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1. 跨链桥Across Protocol公布空投提案,计划发放1000万枚ACX

律动 BlockBeats 消息,3 月 19 日,跨链桥 Across Protocol 在社群公布其 ACX 空投提案初稿。据该提案内容显示,本次空投计划总量为 1000 万枚(占总供应量的 10%),其中: 20% 将发放给在 3 月 11 日前加入 Discord 并拥有「联合创始人」身份的社群成员; 50% 将发放给在 Token 公布前投入资产的 LP 和为 Across Protoco...


2. 补全Layer2缺失的一环了解一下Hop、Connext和AcrossProtocol三大跨链桥

...用的三个最有前途的跨链桥项目来跳转。目标:了解如何使用 Hop、Connext 和 Across技能:简单耗时:1小时的研究ROI:多链桥接经验跨链桥协议基础知识随着以太坊的路线图过渡到权益证明 (PoS)、分片和 L2,以太坊的未来将具有超可扩展性。这些是独特的互补技术,将以太坊定位为促进未来几十年的大量...


3. Chainlink诚招大中华区商务总监

... managers and integration engineers you will grow the adoption of our leading blockchain technology across Chinese enterprises, blockchain projects, data providers and other industry players. You will help manage and deepen?relationships with these companies and grow our presence across China.?您在拉近技术行业的大型和小型成功合作伙伴方面拥有骄人业绩。您将直接与我...


4. Tendermint推出2000万美元的基金,用于开发Cosmos生态系统

...te multi-chain contracts, enabling the passing of data and messages b/w contracts, with logic split across blockchains. Additionally, IBC solves blockchain scalability problems through sharding &#8212; the splitting of popular blockchain apps across multiple chains. pic.twitter.com/gybPD0FOiZ Cosmos &#8211; Internet of Blockchains ?? (@cosmos) March 29, 2021</blockquote>Tendermint Ventures被提...


5. Optimism官方推荐BitANT全球瞩目

...生活变得更加便捷。据区块链网络消息,12月10日Optimism宣布与L2至L1的跨链桥Across Protocol集成,这意味着Optimistic Ethereum 用户现在可以使用Across将资金从Optimism桥接到L2以太坊。跨链桥Across Protocol目前支持ETH、USDC和UMA,未来还会有更多资产。总体说来,部署在L2网络上的BitANT同时满足了多样性、便捷性以及...


6. 比特币闪电网络未能作为TVL罢工 [USD] 在市场混乱中崩溃

...量很大,但比特币的分布却非常不平等:节点强度的平均基尼系数 [computed across the entire history of the Bitcoin Lightning Network] 实际上是‘0.88导致10% [50%] 持有80%的节点 [99%] BLN中的比特币风险 [on average, across the entire period]。”</blockquote>BitMEX提出了另一项有趣的研究,该交易所对LN的隐私和可扩展性因素提出...


7. Polygon生态周报(5.16-5.22)

...础设施的DeFi应用,参与者将获得指导、赞助以及市场推广的机会。Polygon与Across合作Across Protocol是一个跨链桥,可以使用户在L2和L1之间快速的转换资产,此次合作将支持用户在已有的链上与Polygon之间进行跨链资产操作。Polygon中国区活动Polygon中国区负责人Cora出席巴比特Layer2论坛直播活动5月18日,Polygon...


8. JOIN US | Chainlink中国团队期待您的加入

... managers and integration engineers you will grow the adoption of our leading blockchain technology across Chinese enterprises, blockchain projects, data providers and other industry players. You will help manage and deepen relationships with these companies and grow our presence across China.Your ImpactLead all business development and sales across the greater China regionIdentify top BD opportun...


9. 如何抓住可能是Optimism生态最后的空投机会?

...点,但总比将资产锁定 7 天要好。其他桥1 - Hop Protocol:https://App.hop.exchange2 - Across:https://across.to3 - cBridge:https://cbridge.celer.network/#/transfer4 - Connext:https://bridge.connext.network/Optimism 生态系统那么,正如我们所说,Optimism 上部署了哪些实际协议?与 Arbitrum 相比,Optimism 上部署的协议看起来很少,但预计在 L2 激...

知识:空投,Layer2,Optimistic Rollup,Op

10. 极端行情充/提币太慢,都是加密货币交易平台的「锅」?

...容整理自 The Block原文作者:Steven Zheng原标题:《An analysis of confirmation times across 46 cryptocurrency exchanges》区块律动 BlockBeats 消息,近日,关于部分交易平台在极端行情下交易平台「卡顿」,造成用户亏损,部分投资人前往这两家交易平台办公地点维权再次引起了人们的关注。极端行情下,交易平台充、提...


11. BeyondBlockchainhackathon黑客松大赛开始报名

...y and making gaming more immersive. Participants will have the opportunity to interact with mentors across the blockchain ecosystem – including representatives from Block.one and Google Cloud. They will build applications that redefine the future of blockchain and cloud-based systems, fusing the transparency and integrity of blockchain with the speed and security of cloud solutions to bring abou...


12. DatoSriLiowSoonHeeTheDreamGiver

...s, including e-Commerce platform, mobile Internet platform, network design and software development across Southeast Asia at the age of 27, Dato’ Sri Liow Soon Hee has since aligned his business and his own personal vision towards giving back to the community with the philosophy to spread love & care with various communities across the globe.With the new inspiration, vision and direction, Dato...


13. 金色Web3.0日报|央视网推出的航天纪念款数字藏品基于Polygon区块链

...组,Bnbinsane合约所有者已将1800枚BNB(约74万美元)转入Tornado Cash。5.跨链桥Across Protocol公布空投细则4月22日消息,跨链桥 Across Protocol 在社群公布其 ACX 空投细则。据该细则显示,本次空投计划总量为 2000 万枚,其中: Discord 相关标签:800 万枚 快照前跨链桥 Across Protocol 相关用户:750 万枚 社群贡献者(S...


14. topps NFT携手东宝株式会社,将于10月14日推出哥斯拉系列NFT收藏品

...s NFT 将与东宝株式会社合作,于北京时间 10 月 14 日 1 时发布 2021 Godzilla Rage Across Time 系列 NFT。 据悉,本次发行的哥斯拉系列 NFT 将依据稀有度分为普通、罕见、稀有、超级稀有、史诗和传奇 6 个等级,内容包括漫画插图、漫画封面以及 3D 冰棒等,标准包价格为 20 美元,包含 5 个随机 NFT,高级包价格...


15. 加密货币交易所的稳定币交易量超过100亿美元

...在加密货币交易所存储的稳定币总量首次超过100亿美元。All stablecoins holdings across all exchanges hit the all-time high, and now it&#39;s $10B.Chart ???? https://t.co/An5Ec2530d pic.twitter.com/custw1MM4I CryptoQuant.com (@cryptoquant_com) March 29, 2021</blockquote>根据CoinGecko的数据,总交易量为906亿美元,稳定币的市值为629亿美元,因此,几乎...
