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1. 花旗集团迅速扩展合作伙伴以扩展其eFX功能

跨国公司本周三宣布,花旗已与电子交易平台提供商Rapid Addition合作。根据该协议,Rapid Addition将成为该银行货币交易的核心FIX平台合作伙伴之一。 根据今天发布的声明,花旗之所以选择Rapid Addition,是因为该公司的延迟性能和可扩展性可满足业务需求。 探索澳门iFX EXPO Asia 2020 –最大的金融B2B博览会 ...


2. Chainalysis完成1亿美元C轮融资,由Addition牵头

区块链分析公司Chainalysis今天宣布获得由Addition牵头的1亿美元C轮融资,使其估值超过10亿美元。 Accel,Benchmark和Ribbit在参加了先前的融资后也增加了对该公司的投资。这笔资金将用于进一步支持Chainalysis的政府机构,金融机构和其他私营部门业务网络的国际扩张,这些网络依靠Chainalysis的数据平台和软件...


3. Chainalysis获得1亿美元资金,市值达到10亿美元

...轮融资中获得了1亿美元的投资。 该公司的价值已超过10亿美元。 C轮融资由Addition领导,Addition也是由Tiger Global Management的投资者Lee Fixel创立的投资公司。 Accel,Rabbit和Benchmark等其他投资者也加入了。我们很高兴地宣布,我们通过@RibbitCapital和@sound_ventures_扩展了B系列,以通过进一步统一公共和私营部门...


4. Chainalysis在C轮融资中筹集了1亿美元

区块链研究公司Chainalysis通过筹集由Addition牵头的1亿美元C轮融资,成为加密货币行业中最新的独角兽。 这家风险投资公司由Tiger的前顶级投资者Lee Fixel领导。十亿美元的估值凭借最新的融资,Chainalysis的估值已高达10亿美元。 这种私人估值使这家拥有6年历史的公司跻身“独角兽”联盟。 该轮融资由Additi...


5. 区块链大型巡回播放第212期“汇款和外援”

...popularity is very wide, and beggars on the roadside all have their own two-in-one payment code. In addition, the payment speed is fast, it's almost second, and then there's the problem of no change, so we love that. However, for investment remittances or payment remittances from abroad, we may need to queue up to the wire transfer office for processing operations. In addition to filling in the de...


6. 融资新闻 | 区块链开发平台Alchemy完成8000万美元B轮融资

...持。目前,该公司在B轮融资中筹集了8000万美元。此次融资由Coatue Management与Addition LP共同领投,后者由Stripe,Warby Parker和Spotify的支持者Lee Fixel创立。据The Block 4月28日报道,Alchemy在B轮融资中筹集了8000万美元,估值超过5.05亿美元。本轮融资由 Coatue 和 Addition 领投,DFJ Growth、K5 Global、Chainsmokers (烟鬼组...


7. 【Substrate开发教程】18 - Runtime编程优化技巧:缓存多个调用

...lt;SomeCopyValue>::get(); let some_calculation = original_call.checked_add(some_val).ok_or("addition overflowed1")?; let unnecessary_call = <SomeCopyValue>::get(); let another_calculation = some_calculation.checked_add(unnecessary_call).ok_or("addition overflowed2")?; <SomeCopyValue>::put(another_calculation); let now = <system::Module<T>>::block_nu...


8. Chainalysis估值超过20亿美元,新一轮投资

...e round, with participation from TIME Ventures, investment firm of @Benioff, and previous investors Addition and @RibbitCapital. https://t.co/8JEQ0jhtAa pic.twitter.com/zNieAmJmcD Chainalysis (@chainalysis) March 26, 2021</blockquote>Paradigm领导了这一轮,现有投资者Addition Capital,Ribbit和Time Ventures参与其中,增加了他们在该公司的股份。筹集的资金由Chainalys...


9. 加密法证公司Chainalysis价值达到20亿美元

... @Paradigm领导了这一轮,来自@Benioff的投资公司TIME Ventures以及之前的投资者Addition和@RibbitCapital的参与。 https://t.co/8JEQ0jhtAa pic.twitter.com/zNieAmJmcD— Chainalysis(@chainalysis)2021年3月26日</blockquote>该轮融资由投资公司Paradigm以及TIME Ventures牵头,TIME Ventures是由SalesForce首席执行官Marc Benioff领导的投资基金。 此外...


10. 墨客科普 | MOAC BlockChain SafeMath库

...源码   pragma solidity ^0.4.24;   library SafeMath {   /**   * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on   * overflow.   *   * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator.   *   * Requirements:   * - Addition cannot overflow.   */   function safeAdd(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {   uint256 c = a + b; ...


11. 墨客科普 MOAC BlockChain SafeMath库

...源码   pragma solidity ^0.4.24;   library SafeMath {   /**   * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on   * overflow.   *   * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator.   *   * Requirements:   * - Addition cannot overflow.   */   function safeAdd(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {   uint256 c = a + b; ...


12. MOAC BlockChain SafeMath库(墨客科普)

...患。 附:完整源码 pragma solidity ^0.4.24; library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function safeAdd(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c &gt;= a, "SafeMath: a...


13. 墨客科普 | M O A C BlockChain SafeMath库

...源码   pragma solidity ^0.4.24;   library SafeMath {   /**   * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on   * overflow.   *   * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator.   *   * Requirements:   * - Addition cannot overflow.   */   function safeAdd(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {   uint256 c = a + b; ...


14. 三元×Vee.FinanceAMA实录

...pth and promoting efficient capital utilization through the integration of DEX and cross-chain.? In addition, Vee meets the demand of various traders for different trading volume levels as well as the users who have a preference for high-risk investment by launching the leveraged trading function.好问题!让我花点时间谈谈 Vee 界面上周全而细心的设计,因为我相信我们的...


15. Chainalysis预计以$ 1B的估值筹集1亿美元的风险投资:报告

...的风险投资,估值达到10亿美元。据《福布斯》报道,C系列由风险投资新手Addition领导,预计Accel,Benchmark和Ribbit将会参与。 这三家公司都投资了早期的Chainalysis融资。一旦关闭,加薪将使Chainalysis(一家为政府和交易所构建加密货币追踪工具的区块链分析公司)跃升为加密货币独角兽身份。 只有少数加...
