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1. LilithCash将于2月26日16:00开启Boardroom

...0万美金。跟大家同步一下最新的技术进展,社区核心开发者们已完成Rebase和Repurchase合约的测试,即将上线。关于Rebase和Repurchase的信息如下:1. 我们将在2021年2月27日16:00正式上线Rebase和Repurchase合约;2. LLC增发量取决于前24小时LLC的均价(前日16:00-当日16:00),当LLC>$1.05执行增发合约,公式为:($LLC-...


2. ZBCEO欧码哥深度对话R网AMA:减半将至历经7载的一线交易所ZB如何突出重围

...nsion of trading channels and the construction of a deflation model based on the burned of ZB token repurchase.ZB积分的通缩机制是以币币交易手续费的25%,包括UP销售所得ZB积分100%用以回购ZB积分并彻底销毁,截至目前,ZB积分发行总量为6.78亿,二级市场流通4.46亿,用户保障基金2.31亿。The deflation mechanism of ZB token is 25% of spot tradi...


3. 「持仓LBK认购 Nervos(CKB)110%回购」将于10月16日启动行权

LBank将于10月16日启动「持仓LBK认购 Nervos(CKB)110%回购」行权,行权期截止至10月23日16:00。行权价格为0.01*110%=0.011USDT。行权结算以10月23日16:00前转入回购账户([email protected])的CKB为准,三个工作日内完成110%的结算退回。更多请关注官网公告。


4. Starlink'sfirstkeywordauctionwillopenat16:00onFebruary22

...rge will be deducted for each bid. The service fee address will be made public and will be used for repurchase, destruction and community activities in the future.The details are as follows:Users can use LP token to bid. If the user's bid is the current highest bid, they can enjoyIf there is no new bid after one hour, the highest bidder will get the keyword permanently, and the winner of keyword a...


5. Whowill wear the crown after AMPL? 1913

...ter the currencyprice is lower than the benchmark price. 50% of the initial capitalwill be used for repurchase, which will prompt the 1913 currencyprice to return to the benchmark price rapidly. This kind ofmechanism is very sexy and gives great confidence to the earlyparticipants.Itseems that we should not be so rational in this wealth storm of time,location, and people brought by defi.Getinvolve...


6. CTC·HUB|HBTC:霍比特人的技术突围之征与10倍PE通证模型的强力出击

...,帮助平台获得持续的增长。Gokhan:Interesting,but this is not clear : "The currency repurchase operation avoids the team's high-throwing and low-absorption method to repurchase the platform token, which leads to the uncertainty of the token price and effectively converts the platform's revenue into the support of the token price."And I want to know if you repurchase tokens with 100...


7. “新秀们”群雄并起,不可小觑的抵押类稳定币

...以链上资产抵押模式的代表MakerDAO 的 Dai举例,机制类似于开放的回购协议 (Repurchase Agreement) ,或者理解成区块链上的自动化、分布式托管当铺。这种模式的好处在于无需依赖传统银行和托管机构,面向大众 (permissionless) ,且保留货币储备、发行与政策调整的独立性。在周三ETH价格下跌了40%以上后,News.B...


8. 稳定币是加密货币的中央银行

...。韩国央行的基准利率是指韩国央行与商业金融机构进行附条件回购证券(Repurchase Paper,按照提前定好的价格定期回购)或存款、贷款交易时使用的政策性利率(韩国央行的基准利率使用出售7天期RP的固定利率和购入7天期RP时的最低利率,各金融机构的存贷利率可以在此基础上下浮-100bp(-1%pt), +100bp(+1%pt...


9. 稳定币在加密资产阵营发挥“央行”作用

...。韩国央行的基准利率是指韩国央行与商业金融机构进行附条件回购证券(Repurchase Paper,按照提前定好的价格定期回购)或存款、贷款交易时使用的政策性利率(韩国央行的基准利率使用出售7天期RP的固定利率和购入7天期RP时的最低利率,各金融机构的存贷利率可以在此基础上下浮-100bp(-1%pt), +100bp(+1%pt...


10. 美联储的政策重点正在发生转变——评近期美联储的多项政策

...策,包括:1、FIMA。3月31日,美联储宣布推出临时回购协议工具(A temporary repurchase agreement facility for foreign and international monetary authorities,FIMA),主要针对的对象是外国央行,并于4月6日开始实行,持续至少6个月。FIMA帐户持有人(在纽约联邦储备银行开户)可以与美联储订立回购协议,暂时将其持有的...


11. 「芒说AMA」Nerve:玩转跨链Defi做区块链世界的“交通枢纽”

... chain settlements and handling fees for transactions;Governence tool: voting rights for Nerve ;DEX:repurchase and destroy the transaction fees of the decentralized exchange;destroy the fees for creating transactions pairs in the decentralized exchange;destroy the fees for creating assets in the decentralized exchange;Node:deposit for creating nodes.可以的。主要有四点:燃料费:跨链...


12. 芒说 AMA—Nerve:玩转跨链Defi 做区块链世界的“交通枢纽”

... chain settlements and handling fees for transactions;Governence tool: voting rights for Nerve ;DEX:repurchase and destroy the transaction fees of the decentralized exchange;destroy the fees for creating transactions pairs in the decentralized exchange;destroy the fees for creating assets in the decentralized exchange;Node:deposit for creating nodes.可以的。主要有四点:燃料费:跨链...


13. 异构跨链NerveNetwork如何助力Defi腾飞?

... chain settlements and handling fees for transactions;Governence tool: voting rights for Nerve ;DEX:repurchase and destroy the transaction fees of the decentralized exchange;destroy the fees for creating transactions pairs in the decentralized exchange;destroy the fees for creating assets in the decentralized exchange;Node:deposit for creating nodes.译文:主要有以下四点:燃料费:跨...


14. 异构跨链NerveNetwork,助力Defi腾飞

... chain settlements and handling fees for transactions;Governence tool: voting rights for Nerve ;DEX:repurchase and destroy the transaction fees of the decentralized exchange;destroy the fees for creating transactions pairs in the decentralized exchange;destroy the fees for creating assets in the decentralized exchange;Node:deposit for creating nodes.译文:主要有以下四点:燃料费:跨...


15. 异构跨链NerveNetwork,如何助力Defi腾飞?

... chain settlements and handling fees for transactions;Governence tool: voting rights for Nerve ;DEX:repurchase and destroy the transaction fees of the decentralized exchange;destroy the fees for creating transactions pairs in the decentralized exchange;destroy the fees for creating assets in the decentralized exchange;Node:deposit for creating nodes.译文:主要有以下四点:燃料费:跨...