...链网络消息,FTX 创始人 Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF)在 FTX.US 铸造的首个 NFT 作品「Testing Testing 123 #1」以 27 万美元售出。链闻此前报道,FTX.US 计划上线 NFT 铸造功能,用户可在平台内进行 NFT 的铸造、购买和销售,所有 NFT 可以进行以太坊和 Solana 间的跨链流转,NFT 存取功能也将于接下几周时间开放,用户可以...
... 他们?— SBF (@SBF_FTX) 2020 年 9 月 22 日</blockquote>Bankman-Fried 用他自己的 NFT “Testing Testing 123 #1”启动了跨链市场。 SBF 的测试 NFT 目前共有 22 个出价,最高出价为 2,000 美元。此外,存款和取款将在接下来的几周内开放,这意味着用户将能够在平台上的 NFT 之外存款,例如 Bored Ape Yacht Club 和 CryptoPunk。“...
...地的文件系统上创建新文件,并将其添加到 IPFS 上:hello IPFS world by Web3Coach. Testing DAGshello IPFS world by Web3Coach. Testing DAGshello IPFS world by Web3Coach. Testing DAGsls -la hello_world.txt> 131 bytes hello_world.txtipfs add hello_world.txt> added QmNtQtxeavDXTjCiWAAaxnhKK3LBYfFfpXUXjdMDYXwKtH对go-ipfs代码进行反向工程,这是它背后的机制:IPFS UnixFS...
...地的文件系统上创建新文件,并将其添加到 IPFS 上:hello IPFS world by Web3Coach. Testing DAGshello IPFS world by Web3Coach. Testing DAGshello IPFS world by Web3Coach. Testing DAGsls -la hello_world.txt> 131 bytes hello_world.txtipfs add hello_world.txt> added QmNtQtxeavDXTjCiWAAaxnhKK3LBYfFfpXUXjdMDYXwKtH对go-ipfs代码进行反向工程,这是它背后的机制:IPFS ...
...st of all, thank you for your long-term attention and support, especially during the recent testnet testing process, for taking time and energy, actively cooperating with us in testing, and making an indelible contribution to the early development of Worlddatabase. Every piece of your test data will be recorded in our genesis block and will exist forever with the human data carried by the Worlddat...
.... 14.Mining pool adapter qitmeer 0.6.6 version. 15.Improve the server-end of DAG-explore. 16.Stress testing qitmeer network. Work In Progress Qitmeer Core Development: 1.Adjustment atomic exchange meer part code. 2.Complete the qitmeer.js test-case. 3.Continue to test mining and transaction in the test net. 4.Wallet token destroy and backend code audit. 5.Continue to audit Qitmeertalk code. 6.Ot...
...亿美元用于研发区块链和加密资产技术,另外其开发的新版智能合约模拟器 Testing Studio 将支持 DeFi 生态系统。Testing Studio 将对智能合约提供合规性测试与传统代码审计,使得金融产品进入市场前可满足对标准化智能合约的设计要求。来源链接免责声明:作为区块链信息平台,本站所发布文章仅代表作者...
据官方公告,币牛交易所将于8月1日18:00点开启KPT交易市场。据悉,Keep Testing 将打造一个基于量子链的预测市场平台。借助区块链的自由、弁放和公正的特性,让全世界的有价值信息自由流通。据官方公告,币牛交易所将于8月1日18:00点开启KPT交易市场。据悉,Keep Testing 将打造一个基于量子链的预测...
...63.1480 28 日 SFRDirect更新: SFRDirect Development Update We are testing the sweeping of your balance from other addresses to your SFRDirect Address. You input your private key of your other address and your funds will be swept. In the current screenshot testing, 0.2 SFR is transferred from another wallet address to my SFRDirect address. Do note that th...
...projects, and we are honored to be one of them. Users are now invited to participate in our product testing on testnet. After completing the following testing steps, you will have the opportunity to be included in our whitelist.To apply for test tokens, fill in the form : https://forms.gle/QzoeNbKho2YTCAQt52. Enter the PandaSwap exchange: https://pandaex.org/ and complete the following tasks:Use t...
...projects, and we are honored to be one of them. Users are now invited to participate in our product testing on testnet. After completing the following testing steps, you will have the opportunity to be included in our whitelist.To apply for test tokens, fill in the form : https://wj.qq.com/s2/8166724/75fa/ (Chinese)2. Enter the PandaSwap exchange: https://pandaex.org/ and complete the following ta...
...63.1480 28 日 SFRDirect更新: SFRDirect Development Update We are testing the sweeping of your balance from other addresses to your SFRDirect Address. You input your private key of your other address and your funds will be swept. In the current screenshot testing, 0.2 SFR is transferred from another wallet address to my SFRDirect address. Do note that th...
...management and compliance system.Zhongan Information Technology Services Co., LtdP3214 Standard for Testing Specification of Blockchain SystemsThis standard defines definitions, types, test specifications, test methods and test processes for blockchain systems. Test contents are included for each type of test. This standard also defines the test architecture of blockchain systems, including but no...
...理解零知识证明算法之Zk-stark——Arithmetization)、算法的第二部分:Low Degree Testing(深入理解零知识证明算法之Zk-stark:Low Degree Testing)。相信通过这几篇的阅读,大家能对zk-stark算法轮廓有了个整体的认知;在阅读的过程中,你可能会对文章中的某些语句或者图片的正确性发出疑问(确实有些内容需要...
原文链接:https://cryptocoin.news/news/china-begins-testing-its-digital-version-of-the-yuan-32729/文章标题: China Begins Testing It’s Digital Version Of The Yuan译者:NO抱怨姐文章内容不构成任何投资建议,请读者自行斟酌。以下为译文:ZG政府在2019年大部分时间都在否认创建数字化元的概念。现在ZG人民银行副行长穆长春并没有...