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Incentive Game

1. KeeperDAO 推出的 kCompound 等产品如何提供清算保护功能?

...路线将通过部署「Hiding Game」(隐藏游戏) 、「Coordination Game」(协调游戏) 、「Incentive Game」(激励游戏) 项目来实现。其中「Hiding Game」的第一阶段已于今年 2 月推出,允许用户和管理员在使用以太坊网络时合作隐藏和重新分发 MEV (最大可提取价值)。而第二阶段即为新型 DeFi 借贷体验 kCompound,新推出的...

知识:DeFi,KeeperDAO,Gelato Network,

2. 区块链大型巡回播放第219期“价值激励”

...is like a distributed reserve fund, where anyone who plays by the rules of the game can get a token incentive, nodes also penalize your behavior, compared to the first generation of the Internet, bitcoin pass system is a lot of progress, the traditional concentration of corporate power, information can let them access a lot of information is not proportional to the value of information, once the c...


3. 比特币完成减半之后,超 50% 矿机已关机或濒临关机状态

...CHAINLINK's solution to this problem uses old cryptographic primitives and utilizes a decentralized incentive mechanism. A smart contract that wants to take advantage of Chailink's VRF, passing a seed to a node, which then uses its key to generate a random number. The results are posted on the chain along with the proof of the password. Anyone can verify it with an oracle public key, just like a b...


4. 比特币完成减半之后,超50%矿机已关机或濒临关机状态

...CHAINLINK's solution to this problem uses old cryptographic primitives and utilizes a decentralized incentive mechanism. A smart contract that wants to take advantage of Chailink's VRF, passing a seed to a node, which then uses its key to generate a random number. The results are posted on the chain along with the proof of the password. Anyone can verify it with an oracle public key, just like a b...


5. Chainlink 推出链上可验证随机函数(VRF),将首先用于DeFi 游戏 PoolTogether

...CHAINLINK's solution to this problem uses old cryptographic primitives and utilizes a decentralized incentive mechanism. A smart contract that wants to take advantage of Chailink's VRF, passing a seed to a node, which then uses its key to generate a random number. The results are posted on the chain along with the proof of the password. Anyone can verify it with an oracle public key, just like a b...


6. Chainlink推出链上可验证随机函数(VRF),将首先用于DeFi游戏PoolTogether

...CHAINLINK's solution to this problem uses old cryptographic primitives and utilizes a decentralized incentive mechanism. A smart contract that wants to take advantage of Chailink's VRF, passing a seed to a node, which then uses its key to generate a random number. The results are posted on the chain along with the proof of the password. Anyone can verify it with an oracle public key, just like a b...


7. 【第256期】“区块链应用之间的博弈”&“行情解读”

...ion or other strategies to mine, the first person to get the answer to the question is given a pass incentive, the first successful application of the blockchain was bitcoin. The bitcoin system itself had a process of gaming, so it was inevitable that there would be a game between external DAPPS. In short, no matter how the game was played, the blockchain itself was a machine that created trust, s...


8. 七彩研究院NFT+元宇宙+DeFi的星际游戏—MetaverseMiner是如何实现“PlaytoEarn”

...gy. The deflation mechanism + the increasing liquidity mechanism + the selling penalty + the buying incentive mechanism will push prices upward continuously.Q4、七彩研究院主持人雪糕:目前游戏的开发进度如何,用户基数怎么样,什么时候能正式上线?Q4、Caroline: What is the current development progress of the game, what is the user base, and when will it be off...


9. 知乎盐选 | 下一个核心技术:Facebook CEO 在听证会上为什么要谈论中国?

...CHAINLINK's solution to this problem uses old cryptographic primitives and utilizes a decentralized incentive mechanism. A smart contract that wants to take advantage of Chailink's VRF, passing a seed to a node, which then uses its key to generate a random number. The results are posted on the chain along with the proof of the password. Anyone can verify it with an oracle public key, just like a b...


10. 全面梳理抗MEV的八项方案

...。KeeperDAOKeeperDAO 整体项目分为三个主要业务线:Hiding Game、Coordination Game 和 Incentive Game。这三个业务分别解决三个问题:Hiding Game 解决现有交易以及清算问题中的 MEV 问题,Coordination Game 则主要激励 keepers 之间进行合作,Incentive Game 主要关注 $ROOK 和平台治理问题。这三个业务之间以一种有机的方式结合...


11. 重新理解KeeperDAO:如何解决MEV挑战?

...制的锁定期。上图:最初的 1,000,000 ROOK 代币的分配情况上图中的「Ecosystem Incentives」分配是指将 ROOK 分配给流动性提供者 (LPs) 和该协议生态中的 keepers。之后从?2020 年 11 月开始的这一季度共发放了 200,000 ROOK,其中 30% 分配给了流动性提供者 (LPs),剩余的 70% 全部分配给了 Keepers。ROOK 代币的持续性季度分...


12. 下一个核心技术:FacebookCEO在听证会上为什么要谈论中国?

...CHAINLINK's solution to this problem uses old cryptographic primitives and utilizes a decentralized incentive mechanism. A smart contract that wants to take advantage of Chailink's VRF, passing a seed to a node, which then uses its key to generate a random number. The results are posted on the chain along with the proof of the password. Anyone can verify it with an oracle public key, just like a b...


13. Messari:解读 KeeperDAO 工作机制,如何应对 MEV 挑战?

...制的锁定期。上图:最初的 1,000,000 ROOK 代币的分配情况上图中的「Ecosystem Incentives」分配是指将 ROOK 分配给流动性提供者 (LPs) 和该协议生态中的 keepers。之后从 2020 年 11 月开始的这一季度共发放了 200,000 ROOK,其中 30% 分配给了流动性提供者 (LPs),剩余的 70% 全部分配给了 Keepers。ROOK 代币的持续性季度分...


14. 为以太坊黑暗森林建造护栏,全景式解读八项抗 MEV 方案

...。KeeperDAOKeeperDAO 整体项目分为三个主要业务线:Hiding Game、Coordination Game 和 Incentive Game。这三个业务分别解决三个问题:Hiding Game 解决现有交易以及清算问题中的 MEV 问题,Coordination Game 则主要激励 keepers 之间进行合作,Incentive Game 主要关注 $ROOK 和平台治理问题。这三个业务之间以一种有机的方式结合...


15. Soul of Libra

...sed by?“Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott“,?which is Network Integrity,?Distributed Power,Value as Incentive,?Security,?Privacy,?Rights Preserved and Inclusion.So,?when we decode Libra,?we may like to review what Libra is base on those seven principles. We do find they share the power to hundred Nodes as Distributed Power that the power is distributed across a peer-to-peer network without single ...
