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Results Oracle

1. Optimism的公共产品融资机制实践:如何可持续的为公共产品提供资金?

Vitalik Buterin 提出的有追溯效力的公共产品融资机制 Results Oracle 有了实践者。</blockquote>撰文:Ethereum?Optimism翻译:卢江飞长期以来,Optimism 团队来一直在寻找如何以可持续方式为公共产品提供资金的解决方案,由于 Vitalik Buterin 提供了出色的设计,我们现在有了第一个实验性结构。如果你想建立一个雄心...


2. Optimism 的公共产品融资机制实践: 如何可持续的为公共产品提供资金?

Vitalik Buterin 提出的有追溯效力的公共产品融资机制 Results Oracle 有了实践者。</blockquote>撰文:Ethereum Optimism 翻译:卢江飞长期以来,Optimism 团队来一直在寻找如何以可持续方式为公共产品提供资金的解决方案,由于 Vitalik Buterin 提供了出色的设计,我们现在有了第一个实验性结构。如果你想建立一个雄...

知识:以太坊,Vitalik Buterin,观点,DAO,预言机

3. RoseOracle-Hecochain-Anewgenerationoforacleintegratedsystem

...n scenarios other than tokens is mainly because they cannot be connected with off-chain data, which results in their smartness and functionality. Sexuality is not enough to be widely used in the real world. These two factors limit the development of the entire smart contract ecosystem to a higher level. The oracle is the middle layer between the blockchain and the API, which translates data into a...


4. 开源项目也能盈利?一文了解Optimism和V神提出的可追溯公共品融资DAO

...来实现这些目标。借助协议产生的收入、追溯公共品融资以及结果预言机(Results Oracle),我们将为公共品项目创建一个创业公司式的融资周期。我们(Optimism 团队),承诺将我们从交易排序(在去中心化排序器之前)获得的所有利润,用于公共品资助实验,包括第一个公共品退出。虽然还没有任何利...


5. DeFi之道丨开源项目也能盈利?一文了解Optimism和V神提出的可追溯公共品融资D

...来实现这些目标。借助协议产生的收入、追溯公共品融资以及结果预言机(Results Oracle),我们将为公共品项目创建一个创业公司式的融资周期。我们(Optimism 团队),承诺将我们从交易排序(在去中心化排序器之前)获得的所有利润,用于公共品资助实验,包括第一个公共品退出。虽然还没有任何利...


6. Announcement on BKEX Global about the results of SBT purchase on Incubator

Dear BKEXer:SBT?purchase on Seed Incubator Pro has been completed and SBT has been distributed to participants' account.[Purchase data](1)Purchase quantity A1: 8,333,334 SBT(2)Valid purchase quantity B1: 139,461,792 SBT(3)Purchase coefficient F1: A1/B1 ≈ 5.97%【Trading pair】SBT/USDT【Opening time of trading】15:00, 2019/12/19 (UTC+8)【Risk Warning】Digital assets are innovativ...


7. CBMG Reports Financial Results for Q3 2019

...herapies for cancer and stem cell therapies for degenerative diseases, today reported its financial results and business highlights for the third quarter of 2019.“During the third quarter of 2019, we made great strides in both corporate and clinical progress. We started our U.S. expansion for research and clinical development in a new 22,000 square foot facility in Rockville, Maryland in October...


8. DeFi王者 Advancer介绍,摘自medium

...n of exIF will be Stored on the chain. TheAdvancercontract will periodically perform the evaluation results and serve as the final evaluation result of exIF.When the contract calls the external entity interface, it will refer to the evaluation results of exIF and try to reach a consensus on the input information; if the consensus is reached, the data is written into the blockchain, otherwise the r...


9. DeFi王者Advancer介绍摘自medium

...of exIF will be Stored on the chain. The?Advancer?contract will periodically perform the evaluation results and serve as the final evaluation result of exIF.When the contract calls the external entity interface, it will refer to the evaluation results of exIF and try to reach a consensus on the input information; if the consensus is reached, the data is written into the blockchain, otherwise the r...


10. 定义真正的去中心化预言机RazorNetwork如何异军突起|AMA整理

...1. Razor is Truly decentralized and permissionless2. It is the Only oracle to offer Fast AND Secure results3. It has the Flexibility to request results in an automated and manual fashion4. Razor is Game theoretically sound and resistant to collusion, bribing, Sybil, and censorship attacks5. It is blockchain agnostic and supports multiple blockchains以下是几个值得注意的关键点:1.Razor...


11. 定义真正的去中心化预言机,Razor Network 如何异军突起 | AMA 整理

...Razor is Truly decentralized and permissionless 2、t is the Only oracle to offer Fast AND Secure results 3、It has the Flexibility to request results in an automated and manual fashion 4、Razor is Game theoretically sound and resistant to collusion, bribing, Sybil, and censorship attacks 5、It is blockchain agnostic and supports multiple blockchains 以下是几个值得注意的关键点: 1...


12. 链闻周末荐读|图解 Cardano 生态,MEV 不会导致以太坊重组

...公共产品提供资金?》 Vitalik Buterin 提出的有追溯效力的公共产品融资机制 Results Oracle 有了实践者。 阅读全文《Dragonfly 合伙人:我们为何投资算法稳定币 FRAX?》 Frax 最近完成了一轮战略轮融资,由 Dragonfly Capital 领投,Electric Capital、Robot Ventures (Robert Leshner 和 Tarun Chitra)、Balaji Srinivasan 和 Stani Kulechov...


13. 如何使用Zapier和IPFS创建无代码的NFT文件工具

...endblock=999999999&amp;sort=asc&amp;apikey=${etherscanApiKey}`);const body = await res.json();const results = body.result;let mainResult = {}if(results &amp;&amp; results.length &gt; 0) {const lastTx = results[0];if(lastTx) {const openSeaRes = await fetch(`https://api.opensea.io/api/v1/metadata/${lastTx.contractAddress}/${lastTx.tokenID}`)const openSeaBody = await openSeaRes.json()mainResult = ope...


14. Chainlink 推出链上可验证随机函数(VRF),将首先用于DeFi 游戏 PoolTogether

... Chailink's VRF, passing a seed to a node, which then uses its key to generate a random number. The results are posted on the chain along with the proof of the password. Anyone can verify it with an oracle public key, just like a bitcoin signature. A malicious node can not return a forged random number because the signatures do not match and the malicious node faces a fine. The first use case curr...


15. Chainlink推出链上可验证随机函数(VRF),将首先用于DeFi游戏PoolTogether

... Chailink's VRF, passing a seed to a node, which then uses its key to generate a random number. The results are posted on the chain along with the proof of the password. Anyone can verify it with an oracle public key, just like a bitcoin signature. A malicious node can not return a forged random number because the signatures do not match and the malicious node faces a fine. The first use case curr...
