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1. BKEX Global流动性期货FIL6(Filecoin6Month)申购结束

...科技(FILPool 矿池、filpool.io)推出Filecoin6个月流动性期货代币,全称Filecoin6Month,简称FIL6,供用户开启交易,锁定收益。FIL6代币将具备充值、提现功能,实现真正的流动性。此次还有AEX参与战略合作,一并于2020.7.2 20:30(UTC+8)上线FIL6/USDT交易对。本文来源:BKEX_Global原文标题:BKEX Global流动性期货FIL6(Fi...


2. NFT游戏Bunicorn入选BSC链MVBIII九月Monthly Stars榜单,位列15个月度明星项目之一

律动 BlockBeats 消息,据官方消息,NFT 游戏 Bunicorn 入选 BSC 链 MVBIII 九月 Monthly Stars 榜单,成为入选该榜单的 15 个项目之一。据悉,Bunicorn 是一款 NFT RPG 游戏,也是一个强大的 GameFi 平台,可将 DeFi 和区块链游戏体验提升到新的水平。而 BSC 官方在 9 月审查了数十个参与评选的项目,并根据交易量和活跃...


3. Thismaybetheeasiestwaytomakemoneyinthecryptospace

...ssions.This is a good event, and ZB.com has prepared very rich rewards for those KOLs. The first is Monthly salary and super referral commissions. KOLs who have passed the audit can get a monthly base salary of up to 850USDT and 60% spot or leveraged commissions. This one is already very attractive. In addition, KOLs can receive a three-month referral bonus as long as they successfully recommend a...


4. BKEXGlobal关于开放流动性期货FIL6(Filecoin6Month)第四期申购的公告

...技(FILPool 矿池、filpool.io)推出 Filecoin6 个月流动性期货代币,全称 Filecoin6Month,简称 FIL6,供用户开启交易,锁定收益。FIL6代币将具备充值、提现功能,实现真正的流动性。目前,BKEX与战略合作方AEX已共同于2020.07.02上线了FIL6/USDT交易对,用户可直接参与交易。2、FIL6 项目基本信息代币符号:FIL6申购额...


5. 就这样错过一个月20倍的dext

...表的涨幅,实在是让人很焦虑。今天看到一张图:代码 倍数 时间$XOR x636 (3 months)$AMPL x313 (10 months)$DOS x248 (5 months)$YFI x147 (20 days)$SNX x119 (over 1 year)$LEND x108 (12 months)$VI x72 (3 months)$RUNE x68 (10 months)数百倍的涨幅,大多是在最近两到三个月完成,如果拉一个10-50倍的山寨币,这个列表估计会更长,本文分享一...


6. Peter Brandt:以太坊价格走势图与特斯拉相似,但恐惧和贪婪指数变为贪婪,市场

...’s chart | Source: Peter BrandtBoth are similar charts, both have excellent fundamentals. Six months from now both will be much higher. And some agree that’s a bullish chart.Because ETH has plummeted ahead of the much-anticipated London hard fork slated for August 4. The bulls are unlikely to be swayed by the potential delay, with the altcoin leading the way hit a record in 12 days in ...


7. Peter Brandt:以太坊价格走势图与特斯拉相似,但恐惧和贪婪指数变为贪婪,市场

...’s chart | Source: Peter BrandtBoth are similar charts, both have excellent fundamentals. Six months from now both will be much higher. And some agree that’s a bullish chart.Because ETH has plummeted ahead of the much-anticipated London hard fork slated for August 4. The bulls are unlikely to be swayed by the potential delay, with the altcoin leading the way hit a record in 12 days in ...


8. 主网上线在即,众交易所密集上线Filecoin产品



9. Cosmos 治理工作组: 一月更新

原文链接:https://blog.cosmos.network/cosmos-governance-working-group-month-1-update-84be87db7691原文作者:Gavin本文转载自:真本聪翻译:SHOU速览提案 23 通过了, Figment 现在致力于交付成果:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mFEvMSLbiHoVAYqBq8lo3qQw3KtPMEqDFz47ESf6HEg/edit#gid=1161341563提案 23 提供了一些投票数据供我们学习降低投票门槛...


10. 关键期权指标显示,交易员非常看涨比特币和以太坊

...之间。带有折价(负溢价)的期货交易通常发生在严重的看跌市场中。EETH 1-month 合约溢价?Source: Skew如图所示,以太期货基差一直在10%到20%之间变化,这表明了看涨预期。持币者宁愿拿以太去质押,也不愿将其留在衍生品交易所,在这种情况下,溢价是自然而然的事。BTC 1-month 合约溢价?Source: Skew尽管今...


11. 免疫疗法对转移性前列腺癌有效具有特定的免疫激活标记

...were able to be included in the final analysis. Median follow-up after the first treatment was 45.5 months.Across all patients, median progression-free survival (PFS) according to radiographic imaging was 3 months, and median overall survival (OS) was 24.3 months. Eight patients (28%) experienced grade 3 toxicities, the most common of which were dermatitis and diarrhea, and none experienced grade ...


12. CBMG Reports Financial Results for Q3 2019

..."><li style="list-style: none;">Net loss allocable to common stock holders for the quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2019 was $15.9 million and $37.3 million respectively, compared to $12.7 million and $30.4 million for the same periods in 2018.</li><li style="list-style: none;">General and administrative expenses for the quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2019 were $3.3 million...


13. Bakkt比特币期权和现金结算比特币期货正式上线

...。根据Bakkt官方网站,现金结算比特币期货合约(Bakkt? Bitcoin (USD) Cash Settled Monthly Futures)和基于Bakkt比特币月度期货期权合约(Options on Bakkt ? Bitcoin (USD) Monthly Futures)在12月9日在新加坡、伦敦和纽约先后开始交易。现金结算的月度比特币期货合约将在ICE Futures Singapore上市,并由ICE Clear Singapore结算,两者...


14. Bakkt比特币期权和现金结算比特币期货正式上线

...。根据Bakkt官方网站,现金结算比特币期货合约(Bakkt? Bitcoin (USD) Cash Settled Monthly Futures)和基于Bakkt比特币月度期货期权合约(Options on Bakkt ? Bitcoin (USD) Monthly Futures)在12月9日在新加坡、伦敦和纽约先后开始交易。现金结算的月度比特币期货合约将在ICE Futures Singapore上市,并由ICE Clear Singapore结算,两者...


15. 首席运营官Maxine Ryan离开后,Bitspark逐渐消失

...克西恩·瑞安(Maxine Ryan)卸任。“尽管我希望公司继续经营,特别是由于 [month-over-month] 她说,“由于经济增长的不确定性,这种增长是无法预测的,因此无法继续下去。”我必须尊重这一决定。瑞安(Ryan)和哈拉普(Harrap)都没有阐述迫使周一宣布的结构性问题。两者都参考了最近的事件,包括长期...
