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Farside Investors

1. ASIC暂停了Investors Exchange Limited的AFS许可证

是什么原因导致ASIC暂停了Investors Exchange Limited的AFS许可证? 澳大利亚金融监管机构指出,该公司未能履行其义务。2021年2月5日| AtoZ市场–澳大利亚证券和投资委员会(ASIC)周五宣布,暂停对Investors Exchange Limited(IEL)的澳大利亚金融服务(AFS)许可证,为期六周,自2021年1月15日起生效。为何ASIC暂停了...


2. NFT区块链射击游TryHards与投资团队Dutch Crypto Investors达成合作

... TryHards 宣布与总部位于荷兰的加密货币专家和区块链爱好者团队 Dutch Crypto Investors 达成合作,组建元宇宙联盟。该联盟由志趣相投人士创建的,旨在推广加密货币和区块链项目,教育和激励社区。 Dutch Crypto Investors 对加密和区块链领域的创意创业项目提供帮助,为其提供资本和营销服务支持。 TryHards ...


3. 加密交易平台Shakepay完成3500万美元融资,QED Investors领投

...易平台 Shakepay 以 2.51 亿美元估值完成 3500 万美元 A 轮融资,本轮融资由 QED Investors 领投,Golden Ventures、Broadhaven 等参投,QED Investors 合伙人 Matt Burton 将加入 Shakepay 的董事会。本轮融资资金将用于巩固公司增长,向市场推出更多产品,并扩大团队。ShakePay 首席执行官 Jean Amiouny 表示,2021 年该公司的总交...


4. Centrifuge 荣登《时代周刊》英国商业板块:DeFi 如何改变 Borrowing 和 In

...的工作原理。Centrifuge 是什么?Centrifuge 是中小企业 Financing 平台。平台允许 Investors 与需要 Capital 的组织建立联系,从而去除 Banks 等不必要的中介机构。该模型比传统 Finance更快,更具成本效益且更透明,Investors 的 Capital 回报率更高。需要 Capital 的组织可以以较低的利率进行 Borrowing。输家是被淘汰的 Tr...


5. LATAM比特币交易所Bitso从Kaszek Ventures和QED Investors获得了6200万美元的投资

...交易平台,成立于2014年,今天宣布已完成由著名投资公司Kaszek Ventures和QED Investors牵头的6200万美元B轮融资。 这使金融科技行业和拉丁美洲最成功的两家风险基金重新组合在一起,它们已经成功地与包括Nubank,Creditas,QuintoAndar和Kavak在内的市场领导者进行了合作,并希望将Bitso也加入该名单。 QED的Nigel M...


6. Tesla Tesla Investors像这样赚了1000万美元

投资者Jason DeBolt在特斯拉投资中获得了1000万美元。 DeBolt设法从2013年开始获得特斯拉投资的回报,并成为百万富翁,他拥有15,000股TSLA股份。通过特斯拉投资1000万美元通过赢钱加入百万富翁的工程师杰森·德博尔特(Jason DeBolt)在他于2013年购买了Tesla Model S车辆后,决定购买股票。 DeBolt当时了解到,以7...


7. MuculadaforexinAsia

...ire financial market in average daily transaction volume in recent years. And what is important for investors in trading is a good and reputable platform.How do we define a good platform? No doubt that it should be a platform with high profitability, controllable risks and safe funds. With that in mind, Muculada provides investors with exclusive self-operated innovative trading tools, providing se...


8. Theriseofthecryptocurrencymarket,Whichcryptoexchangetokenisthebest?

....com ranks second. ZB.com's platform currency ZB has once again brought about a result that shocked investors this year: from the year's $0.185 to the current $0.283, an increase of 52.8%. The current rise of ZB.com's platform currency ZB is still very gratifying. According to the author's analysis, the ZB.com platform will still have a series of actions in the future, because from the beginning, ...


9. Whichcryptoexchangetokenisthebest?Takealookatthelistdata

....com ranks second. ZB.com's platform currency ZB has once again brought about a result that shocked investors this year: from the year's $0.185 to the current $0.283, an increase of 52.8%. The current rise of ZB.com's platform currency ZB is still very gratifying. According to the author's analysis, the ZB.com platform will still have a series of actions in the future, because from the beginning, ...


10. 波卡生态|了解 Tinlake:Centrifuge 首款资产抵押 Financing Dapp

什么是 Tinlake?Tinlake 允许 Asset Originators 为 Asset 进行 Financing,而 Investors 则可以对 Asset 进行投资,并且无需中间人信任或依靠单点故障。Asset Originators 可以利用通常只为大公司保留的 Financial 工具:Securitizations。协议协调了 Assets 的 Collateralized Pools 的组织、管理和 Finance 所需的各方。Assets 按照类型和风...


11. Main Idea

...r more at a later stage-that's just attempting to make money off other stockholders.Supporting IdeasInvestors and speculators differ in their goals and approach to stock market investment in this way:■Investors are attempting to acquire and then hold securities that they believe will appreciate in value over time as thecompany's business operations move forward.Investors look to dividends and ...



...s to leading U.S broker-dealers to provide liquidity & execution services for securities on market. Investors will too have access to data on thousands of securities through multiple channels globally. Nonetheless the companies choose to qualify for our COTC market or are by default traded on Pink OTC. Corporate Service products provide companies with solutions to better engage and inform investor...


13. FTX.USAcquiresLedgerX,VenturingintoUSregulatedCryptoDerivatives

...r fully-licensed exchanges in North American, LedgerX is available to both retail and institutional investors 24x7 and offers physical settlement of all contracts, block trading and algorithmic trading opportunities for institutional investors.Since its launch in 2017, LedgerX has cleared over 10 million crypto options and swap contracts and pioneered the bitcoin mini contracts that enable granula...


14. 活动丨Filenet将与全球优秀的投资者共话分布式存储

“Filenet与Global Investors 2020达成战略合作,受邀参与此次峰会,将与全球优秀的投资者以及专家、创始人共同交流。”迫于世界陷于疫情之灾,全球许多线下峰会要么被取消要么延迟。疫情虽阻止了人们聚于一堂,面对面交流,但是思想不会因此而受束缚。Global Investors 2020,全球最大的投资者线上峰会,...


15. 价值 3950 亿美元的投资公司购买 Michael Saylor 的 MicroStrategy 的大量股份

...软件公司。根据向美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 提交的文件,Capital International Investors 增持了 953,242 股 MicroStrategy (MSTR) 股票,价值近 6 亿美元。据 FactSet 称,通过这笔投资,Capital International Investors 现在是 MicroStrategy 的第二大股东。 这笔投资不及 Twitter 首席执行官 Jack Dorsey 的数字支付公司 Square,后者持有 ...
