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1. 革命性的足球彩票平台Goal Bonanza推出的ICO项目中,代币在10天内几乎售罄

...合伙人Veljko Ristic和一个经验丰富的互联网技术专业人士团队领导的初创公司Goal Bonanza于2017年10月1日推出了ICO预售,为开发和推出革命性的足球在线投注平台筹集资金。 最近,该公司宣布与Bancor Network和Etherdelta Exchange建立合作伙伴关系,以最大化提升GOAL代币的交易流动性。目前,预售阶段已取得成功,...

知识:Goal Bonanza

2. 消费和投机 | 币安NFT平台和TOP GOAL

一聊Binance NFT和TOP GOAL(划重点,建议关注)。兔子公园这一期我没太关注了,一直关注到TOP GOAL为止。这里有一个我认为需要关注但目前市场没注意到的地方,TOP GOAL的那期盲盒NFT和其他“纯收藏品”性质的盲盒非常不同,它开出来的NFT不仅是收藏品,是在后续TOP GOAL这款游戏里有用的。如下图1。在大...


3. Goal Bonanza平台旨在重塑足球彩票,引领市值3万亿美元的全球彩票行业变革

... Ristic和一个经验丰富的互联网技术专业人士团队共同创建并领导的初创公司Goal Bonanza宣布,将于2017年10月1日开始众筹,旨在为开发和推出基于ERC20代币标准和智能合约技术的革命性足球彩票平台筹集资金。   建立在灵芝块基础平台上,采用灵魂为基础的游戏币种,目标奖金是一个自我调节的平台...

知识:Goal Bonanza

4. 链游 GOALS 完成 1500 万美元种子轮融资,Northzone 领投

据 The Block 4 月 5 日报道,区块链足球游戏 GOALS 完成 1500 万美元种子轮融资,Northzone 领投,Cherry、Moonfire Ventures 等机构以及足球运动员 Gérald Piqué 和 Sorare 首席执行官 Nicolas Julia 参投。所筹资金将用于再招募 30 名游戏开发者。据悉,GOALS 正在开发一款同名在线多人游戏,该游戏具有玩家、俱乐部和皮肤...


5. 足球链游GOALS完成1500万美元种子轮融资,Northzone领投

律动 BlockBeats 消息,4 月 5 日,足球链游 GOALS 完成 1500 万美元种子轮融资,本轮融资由 Northzone 领投,Cherry 和 Moonfire Ventures 等参投,天使投资人包括著名足球运动员 Gérald Piqué 和 Sorare 首席执行官 Nicolas Julia。融资将用于招募 30 名游戏开发商。


6. PiNetwork项目方3位联合创始人3月7日亮相阐述Pi将进入第二阶段的战略概况

...etwork will launch Phase 2 of the project on Pi Day, 2020. Phase One began on Pi Day, 2019 with the goal of growing the network to 1M Pioneers. Less than a year after launch, we’ve far surpassed our goal, with over 3.5M engaged Pioneers globally. Now that we have built this large and diverse global community, we are ready to embark on our second phase of development.Phase 2 of the project has tw...


7. 柬埔寨联合欧洲著名人工智能集团打造IGC通用链

IGC通用链由柬埔寨联合欧洲著名人工智能科研公司LUXURY GOAL潜心研发,通过建立一个分布式的P2P清算网络,让全世界服务器互相进行点对点金融交易,去中心化管理,无须中间人,也无须任何繁杂的兑换手续,为跨界支付提供极强流动性。IGC通用链是通过区块链技术,将区块链和人工智能相结合,在一...


8. 美联储虚晃一枪?

...ittee's \"substantial further progress\" criterion as satisfied with respect to the price-stability goal and as close to being satisfied with respect to the maximum-employment goal.展望未来,大多数与会者指出,鉴于经济按预期大体发展,他们认为今年开始放缓资产购买步伐可能是合适的,因为他们认为按照委员会的“实质性进一步进展”标准...


9. Is it shameful to achieve freedom in ten years?

...the idea of getting rich in one night?In fact, Wang Jianlin did not provide a good guide. The small goal of 100 million is too big for normal people. To earn 100 million first as a small goal, how is it possible? If normal people really set such a small goal, we really have to be overwhelmed by this goal, our rhythm will be disrupted, our mentality will become uneasy, our brain will drop, and we w...


10. 除了NFT,加密艺术还能有哪些形态?

...更容易,但加密艺术创作仅限于 NFT 形态还远远不够。以 CryptoZR 的作品 Small Goal (SG) 来说,这是一件反映金融市场中价格与市值之间关系的作品 (ENS 地址:smallgoal.cryptozr.eth),作者对 ERC20 合约的转账功能进行了改造,加入了一个开关。当限制转账开启时,持币者任何转账操作均会将其 SG token 全部销毁。S...


11. 韭菜的日常学习

...吗? * 这一公式会否出现例外,为什么?需要哪些条件才能达成目标?Has my goal different cause short-term and long-term?这个成因是否依赖于时间条件?通过观察效果,我能否追溯其成因?我有否采用不同的角度和立场来审视整个系统?对主题的考量依赖于什么东西?* 限制我达成目标的主要力量是什么? What a...


12. LuckinCoffeeToBeDelistedFromNASDAQ:LearnFromItsPastFailure

...der the listing code "GIB." In the near future, it is planning to be listed on NASDAQ in 2022. This goal reflects its strong confidence in investing in digital banking and the strong ability to implement plans step by step. The development of an enterprise depends on many aspects, including but not limited to, future operations, market conditions, and investors. Generally speaking, to create long-...


13. BlockbankAMA_CoinHub_91coin.

... of Blockbank project ?2、Blockbank项目有哪些应用场景?We like to call it Fintech 3.0! Our goal in BlockBank is empower our users to use only one app. We will give users centralized custodial wallet with all the features including staking, insurance, lending and custody. Also, wallet has DeFi section where a user never has to provide AML/KYC and can just use our non-custodial wallet with ...


14. 全球跨界支付系统、SLA即将登陆LOEx雷盾交易平台

...支付问题。通过区块链底层技术的渗透,传统跨境支付有了质的飞跃。LUXURY GOAL公司致力于打造一个开放式的全球跨境支付应用生态平台——SLA项目。提出构建“区块链+金融+产业+消费”的应用生态方案之后,发布了全球第一个跨境支付区块链网络。项目简介SLA是一种基于区块链智能合约支付协议的跨界...


15. 美联储四年多来首次加息点阵图显示后面连着还有9次

...ion to return to its 2 percent objective and the labor market to remain strong. In support of these goals, the Committee decided to raise the target range for the federal funds rate to 1/4 to 1/2 percent and anticipates that ongoing increases in the target range will be appropriate. In addition, the Committee expects to begin reducing its holdings of Treasury securities and agency debt and agency ...
