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Once Upon A Time In Shaolin

1. 一张400万美元的专辑一场新的NFT“阳谋”?

...美国纽约的 Hip-Hop 乐队Wu-Tang Clan创作了其独一无二的专辑《Once Upon a Time in Shaolin》,以抗议数字时代音乐的贬值。没过多久,这张专辑在被Martin Shkreli以 200 万美元的价格购买之后就陷入了资本主义罪恶的漩涡。当时的 Martin Shkreli 是一位年轻的制药投机商,喜欢哄抬价格,后来他被判证券欺诈罪而处以7...


2. 去中心化组织 PleasrDAO 以 400 万美元购买 Wu-Tang Clan 的孤本专辑

...rDAO 7 月份以 400 万美元的价格购买了 Wu-Tang Clan 的孤本专辑「Once Upon A Time In Shaolin」(少林往事)。链闻注,七年前为抗议数字时代音乐的贬值,Wu-Tang Clan 制作了「Once Upon A Time In Shaolin」(少林往事),随后该专辑被药业大亨 Martin Shkreli 收购,但后来 Martin Shkreli 被判犯有证券欺诈罪,这张专辑便被联...

知识:市场,音乐,证券欺诈,去中心化组织,Wu-Tang Clan

3. 黑心药业大亨Martin Shkreli或被骗1500万美元比特币

...lan(嘻哈组合武当派)就以200万美元的价格将他们独一无二的《Once Upon A Time In Shaolin(少林往事)》专辑卖给了Shkreli。   不久之后,Kanye West那边又传来了消息,称facebook创始人Mark Zuckerberg投资了他10亿美元。   你怎么看


4. 晚间必读5篇|一张400万美元的专辑一场新的NFT“阳谋”?

...美国纽约的 Hip-Hop 乐队?Wu-Tang Clan?创作了其独一无二的专辑《Once Upon a Time in Shaolin》,以抗议数字时代音乐的贬值。现在,这张专辑又在数字艺术和加密货币领域重获新生,以 400 万美元的价格卖给了一个去中心化自治组织?PleasrDAO,这个团体虽然成立不到一年时间,但已经因收购高知名度的数字作品而...


5. 【译】一个建议的节点作恶解决方案

..., in the form of votes being pulled. The counter argument is that such retribution can only be done once per juror and the public outcry may be violent enough to recover. Large non-beholden BPs would be free to starve bad actors on that basis -- Piranhas stripping the whale with a thousand tiny bites.有建议认为陪审团应该是匿名的,因为可能受到大鲸撤票的报复。也用反...


6. 观点:元宇宙将改变现场音乐体验但它会是去中心化的吗?

...购买了传奇HIP-HOP乐队组合Wu-Tang Clan一张专辑的唯一副本。《Once Upon a Time in Shaolin》被认为被认为非常有价值,74名PleasrDAO成员集体筹集了400万美元购买了它,然后将所有权铸造为NFT。但是,它们的应用远不止于此。在现场音乐业务的背景下,DAO几乎和元宇宙本身的概念一样令人兴奋,当你将两者放在一...


7. 除了买比特币,对冲基金开始进军区块链艺术品收藏领域

...线上拍卖平台 Paddle8 购买了 200 万美元的天价嘻哈音乐专辑《Once Upon A Time In Shaolin》从而放大了其个人影响力,一举成为当时美国千禧一代网民中津津乐道的话题。NFT(Non-fungible Token)非同质化代币,与比特币的设计不同,NFT 代币的重要特质是唯一性和最小单位为 1 且不可拆分,在区块链游戏应用中常...


8. 除了买比特币对冲基金开始进军区块链艺术品收藏领域

...线上拍卖平台 Paddle8 购买了 200 万美元的天价嘻哈音乐专辑《Once Upon A Time In Shaolin》从而放大了其个人影响力,一举成为当时美国千禧一代网民中津津乐道的话题。NFT(Non-fungible Token)非同质化代币,与比特币的设计不同,NFT 代币的重要特质是唯一性和最小单位为 1 且不可拆分,在区块链游戏应用中常...


9. NEAR 前沿|基于门限签名的随机信标如何工作

...cle, we will need to understand some very basic cryptography. We need to differentiate between two concepts: scalars, or just regular numbers, which throughout this article we will denote with lowercase letters (e.g. x, y) and elliptic curve points, which we will denote with uppercase letters. 为了理解本文中描述的随机信标,我们需要知道一些非常基础的密码学知识。我...


10. NEAR:基于门限签名的随机信标如何工作

...cle, we will need to understand some very basic cryptography. We need to differentiate between two concepts: scalars, or just regular numbers, which throughout this article we will denote with lowercase letters (e.g. x, y) and elliptic curve points, which we will denote with uppercase letters. 为了理解本文中描述的随机信标,我们需要知道一些非常基础的密码学知识。我...


11. 七彩研究院YSL.IO—让DeFi最大化加密资产回报

... discovery phase will benefit if those same participants were to utilise the amplification function once the platform launches and the YSL.IO referral program begins.Each individual will receive Referral Block Rewards (0.5% APR) based upon the TVL and vault being amplified by the user they referred during the price discovery phase!A6、嘉宾:当然! 我们目前正在销售期间运行10%推...


12. RSK直播第三期、直播纪要(嘉宾分享)

...on.Let's give a warm welcome to Santiago de Lavallaz.Santiago de Lavallaz:Many thanks to everyone once again. Im Santiago de Lavallaz, IOV Labs Director and I?ve been part of the company since 2019 "today I will brief you regarding the functioning of the RIF on Chain platform that was created by Money on Chain"hope I can clarify your doubts and give you more clarity regarding this incredible eco...


13. Pi一旦进入第3阶段就会有很多人在哭泣!

...is each one of us.?Time is going to start getting shorter and shorter. Closer and closer to phase 3.Once pi is phase 3.? We are on our own.?If you wasted your time on all the petty bs now.? And didn’t take the time to read and research what you need to know about pi. About crypto about the exchanges about wallets and how to use them. About how to trade on the exchanges and what the fees are to t...


14. AnalyzethesecurityofBitcoinexchanges,whichcryptoexchangeisthesafest?

...an incident that occurs in a certain exchange. In addition, the relevant person in charge of ZB.com once said that the ZB.com platform has built a list of black currency addresses, which is updated from time to time by special personnel. The system monitors that the black currency address is transferred to the platform and the account is immediately frozen. Advertisers in the legal currency tradin...


15. RMT 项目周报(2019年12月20日)

....0 features. We aim to launch the new SureRemit App and definite site simultaneously in Q1 of 2020. Once the App & site are up and running, marketing will commence.We are confident that this strong proposition & strategy will pay off.What about the RMT token price? Our refined proposition and strategy will attract new users, having a substantial impact on the RMT price. When demand rises based upo...
