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1. Solana Riptide全球黑客松获奖名单一览

...了它们非常高的评价(排名顺序不分先后):· Accrue· Finance· Akura· Bucket· Coherence· Cellfi· Dcaf· Drip· Drip· Protocol· Ottr.Finance· Neptune· Nirvana Web3 赛道Web3 赛道的第一名是去中心化的发布堆栈 Wordcel,它支持创作者在链上发布、分发和货币化其艺术作品,奖励为 50,000 美元 USDC。本赛道的其他获奖项目包括...


2. Devcon4 直击 | Vitalik:以太坊 2.0 落地已经不远了

... Buterin 在布拉格举行的 Devcon4 上发表主题演讲,公布了被其称为「 整体」(coherent whole)的以太坊 2.0 (Ethereum 2.0)的路线图。这一名为「Serenity (宁静)」的项目包含了以太坊开发人员自 2014 年来致力开发的多个项目。Buterin 在演讲中总结道:「以太坊 2.0 是我们过去几年经常提到、努力研究且积极打...


3. 比特币用户可以放心使用比特币了,量子计算机不敌SHA-2加密技术

...。   该报道指出:攻克散列函数的困难在于物理量子比特的相干时间(coherence time)是有限的。物理系统中的噪音最终会破坏长时间的计算状态。如果要保持逻辑上量子比特始终处于积极的处理状态,那么就需要对错误检测定期评估和纠正程序。   注:(1)相干时间:指的是信道保持恒定的最大...


4. NFT狂热也许只是刚刚开始



5. NFT狂热,也许只是刚刚开始

...的初创公司找到工作的最佳场所。今天,我很高兴能给你们带来一个珍宝:Cohere的软件工程师。告诉我关于Cohere的朋友说:“Cohere是一种将永远改变软件的软件。”感谢Dan和Puja的编辑!披露:文中讨论的一些公司是Not Boring Capital投资组合公司。


6. 如果 NFT 的狂热只是个开始,你还会看到什么?

...的初创公司找到工作的最佳场所。今天,我很高兴能给你们带来一个珍宝:Cohere 的软件工程师。告诉我关于 Cohere 的朋友说:「Cohere 是一种将永远改变软件的软件。」感谢 Dan 和 Puja 的编辑!披露:文中讨论的一些公司是 Not Boring Capital 投资组合公司。</blockquote>来源链接:www.8btc.com


7. 欧洲央行执行委员会 | 单一货币:未完成的议程

...iation,Frankfurt am Main, 25 June.[17]Despitesignificant progress in recent years to develop a more coherent policyframework for cross-border banking, namely with the single rulebook and thecreation of European supervision and resolution.[18]See DeHaas, R. and Popov, A. (2019), “Finance and Carbon Emissions”, ECB WorkingPaper No 2318.[19]Just20% of euro area equity holdings are issued in other...


8. 整治、关停、全面清退,矿业2019生死劫

...iation,Frankfurt am Main, 25 June.[17]Despitesignificant progress in recent years to develop a more coherent policyframework for cross-border banking, namely with the single rulebook and thecreation of European supervision and resolution.[18]See DeHaas, R. and Popov, A. (2019), “Finance and Carbon Emissions”, ECB WorkingPaper No 2318.[19]Just20% of euro area equity holdings are issued in other...


9. 专访Celer:Layer2破圈的另一种思路



10. 专访Celer:layer2的另一种破圈思路 | 火花访谈



11. 定义真正的去中心化预言机RazorNetwork如何异军突起|AMA整理

...w tokens. This incentivizes the validators to behave honestly and report valid data.3、Dishonest/incoherent validators are penalized and their stake is reduced. This disincentivizes bad behavior. A part of the tokens collected as a penalty is distributed to honest stakers, further incentivizing honest behavior.POS是Razor Network的核心共识机制。 POS使Razor可以实现以下目标:1、P...


12. 定义真正的去中心化预言机,Razor Network 如何异军突起 | AMA 整理

... tokens. This incentivizes the validators to behave honestly and report valid data. 3、Dishonest/incoherent validators are penalized and their stake is reduced. This disincentivizes bad behavior. A part of the tokens collected as a penalty is distributed to honest stakers, further incentivizing honest behavior. POS 是 Razor Network 的核心共识机制。 POS 使 Razor 可以实现以下目标...


13. 以太坊2.0:从PoW到PoS,听V神分析背后的原因

... hash-algorithm-changing protocol hard forks. Bitshares’delegated proof of stake presents another coherent philosophy, where everything once again flows from a single tenet, but one that can be described even more simply: shareholders vote.Each of these philosophies; Nakamoto consensus, social consensus, shareholder voting consensus, leads to its own set of conclusions and leads to a system of v...


14. 欧洲央行执行委员会 | 单一货币:未完成的议程

...iation,Frankfurt am Main, 25 June.[17]Despitesignificant progress in recent years to develop a more coherent policyframework for cross-border banking, namely with the single rulebook and thecreation of European supervision and resolution.[18]See DeHaas, R. and Popov, A. (2019), “Finance and Carbon Emissions”, ECB WorkingPaper No 2318.[19]Just20% of euro area equity holdings are issued in other...
