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Long Term Ventures

1. 区块链大型巡回播放【第25期】#闪电网络的起源# &“行情解读”&“PI网友观点摘

...blocks became smaller and smaller. Industry insiders suggest two broad categories of short term and long term solutions:Short term thinking: Short term solutions focus on quick solutions to current problems, such as the expansion plan BIP100, where miners vote to raise the new block cap by about 20 percent, more than 80% of the power of the network can activate new block space, the disadvantage is...


2. 以太坊价格的下跌未能撼动长期持有者,预计波动性会急剧增加

The current bearish momentum in Ethereum price is not moving long-term holders. As reported by Crypto Quant, the large ETH deposits to derivative exchanges in an increased risk of short-term volatility.Likely Ethereum price volatility in the short termAccording to Crypto Quant, whales use coin-margined contracts to open large positions against ETH as collateral.Reportedly, on June 22, over 170,000...


3. Chingari 宣布其使用 $GARI 代币的 NFT 计划

...户。参与本轮融资的一些著名投资公司包括 Galaxy Digital、Solana Capital、Kraken Ventures、Coinfund、11-11 Ventures、Long Term Ventures、AU21、Afton Capital、Alameda Research、Republic Crypto、Blackpine、和NGC。值得注意的是,NFT 在印度越来越流行。 甚至一些著名的宝莱坞名人也选择了这条路线来与他们的粉丝建立联系和互动。 ...


4. 短视频分享平台Chingari完成1500万美元融资,Republic Capital领投

...bile、JPIN Venture Catalysts、Hill Harbour、Angellist、Venture Collective、Makan Family、Cowa Ventures、MVC Friends、Protocol Labs 等参投。 Chingari 表示,将利用这笔资金来增强技术、推出新功能并扩大技术团队。计划很快推出其直播、社交商务和音频聊天功能。 律动此前报道,2021 年 10 月 9 日,Chingari 宣布完成 1900 万美元...


5. 以太坊开发平台Tenderly完成4000万美元B轮融资,Spark Capital领投

...ly 完成 4000 万美元 B 轮融资,Spark Capital 领投,Accel、Point Nine Capital、Abstract Ventures、Coinbase Ventures、Uniswap、Daedalus、Vercel 首席执行官 Guillermo Rauch、Optimism 联合创始人 Jinglan Wang、Long-Term Stock Exchange 创始人 Eric Ries、LTSE Software 首席执行官 Tihomir Bajic 等参投。 新的融资用于继续扩大其产品供应以获取用户...


6. 区块链基础设施初创公司Tenderly完成4000万美元B轮融资,Spark Capital领投,Coinba

...Tenderly完成4000万美元B轮融资,Spark Capital领投,Accel、Point Nine Capital、Abstract Ventures、Coinbase Ventures、Uniswap、Daedalus、Vercel首席执行官Guillermo Rauch、Optimism联合创始人Jinglan Wang、Long-Term Stock Exchange创始人Eric Ries、LTSE Software首席执行官Tihomir Bajic等参投。融资用于继续扩大其产品供应以获取用户,建立合作伙...


7. ByteTree比特币网络需求模型:目前仍然看跌

... $5Bn per day over the week. This marks a further 17% fall from last week and will likely drive the long-term TV $ indicator to “OFF” within the next week.链上交易价值(TV$)继续大幅下跌,本周每日结算量均低于50亿美元。这标志着它比上周进一步下降了17%,并可能会推动长期TV$指标在下周内转变成“OFF”。A significant driver of falling TV$...


8. Solana上短视频分享平台Chingari完成1900万美元融资,Alameda Research等参投

...Blackpine、NGC、Coinfund、LD Capital、Borderless Capital、AU21、Cultur3 Capital、Long Term Ventures、Afton Capital,以及 CSP DAO 等参投。本轮融资资金将用于为 Chingari 的原生 Token GARI 构建基础设施,使其平台上的创作者可以为实体商品、NFT 或粉丝直接付款建立电商店面。 Chingari 是一个基于 Solana 的短视频分享平台,用户...


9. 印度短视频分享平台 Chingari 完成 1900 万美元融资,Alameda Research 等参投

...Blackpine、NGC、Coinfund、LD Capital、Borderless Capital、AU21、Cultur3 Capital、Long Term Ventures、Afton Capital 和 CSP DAO 等参投。Chingari 计划在 Solana 区块链上发行代币 GARI,本轮融资资金将用于为 Chingari 的原生代币构建基础设施,使其平台上的创作者可以为实体商品、NFT 或粉丝直接付款建立电商店面。Chingari 是一个短...

知识:市场,Kraken,Galaxy Digital,Coinf

10. 去中心化预测协议Venue One完成340万美元融资,Borderless Capital领投

... Term Capital(ELTC)、Goldentree、Cognitive Blockchain、Meld Venture、MEXC、Synaps、Youbi、D4 Ventures、CSP DAO、0x 等参投。 Venue One 旨在彻底改变 Algorand 上的去中心化预测市场,是一个非托管的、去中心化、快速和全球性的预测协议。测试网预计将于 2 月 22 日启动。


11. Whichcryptoexchangetokenisthebest?Takealookatthelistdata

...ainstream Bitcoin exchanges have performed well. Relying on the influence accumulated under its own long-term operation, together with some of their respective high-quality services, the tokenization potential of each platform has been increased as the driving force. The rapid rise in the past year is very dazzling.According to the 2020 price performance list of platform coins provided by CryptoDi...


12. 20210915链上数据周报(BitBon版)

...合约 (约30%) 被平仓和清算。本周剩余时间,持仓量保持在$9.4B 左右。Futures Long Liquidation Dominance (中立-)使用多空清算占比指标,我们可以看到,在这次抛售之前,期货市场实际上经历了短暂的空头清算主导,助推了价格上涨至5.28万美元的高点。在此期间,空头清算占所有清算的80%。在此峰值之后,...


13. Theriseofthecryptocurrencymarket,Whichcryptoexchangetokenisthebest?

...ainstream Bitcoin exchanges have performed well. Relying on the influence accumulated under its own long-term operation, together with some of their respective high-quality services, the tokenization potential of each platform has been increased as the driving force. The rapid rise in the past year is very dazzling.According to the 2020 price performance list of platform coins provided by CryptoDi...


14. 6 月活跃比特币地址数量下降 9.38%

...析师 Michael van de Poppe 表示,这种情况发生在过去市场周期的深度低迷时期。Long-term holder supply is accelerating heavily in the past weeks, as the data shows.A similar thing happened in the previous corrections, in which also 2013 had a heavy correction and long-term holders accumulated.A lesson in here if you want to invest in #Bitcoin. pic.twitter.com/yqlkHAIhP1 Micha?...


15. 二代狗狗币DOGV2社区5.3-5.9核心理念汇总

2021.5.3只要你认可DOGV2!你也是发起人!Subject: As long as you recognize DOGV2! You are also the initiator! Although most of the public address coins of the second-generation Dogecoin DOGV2 are kept by the original initiator "18 Arhats", please don't underestimate the "18 Arhats" pattern. In the process of theglobal promotion of the community coin DOGV2, If you can find better people ...
