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The Bitcoin Fund

1. 报告:摩根士丹利旗下基金持有 2.8 万股灰度比特币信托股票,并视其为 ”长期

...投资组合报告),摩根士丹利的投资基金在 4 月 30 日至少持有 28,289 Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) 股票。按照目前每股 31.13 美元的价格,约合 880,636 美元。然而在提交该文件时,该股票价格估计为 1,325,339 美元。这是因为 GBTC 股票的价值直接与比特币的价格挂钩,导致了剧烈波动。根据加密货币数据平台 C...


2. 比特币已减半挖比特开启下一轮区块链革命

...财团:Nakamoto Family、Satoshi Nakamoto Fund、Arthur Nakamoto Fund、Blockchain Foundation、Bitcoin Foundation投资基金:Blockchain Global、Blockchain Fund、Blockchain Asset Fund、Crypto Fund、Crypto Assets Fund、Bitcoin Cash Fund、The Crypto Fund、NextBlock Global、First Crypto ETF社区联盟:Global Blockchain Community、Blockchain Community、Satoshi Community、Bitcoin Nod...


3. DGZCapitalannouncedtheestablishmentofaUS$10millionDeFispecialfund

...estment institution that paid close attention to the blockchain field in 2015, has already deployed Bitcoin mining business as early as?entering?the blockchain field, and currently controls more than 50,000 Bitcoin and Ethereum mining machines?in the mining sector. Its investment companies covering?trading platforms, medias, project parties, quantitative funds and other sectors. It can empower ent...


4. BTC证券产品总价值本周达60.13亿美元占BTC总市值0.88%

...市值0.88%;ETH证券产品总价值达38.21亿美元,占ETH总市值1.27%。其中,Purpose Bitcoin ETF本周增持约600枚BTC 伽Lhp13579000,持仓总量达1.94万枚;Purpose Ether ETF增持约3800枚ETH,持仓总量5.33万枚。截止目前,BTC证券产品持仓TOP3分别为:CoinShares Bitcoin Tracker Euro(3.29万枚)、3iQ The Bitcoin Fund(2.20万枚)、CoinShares Bitco...


5. WBT全球超级节点招募正式启动

...财团:Nakamoto Family、Satoshi Nakamoto Fund、Arthur Nakamoto Fund、Blockchain Foundation、Bitcoin Foundation投资基金:Blockchain Global、Blockchain Fund、Blockchain Asset Fund、Crypto Fund、Crypto Assets Fund、Bitcoin Cash Fund、The Crypto Fund、NextBlock Global、First Crypto ETF社区联盟:Global Blockchain Community、Blockchain Community、Satoshi Community、Bitcoin Nod...


6. 比特币ETF投资者正在抄底

This past year has seen $9.3bn invested in Bitcoin via the ETFs (and funds), and they now collectively own 809,105 BTC between them. That is 4.7% of the known active total Bitcoin supply and has become the single most important, measurable source of demand.在过去的一年里,93亿美金的资金体量通过ETF(和基金)的形式,投资了比特币。现在他们总共拥有809,105个BT...


7. 区块链公司 Animoca Brands 筹集 3.58 亿美元以增强 Web3 和元界

...该公司已在 Liberty City Ventures 牵头的一轮融资中获得 3.588 亿美元。在发送给 Bitcoin.com News 的一份声明中,Animoca Brands 进一步详细说明了其他投资者包括 Smile Group、Stable Asset Management、Soros Fund Management、Wildcat Capital Management、Winklevoss Capital、10T Holdings、C Ventures、Delta Fund、Gemini Frontier Fund、Gobi合作伙伴大湾...


8. Whatshouldnewbitcoininvestorspayattentionto?Ofcoursetheexchange

At present, more and more countries and institutions have recognized that Bitcoin is a very good alternative investment solution. People have also witnessed Bitcoin's four times tenfold feat. Since its birth, Bitcoin has entered people's sight at a high price in just a few short years of events. More and more people have noticed Bitcoin, and more and more people want to join the Bitcoin investment...


9. 摩根士丹利成为美国第一家提供比特币基金的银行

...只基金来自资产管理公司 FS Investments 和比特币公司 NYDIG的共同建立。Galaxy Bitcoin Fund LP 和 FS NYDIG Select Fund 的最低投资额为2.5万美元,而 Galaxy Institutional Bitcoin Fund LP 的最低投资额为500万美元。至此,摩根士丹利成为首家向高净值客户提供比特币基金渠道的美国大型银行。环顾华尔街的大型银行,高盛、...


10. Tim Draper Fund推出了支持以太坊,Tether,Chainlink和包裹比特币的加密交易所插件

...币,包括以太坊,Tether,Chainlink,DAI,Basic Attention令牌,Enjin,Metal和Wrapped Bitcoin。该插件是由Alon Goren通过他的基金Draper Goren Holm开发的,该基金由Josef Holm共同创立,并得到了风险投资家和比特币牛市的Tim Draper的支持。戈伦说,“此插件基于TOTLE小部件和TOTLE API,因此它会自动将交易路由到去中心化交...


11. ByteTree比特币网络需求模型:目前仍然看跌

The Bitcoin Network Demand Model remains on a 2/6, with the price of bitcoin falling by 8% since we indicated the network had turned bearish last week.比特币网络需求模型仍处于2/6(如下图黑色指针处)。在我们上周表示比特币网络看跌之后,比特币价格随后下跌了8%。On-chain transaction value (TV$), shown in blue below, has continued to fall sharply and se...


12. 区块链大型巡回播放第219期“价值激励”

...励,也是所有权的一种体现,这种通证价值激励系统很完美。Satoshi Nakamoto's bitcoin pass system, which operates with all the stakeholders, is like a distributed reserve fund, where anyone who plays by the rules of the game can get a token incentive, nodes also penalize your behavior, compared to the first generation of the Internet, bitcoin pass system is a lot of progress,...


13. 比尔·米勒(Bill Miller)的22.5亿美元基金准备购买比特币的风险敞口

...式文件中表示,可能会通过Miller Opportunity Trust将其大部分资产分配给Grayscale Bitcoin Trust(GBTC)。“该基金可能会通过投资拥有比特币的实体Grayscale Bitcoin Trust来间接寻求比特币的投资风险……灰度比特币信托基金主要投资于比特币。 如果该投资的结果是,其对比特币敞口的总投资超过其投资时资产的15...


14. 圣穆德社区AMA第1期

...the industry has experienced several waves. The first wave started with payment & transactions when Bitcoin became popular payment tools. These new currenciesdisrupted the payments space, which previously only relied on traditional financial institutions. Bitcoin, born after the 2008 economiccrisis, echoed people’s discontent with the traditional financial system,launching a new wave of “decen...


15. 天桥资本合伙人与前特朗普白宫助理正在启动比特币投资基金

...的计划,他与美国对冲基金天桥资本合伙人疑似正在筹建一个名为 SkyBridge Bitcoin fund L.P.(天桥比特币基金)的基金。 根据 12 月 21 日提交给美国证券交易委员会的一份文件显示,这只基金名为 SkyBridge Bitcoin fund L.P. 的基金并没有收到来自外部参与者的投资,它列出的最低投资规模为 5 万美元。
