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The Settlements

1. NFT 在线市场 Zora 联合创始人推出回合制链上 NFT 游戏 The Settlements

区块链网络消息,NFT 在线市场 Zora 联合创始人推出回合制链上 NFT 游戏 The Settlements,该游戏灵感来自于 Loot 和游戏「帝国时代」。用户可以创建自己的文明,铸造时随机分配 6 个核心特征,分别为大小(Size)、精神(Spirit)、年龄(Age)、资源(Resource)、士气(Morale)、政府和领域(Government 和 Realm...

知识:NFT,Zora,Loot,项?进展,NFT游戏,The S

2. 区块链大型巡回播放第172期“信任机器”

...visibility. Securities firms settle accounts with investors in accordance with the law, and if such settlements fail to comply with the agreement, the state apparatus takes action to enforce the settlement. The system of cultural trust was not built in a day or two, as the saying goes, Rome was not built in a day.For example, the Private Chamber of Commerce input and settlement of long-term local ...


3. BHEXE姐有约|顶级量化团队VRM携FLY登陆BHEX

...he eco-system of traders around the world. Token FLY?is the blood of the eco-system, aiming to make settlements and access to eco-system services as easy as possible. Speaking about Black Ocean I should focus your attention on what makes this venue so different. Black Ocean is a part of trading eco-system and serves as dark and liquidity pools. This venue connects two worlds: crypto and traditiona...


4. 区块链大型巡回播放【第121期】#数字货币支付# &“行情解读”

...r advance made through direct transfer of sales terminals and equipment. The Bank for International Settlements believes that electronic money may affect the monetary policy of the central bank, for example, the link between interest rates that affect central bank control and major market rates.In the long run, the Central Bank has the monopoly power to issue money, and also basically holds the po...


5. 区块链大型巡回播放【第50期】#锚定型比特股# &“行情解读”

...yptocurrency community. If the anchor alignment is completed, it is clear that various payments and settlements based on digital currencies will become very simple.In order to solve this problem, a system based on blockchain technology, a mechanism by which bitstocks issue a set of bitassets, it needs to be clarified that bitassets is a general term, which can refer to bitdollar, bitgold, etc. , b...


6. 51300的遇阻回落保持耐心

...时交易量增长近300倍4. NFT在线市场Zora联合创始人推出回合制链上NFT游戏The Settlements行情简要分析:Btc关注49200处的支撑情况,若无法站稳则周六日维持震荡观点;压力位:?50500?51300支撑位:49200?48100ETH观点:上涨稍显弱势,观察是否回调。支撑位:?3820;压力位:?3970?4170?4350LTC观点:观察回调至支撑位后...


7. 全球80%的央行都在研究央行货币

...,它们很可能在未来几年内发行它们。国际清算银行(The Bank of International Settlements)最近进行的一项调查结果发现,世界上约80%的中央银行目前正在致力于推出自己的加密货币。此外,大约有10%的中央银行已经开发了试点项目,这些数字货币将焕然一新。代表全球剩余20%人口的银行表示,它们很可...


8. 数字法币:非对称监管下的新型全球货币

...未来将支持全球365/7/24大型实时支付结算。英国央行启动新RTGS (Real-Time Gross Settlements, 全额实时结算系统)蓝图,开放现有的RTGS系统给科技公司做实验。这个新蓝图计划支持基于区块链实时结算的大型支付系统,大型实时结算系统可以支持全球数字法币支持和结算。蓝图中的部分思想在2018年11月被写进英...


9. 巴比特专栏 | 数字法币:非对称监管下的新型全球货币

...未来将支持全球365/7/24大型实时支付结算。英国央行启动新RTGS (Real-Time Gross Settlements, 全额实时结算系统)蓝图,开放现有的RTGS系统给科技公司做实验。这个新蓝图计划支持基于区块链实时结算的大型支付系统,大型实时结算系统可以支持全球数字法币支持和结算。蓝图中的部分思想在2018年11月被写进英...


10. 加拿大央行发布应急计划:这两种情况或导致央行发布数字货币

...央行、欧盟央行、瑞典央行和瑞士央行以及国际清算银行 (Bank for International Settlements) 组成了一个工作组。Lane 总结道:「我们将利用这个平台来分享经验,以评估在我们的司法管辖区建立 CBDC 的潜在案例。」原文地址:https://www.theblockcrypto.com/post/56987/本文区块律动BlockBeats已获The Block授权翻译并发布,如...


11. 通过区块链技术为房地产提供市场流动性

...Once tokenized, property ownership can be traded on secondary markets operating 24/7 globally with settlements occurring in a fraction of the time usually required.一旦代币化,房产所有权就可以在全球范围内的二级市场上进行全天候7*24小时不间断交易,结算时间仅为通常所需时间的一小部分。Ultimately, by removing inefficiencies from the market and fa...


12. LABS-通过区块链技术为房地产市场提供流动性

...Once tokenized, property ownership can be traded on secondary markets operating 24/7 globally with settlements occurring in a fraction of the time usually required.一旦代币化,房产所有权就可以在全球范围内的二级市场上进行全天候7*24小时不间断交易,结算时间仅为通常所需时间的一小部分。Ultimately, by removing inefficiencies from the market and fa...


13. efg海外宣发

...n the capital market has shown a spurt. According to data released by the Bank for International Settlements (bis), the global forex market has climbed to a record high of US$6.6 trillion. The average daily transaction volume in April increased by 19% from US$6.1 trillion in the same month of 2018. The daily forex trading volume is 53 times that of the New York Stock Exchange. The f...


14. 法央行第一副行长: 国际货币和金融体系面临的数字挑战

...nese yen as an international currency”, IMF Working Paper, No. 91/2.[6]See Bank for International Settlements (2019),Triennial central bank survey. Foreign exchange turnover in April 2019,16 September.[7]See Gopinath, G. (2015), “The internationalprice system”, Working Paper Series, No 21646, National Bureau ofEconomic Research.[8]For instance, around one-third (GDP-weighted)of countries wor...


15. 国际清算银行对CBDC态度转变,Libra“施压”还是全球形势所迫?

近日,国际清算银行(Bank for International Settlements, BIS)拒绝了此前较为流行的说法,即FaceBook发行的稳定币Libra是刺激中央银行数字货币(CBDC)的关键因素。国际清算银行(Bank for International Settlements, BIS)是英、法、德、意、比、日等国的中央银行与代表美国银行界利益的摩根银行、纽约和芝加哥的花...