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1. Grass Roots农民合作社计划使用区块链技术监测肉类产品来源

  译文:玩币族Sunny   总部位于Arkansas的Grass Roots 农民合作社已经与英国公司 Provenance于2017年年中签署了一项合作协议,旨在将区块链技术整合到监测肉类产品的来源。   这项技术的使用将使允许消费者跟踪产品从农场到餐桌的动向。   根据农民合作社的说法,通过使用区块链...


2. Pine语言入门(七)看懂Pine语言策略回测的信息栏

...Profit factor利润系数利润系数是毛利润和毛损失值之间的简单比率。毛利润(Grass Profit)和毛损失(Grass loss)在后面会有介绍,同时二者的差值等于净利润(Net Profit)。Max Drowdown净利润的最大回撤Avg Trade平均交易盈利平均每单交易盈利Avg # bars in Trade每单完成平均经历的K线柱数绩效总结Grass profit毛利润...


3. 电报开发商协会联合起来反对SEC行动

...不同的原因是,字面上“网络上的一切都基于与智能合约的交互”和“所有Grass都位于智能合约上”,因此,“在某种程度上, TON比加密货币平台更是一个智能合约平台。”基金会针对Herlihy教授的报告提出的其他论点,详细概述了网络服务的状态,启动的可用性,协议,代码和安全审核结果。最近,正...


4. 恩金币(ENJ)通过新钱包和蚱hopper农场尝试1600次?加密货币公报

...解美国原油的巨大抛售,Enjin Coin(ENJ)一直在缓慢攀升至1,600个Satoshi水平。Grasshopper Farm加入了Enjin Multiverse计划,这可能是ENJ迅速发展的原因之一。Enjin钱包已更新,可为用户提供无缝体验。传统股市的最后48小时像好莱坞电影一样放映,美国原油的价格急剧下跌至0美元,同一商品的期货合约下跌至-40...


5. 区块链大型巡回播放【第114期】#共享金融的方向# &“行情解读”

...ed finance to change had nothing to do with the Internet, perhaps the telephone, and so on. But the grass roots roots of finance had always been co operative and shared until it was swamped by big capital greed.The future Internet of things may replace the current form of the Internet, mainstream information technology may also have unimaginable changes. The goal of financial development is how to...


6. 【第240期】“企业去中心化”&"徐老板2天赚了20万人民币”

...ed, some people are weak, but rely on the relationship to the top. Or some of the management of the grass-roots busy day and night, but no good results, because the top leaders, their pay is not on the chain, or pay and return is not proportional. At the moment, some friends joke that we are making a traceable, modifiable data source, showing that some companies are faking themselves out and produ...


7. 生而为鼠,毕生草根

...绝对不能做一个lowb!在一个偶然的机会,由一个小妹妹介绍接触了草根币,Grass Root,我甚至没有去看它的白皮书,就坚定地要和草根共成长,我相信白皮书的理念一定和我的理念是吻合的,提出草根概念的人,一定有我一样的人生感悟。在某一天草根币创始人让我修缮白皮书时,我被迫阅读了草根币...


8. 能源乌托邦的终结

...。梅尔(Meir)坚持讨价还价,等待第一次罢工。10月14日,行动镍草(Nickel Grass)看到美国向以色列空运物资,降落在葡萄牙加油。 美国没有多久等待石油卡特尔的回应,葡萄牙也没有。1973年10月17日,在维也纳的一次会议上,由于以色列击败了埃及和叙利亚部队的进攻,欧佩克决定对现在正在帮助以...


9. Digital Trading Alliance meeting invites OCX to attend China Travel: Shenzhen

...sist pseudo-blockchain behavior, make correct sermons for the development of blockchain, start with grass-roots education, and truly achieve a win-win situation for the benefit of the people and the people."Wang Jun, as the representative of the exchange, expressed his own point of view at the meeting: OCX will actively promote the development of the industry, lead by example, and contribute a con...
