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Marketplace Services Platform

1. 如何避免虚假的初始代币发行代币评级

...en ICO: Real Time Cryptocurrency Tax Calculations? CryptoAds ICO (CFC Coin): Blockchain Advertising Marketplace? SOSR Coin ICO: Blockchain Organic Food Waste Recycling Token? Blocksquare ICO (BST Token): Tokenized Real Estate Blockchain? Insights Network ICO (INSTAR Token): Blockchain Data Exchange? Triwer ICO (TRW Token): Blockchain Parcel & Cargo Delivery? AgroCoin ICO (AGR Token) Review: S...


2. 纳斯达克推出区块链数字资产服务瞄准未来的数字资产

上个月,纳斯达克宣布发布其市场服务平台(Marketplace Services Platform),这是一种基于多云平台的面向市场平台机构的SaaS服务。他们的市场服务平台之上是其数字资产套件(?Digital Assets Suite),这是一种DLT产品,旨在为客户提供管理数字资产整个生命周期的能力。本文对纳斯达克市场技术部数字资产负...


3. 纳斯达克推出区块链数字资产服务,瞄准未来的数字资产

...自贸区研究院金融研究室主任 上个月,纳斯达克宣布发布其市场服务平台(Marketplace Services Platform),这是一种基于多云平台的面向市场平台机构的SaaS服务。他们的市场服务平台之上是其数字资产套件(?Digital Assets Suite),这是一种DLT产品,旨在为客户提供管理数字资产整个生命周期的能力。本文对纳...


4. 第18期《悦会》AMA:NFTify推动数字内容世界的崛起

...oney and time to build your own platform. You also don’t want to sell your arts on some messy NFT marketplace, then NFTify is the perfect solution.帮助降低所有人加入非功能性游戏领域的门槛是我们想要解决的问题。假设你是一名艺术家。你想要创建自己的品牌,自己的商店,但你没有金钱和时间去创建自己的平台。你也不想在一些...


5. Orbs集成在Google Cloud Platform上上线

...机映像,并开始在Orbs上进行测试和开发。Orbs开发人员工具包可在Google Cloud Marketplace上获得,其中包括在Orbs上开发智能合约所需的所有必要工具。 这些包括以下内容。Gamma,Orbs的节点软件,可以旋转到可从GCP访问的私有区块链中 Prism,Orbs区块链的区块浏览器 Sandkasten,用于编写Orbs智能合约的IDEOrbs开发...


6. LABSGroup正式宣布与Polkacover在DeFi和NFT产品上建立合作关系

...ip with Polkacover toprovide DeFi and NFT insurance products. Polkacover is the First DeFiinsurance marketplace for the global crypto ecosystem. Thepartnership will bring DeFi and NFT insurance products to theuntapped Digitised Real Estate Ecosystem market.香港时间2021年2月7日--数字化房地产投资生态系统LABSGroup正式宣布与Polkacover达成战略合作,提供DeFi和NFT保险...


7. 纳斯达克推出「市场服务平台」和数字资产服务组件,帮助用户管理数字资产

区块链网络消息,纳斯达克(Nasdaq)宣布推出市场服务平台( Marketplace Services Platform),旨在帮助公司搭建基于 DLT 技术的金融工具,让客户更好地发行、交易和管理其数字资产和通证资产。据 Nasdaq 介绍,该平台提供了跨越交易生命周期的下一代市场能力,旨在促进资产、服务和信息跨越各种类型的市...


8. LABSGroup正式宣布与Polkacover建立合作关系

... with Polkacover to provide DeFi and NFT insurance products. Polkacover is the First DeFi insurance marketplace for the global crypto ecosystem. The partnership will bring DeFi and NFT insurance products to the untapped Digitised Real Estate Ecosystem market.香港时间2021年2月7日--数字化房地产投资生态系统LABS Group正式宣布与Polkacover达成战略合作,提供DeFi和NFT保...


9. Defi Marketplace 和 NFT Platform Arcade 在 A 轮融资中筹集了 1500 万美元 – Finance Bitco

去中心化金融 (defi) 市场、不可替代代币 (NFT) 金融化平台和借贷应用 Arcade 宣布,该公司已完成 1500 万美元的 A 轮投资。 就在最近,Arcade 以超过 100 亿美元的贷方为 NFT 投资组合提供了 800,000 美元的链上贷款。Arcade 在由 Pantera Capital、Castle Island Ventures、富兰克林邓普顿区块链基金共同领投的 A 轮融资中...


10. RNS - 买卖域名

我们很高兴地宣布,您现在可以通过 RIF Marketplace 以简单、去中心化的方式买卖 RNS 域名。作者:RIF Marketplace产品总监Julian Rodriguez2020 年 9 月 24 日我们很高兴地宣布,您现在可以通过 RIF Marketplace 以简单、去中心化的方式买卖 RNS 域名。您可以通过以下网址在RSK主网上访问此功能:https://marketplace.rifos.org...


11. Theriseofthecryptocurrencymarket,Whichcryptoexchangetokenisthebest?

... accumulated under its own long-term operation, together with some of their respective high-quality services, the tokenization potential of each platform has been increased as the driving force. The rapid rise in the past year is very dazzling.According to the 2020 price performance list of platform coins provided by CryptoDiffer on December 3, we can find that the top three digital currency excha...


12. Whichcryptoexchangetokenisthebest?Takealookatthelistdata

... accumulated under its own long-term operation, together with some of their respective high-quality services, the tokenization potential of each platform has been increased as the driving force. The rapid rise in the past year is very dazzling.According to the 2020 price performance list of platform coins provided by CryptoDiffer on December 3, we can find that the top three digital currency excha...


13. 纳斯达克启动市场服务平台,将提供数字资产套件,以支持数字资产和代币市场

律动 BlockBeats 消息,6 月 24 日,纳斯达克启动市场服务平台(Marketplace Services Platform),这是专为经营市场而打造的 SaaS 平台,平台还提供数字资产套件,以支持数字资产和代币市场的交易、发行和管理。纳斯达克表示,该平台提供跨越交易生命周期的下一代市场功能,以促进各类市场生态系统和机器...


14. DFCchainmulti-chaincoldwalletiscomingonline

...lue-added programs, to provide convenient, professional, fast, high-quality digital asset financial services to create value for global digital asset users.DFC Multi-chain Cold Wallet AdvantageDFC multi-chain cold wallet, core functions set storage, trading, value-added in one.Is the individual, the institution, the investor essential digital asset "the intelligent housekeeper ".Its core team from...


15. DFCpublicchainMultiChaincoldwalletOnline

...lue-added programs, to provide convenient, professional, fast, high-quality digital asset financial services to create value for global digital asset users.DFC Multi-chain Cold Wallet AdvantageDFC multi-chain cold wallet, core functions set storage, trading, value-added in one.Is the individual, the institution, the investor essential digital asset "the intelligent housekeeper ".Core team from Coi...
