易吧??IPFS CLIIPFS CLI允许使用add子命令添加文件和目录。1个ipfs?add?-r?./sample_website1? 2? 3? 4? 5? 6附加QmaYZE5QQVR3TqQSL5WDcwuxUwBqczbMkmbHeoeNEAumbe?sample_website?/?index.css? 加入Qme5TzVW4en8HWP49N9nLHwUkAMhCn6zvWteoknmFDhwJg?sample_website?/?index.html中 加入QmThzr7LgYmUz6tfTArJK5tbrtidXSA12ZCL4ESy6HB8P2?sample_website?/?index.js? 加入QmSYDncaMte6GPx5jC7kqeXWnrK...


5. 多个“虚拟货币”诈骗案宣判主犯被判“无期徒刑”



6. 如何铸造音乐NFT?

...程音乐部门,Async Art 是以太坊的“动态 [和] 交互式”NFT 平台。社交媒体:Website | Twitter | Discord目前仅限邀请:是(此处的申请表?)支持的文件类型:MP3主要概念:“这是一种能够改变其构成本质的音乐。每次回来听可能听起来都不一样。这是通过将歌曲分解为称为 Stem 的单独层来实现的。每个 Stem 都...


7. 比特币灯塔MicroStrategy子弹快要用光 面对巨额利息 下一步怎么办?

...strategy已成事实比特币ETF 但存在两大风险1、https://www.microstrategy.com/content/dam/website-assets/collateral/financial-documents/press-release-archive/MicroStrategy-Announces-Pricing-of-Offering-of-Convertible-Senior-Notes.pdf2、https://www.microstrategy.com/content/dam/website-assets/collateral/financial-documents/press-release-archive/microstrategy-announces-over-1b-in-total-bi...


8. 教程丨如何铸造音乐NFT?

...程音乐部门,Async Art 是以太坊的“动态 [和] 交互式”NFT 平台。社交媒体: Website?|?Twitter?|?Discord目前仅限邀请:是(此处的申请表?)支持的文件类型:MP3主要概念:“这是一种能够改变其构成本质的音乐。每次回来听可能听起来都不一样。这是通过将歌曲分解为称为 Stem 的单独层来实现的。每个 Stem ...


9. 季度报告显示强劲增长



10. 恒星流明:季度报告显示强劲增长



11. RMT项目周报(2020年1月10日)

... solid progress and we'll share additional screenshots of the UI/UX design next week. A short recap:WEBSITE DESIGNDONE!LAUNCH WORDPRESS?WEBSITEDONE!UI/UX DESIGN90% DONE!We're dotting the 'i's like small amendments/additions and color schemes. The coding of the SureRemit App commences in the next 2 weeks.LAUNCH APP & SITEWORK IN PROGRESSWe'll code the SureRemit website and App simultaneously, so we...


12. BlockCDN--区块链智能合约CDN应用|区块链,ETH,智能合约,CDN,应用

... economy company: UBER )   With internet increasingly popularizing and rapid development of website content, mobile apps, network congestion already appeared.   Therefore, CDN acceleration emerges as the times require. However, high price, limitation of nodes distribution and acceleration speed is always the obstacle that restricts the development of traditional CDN industry. ...


13. 白币官网上线红包功能公告

... of the project, as a result, a new function of online red packet has been launched on the official website today. Community members can generate red packet links through the website, share the red packet links to friends, gifting friends with XWC red packets one click away!To generate red packet: https://www.whitecoin.info/redPackage


14. ATKCommunity?

...ansparent, stable and efficient blockchain asset trading services for global users.?Important links?Website:https://www.atk.bet?Telegram:https://mrw.so/6as0hT?Twitter:https://twitter.com/SteakSwap?s=09?(ATK) in crypto market linkswallet available to download:? ATK available:https:// tokenpocket.pro? ATK available :https://bitkeep.org? ATK available:https://? codebank-m.coindog.com? ATK...


15. SolvProtocol快讯:SolvProtocol与元宇宙协议Highstreet达成战略合作

Highstreet 已正式加入 Solv?海马计划(以太坊网络),计划在 Solv 平台铸造锁仓票据为其用户带来全新的 Financial NFT 体验。未来,双方将在开发、应用等方面保持密切合作,共同扩展 Financial NFT 的边界。了解更多:ColdStack:?Website|TwitterSolv Protocol:?Website|Twitter|Medium|Telegram?|Discord?|Wechat查看更多
