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First First NFTs

1. 日内交易量超过Loot,「First First NFTs」究竟是什么?

OpenSea 数据显示,文本类 NFT 项目「First First NFTs」上线 24 小时销售额达到 3280 ETH,超过 Loot(2748 ETH),排名 OpenSea 24小时销售额第一位。目前,「First First NFTs」持有人数已经达到 1700 人,地板价上升至 0.98 ETH。简单来说,「First First NFTs」描述了 NFT 发展史上的 5000 个「第一次」,其中既有已发生的真实...

知识:NFT,First First NFTs

2. NFTs 用第一个 Space Sunrise 2022 系列拥抱下一个前沿

...在联手抛弃有史以来第一批在地球外创建的 NFT,回到地球。顶级 NFT 代币 >First Space Sunrise 2022 NFT 是 GameFi 公司 Digital Entertainment Asset 与设计公司 Bascule 合作的结果,在我们进入新年的那一刻,提供了从国际空间站拍摄的实时日出照片。限量版 NFT 是与 The Space Frontier Studio Kibo (Hope) 合作创建的,该工作室自...


3. 纽约证券交易所(NYSE)将向Mint NFTs发行2021年最大的IPO

纽约证券交易所(NYSE)通过宣布推出NYSE First Trade NFT,加入了不可替代令牌(NFT)的人群。这个想法是为了纪念公司在纽约证券交易所上市并首次交易的那一刻-这是一个“重要的里程碑”。在公司公开亮相期间,交易所在其市场上处理了超过3500亿份订单,报价和交易消息,纽约证券交易所总裁Stacey Cunn...


4. voice上的nft

...ng the community to nominate their favorite designers to be commissioned to help collaborate on our first series.What’s an NFT, you ask? ?NFTs are Non-Fungible Tokens, a special type of token that is linked to a good that is either material or immaterial (physical piece of art vs in-game armor upgrade) that have several really interesting attributes. To name just a few:Provably owned - an item t...


5. 玉言|vEmpireDDAO-入侵元宇宙

... it by 125000 and there’s your VEMP price at listing! The Priority list for purchase on Unicrypt (first 2 hours) goes to holders of three UNCX or 50 UNCL tokens, then it opens for anybody.玉竹:Where will we be able to play the trading card game? Do you have plans to make it as a browser game or perhaps do you have plans on launching your own TCG app?Dominic Ryder:Yes so the trading card game...


6. NFT热点速递丨数据告诉你,这几个项目值得关注!

...目截止今日14:00,根据Nansen的数据,按照交易量排列,本日Top 5的NFT项目为First、BAYC、Crypto Punks、Loot以及n。BAYC、Crypto Punks以及Loot都是大家比较熟悉的项目,在这里就不追赘述。这里简单介绍一下大家稍微陌生一点的First和n。FirstFirst是今日的流量之星。First First NFTs 是链上生成型的TXT NFT,记录了很多NF...


7. 艺术周报2021#15|CryptoPunks艺术品在佳士得拍卖

...的作品进行拍卖。艺术家评论家Jerry Saltz将与Kenny Schachter携手发布作品:The First 10,000?...去中心化的音乐流媒体平台Audius刚刚推出了Audius Audius Collectibles,这个新功能可以让用户在展示音乐的同时展示他们的NFT。艺术家Stina Jones将于明天在Art Blocks平台上发布她的作品:Algobots系列?。文学实验:Emily Segal正在...


8. AavegotchiisComingAavegotchi主网上线倒计时

...,请向大家做个简单的自我介绍,介绍一下你自己,以及Aavegotchi。Question:First of all, please give us a brief introduction about yourself andAavegotchi.Answer:Hello everyone, my name is?Jesse J aka @gldnxross. I’m?co-founder of Pixelcraft where we are creating Aavegotchi.I’m glad to be here today and answer questions about?this NFT x DeFi experience and?how Aavegotc...


9. (2)SuggestionaboutPlaymodesdevelopmentofAxieInfinity

...ll be a good PVE game mode.3.???? Gunfire Reborn"Gunfire Reborn "is an adventure game that combines first-person shooting, Rogue like random elements and RPG strategy selection. In the game, players can choose heroes of different abilities to form a variety of Build gameplay, and use randomly dropped weapons to do adventurous challenges in different levels.If Axie Infinity Team considers to develo...


10. 必须要了解的十位顶尖加密艺术家

...一个关于销售NFTs的 "入门 "课程。2021年3月份,Beeple的NFT作品《Everydays:The First 5000 Days》,在英国拍卖平台佳士得售出,最终这幅作品的中标价高达6900万美元,其价格目前是在世艺术家所拍卖作品中,售价排名第三。《Everydays. The first 5000 days》是Beeple将自己13年半画的数字图片组合在一起的一副作品。20...


11. 靠游戏收入分成能带火新的NFT猿猴吗?

这两天大热的项目,除了文本类 NFT「First First NFTs」,还有菠菜猴「Monkey Bet DAO」。Cryptoslam 数据显示,过去 24 小时「Monkey Bet DAO」交易量涨幅超过 1000%,达到 1354 ETH。成交量上涨的重要推力,源于是官方昨日发布的空投公告:“9 月 30 日,Invariant Labs(背后开发团队)将空投 25000 个 MM 代币给每只猴子。...


12. 靠游戏收入分成,能带火新的NFT猿猴吗?

作者:秦晓峰这两天大热的项目,除了文本类 NFT「First First NFTs」,还有菠菜猴「Monkey Bet DAO」。Cryptoslam 数据显示,过去 24 小时「Monkey Bet DAO」交易量涨幅超过 1000%,达到 1354 ETH。成交量上涨的重要推力,源于是官方昨日发布的空投公告:“9 月 30 日,Invariant Labs(背后开发团队)将空投 25000 个 MM 代币...


13. NFT会是下一个投资风口吗?FlowWHALE分布式资本带你全面剖析

...OngPlease give us a brief introduction about yourself and how you joined blockchain industry at the first place ?Roham: Founder/ceo of dapper labs, before this i was founder/ceo of axiom zen, the company that created cryptokitties! Got into bitcoin back in 2013/2014 thanks to Dieter Shirley who was my CTO at Axiom Zen - he mined his first btc in 2010…! Summer of 2017 we basically went through 20...


14. NFT会是下一个投资风口吗?Flow,WHALE,分布式资本带你全面剖析

...OngPlease give us a brief introduction about yourself and how you joined blockchain industry at the first place ?Roham: Founder/ceo of dapper labs, before this i was founder/ceo of axiom zen, the company that created cryptokitties! Got into bitcoin back in 2013/2014 thanks to Dieter Shirley who was my CTO at Axiom Zen - he mined his first btc in 2010…! Summer of 2017 we basically went through 20...


15. 《NFT会是下一个投资风口吗?Flow,WHALE,分布式资本带你全面剖析》

...OngPlease give us a brief introduction about yourself and how you joined blockchain industry at the first place ?Roham: Founder/ceo of dapper labs, before this i was founder/ceo of axiom zen, the company that created cryptokitties! Got into bitcoin back in 2013/2014 thanks to Dieter Shirley who was my CTO at Axiom Zen - he mined his first btc in 2010…! Summer of 2017 we basically went through 20...
