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1. 区块链大型巡回播放【第8期】#区块链工作基本概念# &“行情解读”&“PI网友观

...the other chain develops into the longest main chain, the nodes automatically switch to work on the longer chain.TIMESTAMP: The concept of timestamp was introduced because links between blocks can not determine inheritance, just as in the real world genealogies have genealogies, the previous block and the next block are automatically arranged in order by timestamp, and the data in the blockchain a...


2. 美联储决议公布,对数字货币市场影响几何?

...The Committee seeks to achieve maximum employment and inflation at the rate of 2 percent over the longer run”委员会寻求最大就业率和长期通胀指标达到2%。“Inflation has risen, largely reflecting transitory factors”通胀的升高很大程度上反应的是暂时因素。“With inflation having run persistently below this longer-run goal, the Committee will aim to achieve in...


3. 美联储决议公布,对数字货币市场影响几何?

...The Committee seeks to achieve maximum employment and inflation at the rate of 2 percent over the longer run”委员会寻求最大就业率和长期通胀指标达到2%。“Inflation has risen, largely reflecting transitory factors”通胀的升高很大程度上反应的是暂时因素。“With inflation having run persistently below this longer-run goal, the Committee will aim to achieve in...


4. 中国从潜在禁令清单中挖矿

...正在酝酿中,矿机从2020年起可能会轻松呼吸。 1/ BREAKING 加密货币mining is no longer "to be eliminated" in China. Today, the gov't released "Industrial Structure Adjustment Guidance Catalogue". 加密货币mining, which was listed in the draft in April as an industry to be eliminated, is no longer in the list pending elimination. cnLedger (@cnLedger) ...


5. 比特币减半意味着矿工将不再是最大的卖家

...大压力。因手机不能直接放链接,原文请搜:【Bitcoin Halving Means Miners Will No Longer Be Biggest Sellers of BTC】https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-halving-means-miners-will-no-longer-be-biggest-sellers-of-btc


6. Qtum量子链每周开发进展更新2017.08.07 – 2017.08.13

...ted:   * [Build System] Reworked the build system so that Ethereum's cmake system is no longer used. Imported cryptopp directly into the Qtum repository. Reworked some Bitcoin dependencies so that they also work with cpp-etheruem   * [Build System] Made the Gitian build system work properly for all platforms, making it possible to easily do deterministic builds for Linux, Windo...


7. 如何使用algotrade编写比特币的高级趋势跟踪策略



8. 为什么在比特币赌场玩而不是在常规的在线赌场玩

...the time.区块链 technology is the one to thank for this. Decentralization means approvals are no longer necessary. It takes just the refresh button for you to see your withdrawn funds on your Bitcoin wallet. Safety is one of the priorities that gamblers have when choosing an online casino. There could be many reasons why a gambler would like to remain anonymous online, but it’s mainly to prot...


9. News Bulletin(2020.01.05-2020.01.11)

...6 people on board. Iran admitted to shooting down the plane unintentionally.4. Iran said it will no longer abide by the enrichment limits in its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers but but remain open to negotiations with European partners.5. US House of Representatives passed a resolution to stop Trump from further military action against Iran.6. Tsai Ing-Wen was re-elected as ROC's president, re...


10. 比特币不再被视为加密市场的推动力

...e> 来源: Bloomberg来源链接 :https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-10-11/bitcoin-no-longer-seen-as-the-driving-force-in-crypto-market译稿源:优优财经 https://uucj.com/archives/37681</blockquote> 声明:本文由优优财经编译,转载请注明来源。


11. 以近70万美元的价格购买了Noph形式的Sophia机器人的工作

...???????Your work was very inspiring on so many levels, so I want to hold on to its meaning a little longer. Will share soon. Thank you @andreabonac_art @niftygateway @ivgalleryla @hansonrobotics and all my Sophia Collective team! Sophia the Robot (@RealSophiaRobot) March 24, 2021</blockquote>索菲亚(Sophia)回答说,他所获得的作品“在多个层面上都鼓舞人心”,并承诺...


12. Innosilicon首批以太坊新矿机算力下调25%

...s. Please don&#39;t pay to any account on A11 till further announcement. Bella Chen is fired and no longer with INNOSILICON. Innosilicon Miner (@Inno_Miner) March 7, 2021</blockquote>根据 ASIC Miner Value 计算,以当前以太坊价格和降低的哈希率计算,A11 Pro 的回报将是 8 到 10 个月。Innosilicon A10 Pro 以前的 ASIC 矿机型号具有 7 GB 内存和高达 740 MH / s ...


13. Kraken交易所推出瑞士法郎

...lateral Dai (MCD) Deposits and withdraws now available on Kraken. Single-Collateral Dai (Sai) is no longer supported. If you had Dai on the exchange prior to the November 18th upgrade, it will now be reflected as MCD. More info here:https://t.co/uzWuUnw74Z Kraken交易所 (@krakenfx) December 2, 2019 最近,Kraken还加入了Silvergate交易网络,与Silvergate银行合作,以24/7的工作...


14. 在迈向1ZB的小目标的路上Filecoin每一步都走得坚定踏实

...安(Juan Benet)曾在2月12日时公开发表评论说:“Let’s go to 1 ZB,though will take longer” 。这可以说明IPFS/Filecoin团队对目前的项目成就、市场前景、生态发展有着十足的信心。那么1ZB这个数字看着简单,但它到底意味着什么呢?首先啊,小瑶要给大家做一个算术等式,这样大家就有个基本概念了。1ZB = 1024EB ...


15. 在迈向1ZB的“小目标”的路上,Filecoin每一步都走得坚定踏实

...安(Juan Benet)曾在2月12日时公开发表评论说:“Let’s go to 1 ZB,though will take longer” 。这可以说明IPFS/Filecoin团队对目前的项目成就、市场前景、生态发展有着十足的信心。那么1ZB这个数字看着简单,但它到底意味着什么呢?首先啊,小瑶要给大家做一个算术等式,这样大家就有个基本概念了。1ZB = 1024EB ...
