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Digital Asset Research

1. Digital Asset Research将为彭博终端用户提供50种加密资产价格数据

BlockBeats 消息,6 月 21 日,加密资产数据提供商 Digital Asset Research 宣布与彭博建立合作伙伴关系,将为彭博终端用户提供 50 种加密资产的价格数据信息。据悉,Digital Asset Research(DAR)是一家专门为机构客户(包括资产管理公司、银行、托管人、家族办公室、金融科技公司、基金管理人、对冲基金和风险...


2. DFCpublicchainMultiChaincoldwalletOnline

...ement platform demand is increasing. Grasp the development needs of the times, actively explore the research and development of a simple and easy to use, safe and efficient, diversified functions of the comprehensive new digital asset governance platform, for the field of digital asset management to provide a new direction of development.Contribution of DFC multi-chain cold wallets to the industry...


3. DFCchainmulti-chaincoldwalletiscomingonline

...atform demand is increasing. Focusing on the development needs of the times, actively exploring the research and development of a simple and easy to use, safe and not chaotic, diversified functions of the comprehensive new digital asset governance platform, for the field of digital asset management to provide a new direction of development, it can be said that there is a long way to go.Contributio...


4. BJS上了多家海外媒体头条 多位业内知名专家对其技术进行了肯定

... media reports, BJS, an innovative digital asset sharing application platform, has recently aroused research and discussion in several foreign block chain technology forums. A number of well-known technical experts in the industry have recognized the technology of BJS, and affirmed its professionalism and advanced nature. Currency BJS is the first diversified application block complete combination...


5. BCB gets listed on DOBI Crypto Asset Exchange

... another top exchange for trade information and market capitalization. Dobi also has the blockchain research center in Shenzhen which BCB hopes to develop smart city technologies with blockchain together,” Vanessa Koh, BCB Chief Technology Officer said.Moving forward, BCB Blockchain is gearing up its partnerships via hackathons and acceleration programs with universities to expand development of...


6. 加拿大Artemisclouds审计公司(简称:Artemis审计)

...lockchain ecological security. The team is rooted in blockchain security and application technology research, and combines rich security offensive and defense experience combined with artificial intelligence data analysis and processing. , Provide users with blockchain security vulnerability risk detection, security audit, security defense, asset traceability, and innovative solutions for enterpri...


7. 比特币何时有可能登月?

...加密交易所上,他们不会错过任何事情 市场上仍然存在假货,但Digital Asset Research表示,这“并未对价格产生实质性影响” 如果BTC的价格保持在7,800美元,可能会触底,但上涨意味着“至少未来几个月我们可能会上涨”比特币进入2012年以来的最佳开局,在两周内上涨了20%。 BTC攀升至2020年高点的8,900美...


8. 加拿大Artemis审计:区块链世界中的守护者

...ockchain ecological security. The team takes root in blockchain security and application technology research, and provides users with blockchain security vulnerability risk detection, security audit, security defense, and asset traceability with rich security attack and defense experience combined with artificial intelligence data analysis and processing. And innovative solutions for enterprise bl...


9. 投融资周报 | NFT 降温,工具应用领域异军突起

...轮融资,此轮估值 4000 万美元,由 HashKey Capital 领投,投资机构包括:Alameda Research、NGC Ventures、CMS Holdings、SRC Capital、Pluto Digital Assets PLC、安比实验室、LD Capital、Spark Digital Capital、LongHash Ventures、ArkStream Capital、DFG、Hash Global、Zonff Partners、Crasolum、Double Peak Group Limited (HK)、HunFan Labs、MetaCartel Ventures China、...

知识:Mark Cuban,投融资,DeFi,Pantera,Ar

10. BoleBusinessAcademy与VBGlobal达成战略合作

... digital asset spot transactions, digital financial derivatives transactions, blockchain technology research and development, etc.?Since its establishment, VB has won many industry awards and has worked with many blockchain evangelists to build a more open, fair, efficient and free digital financial service ecosystem.The cooperation between Bole Business Academy and VB Global is a strong alliance....


11. 哪些交易所的BTC价格最先开始变化?结果出人意料

Digital Asset Research的一项新研究通过lead-lag(超前/滞后)数据对比特币现货市场结构对价格发现的影响进行了分析。(小葱注:“价格发现(Price Discovery)是指买卖双方在给定的时间和地方对一种商品的质量和数量达成交易价格的过程。)在分析了在去年4月至12月期间106多个“波动性事件”(5.5分钟内比...


12. 看看伦敦证券交易所的新加密货币编码

...的一部分,而不是加密货币直接在证券交易所上市。 该清单是与Digital Asset Research公司共同编制的。SEDOL系统中包含了比特币和其他168种加密货币的事实,这是在金融界广泛采用的重要事实。 例如,该决定使它们与股票,债券和衍生品交易持平。编码研讨会为了解释将数字资产合并到SEDOL数据库中的意...


13. 区块链创企Digital Asset完成C+轮融资,Salesforce和三星参投

...服务提供商Salesforce和三星(Samsung)的风险投资部门参与了区块链初创企业Digital Asset C+轮融资。 图片来源:pixabay据2月4日发布的一份新闻稿称,在2019年12月结束的第一场C轮融资中筹集了3500万美元之后,Digital Asset决定再进行新一轮的融资。第二次C轮融资吸引了三星风险投资公司(Samsung Venture Investment Co...

知识:digital asset

14. TheBlock 2021年总结与2022年展望报告(中译归纳版)

The Block Research delivers industry-leading research and analysis produced on a daily basis, covering an array of topics within the digital asset space.今天TheBlock出了2021年总结以及他们对2022年的展望报告33 Club 将其归纳总结,主要分为八个部分:第一部分、从数字来看2021年是加密资产破纪录的一年,包括比特币和以太坊在内的许多加密...


15. 接棒三星、Salesforce ,云计算巨头VMware参与Digital Asset C+ 轮融资

据Digital Asset官方博客报道,7月14日,开源智能合约语言DAML创建者Digital Asset宣布,该公司C轮融资的投资者新增云计算巨头 VMware。2019 年 12 月,Digital Asset 从澳大利亚证券交易所(ASX)、杰斐逊河资本(Jefferson River Capital)等公司筹集了 3500 万美元的 C 轮融资,使该公司的融资总额达到 1.5 亿美元。今年 2...

知识:digital asset