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1. DatoSriLiowSoonHeeTheDreamGiver

Dato Sri Liow Soon Hee - The Dream GiverWith the help of the Dream Giver, Ordinary begins the hardest and most rewarding journey of his life.Dato’ Seri Liow Soon Hee, Founder & Chairman of Winner Dynasty Group, at a previous press conference announced a donation of 1 Million masks to public schools all over Malaysia as he believes it is his responsibility as a citizen of Malaysia to contribute t...


2. 币安首席执行官CZ预测比特币价格将达到16,000美元的“ Soon-Ish”

主要加密货币交易所Binance的首席执行官Changpeng Zhao表示,在11月1日发送的一条推文中,每个比特币的价格将很快达到每比特币16,000美元。Zhao解释说,价格预测很容易,但是正确的时机很难。 他说: 大声笑,价格预测很容易。很难把握时机。我们很快就会看到$ 16k。正如我们所说的,有14亿人在为此...


3. 币安首席执行官预测“ Soon-Ish”的比特币价格将达到$ 16,000

Binance首席执行官最近对即将到来的比特币价格上涨做出了新的价格预测。具体来说,他认为比特币的价格将急剧上涨至16,000美元。不过,首席执行官承认,涨价的确切时机很难预测。 赵说比特币很快将价值16,000美元 这个消息是加密货币交易所Binance的首席执行官Changchang Peng 发送了一条推文 在11月1日。 ...


4. 拿督斯里廖顺喜承诺值金,风雨无阻,持续每个月捐款孤儿院

...y chinaCovid19Mask#云尊集团董事长拿督斯里廖顺喜#Dato' Sri Nicky liow# Datuk Seri Liow Soon Hee# Datuk Seri Nicky Liow Soon Hee# Datuk Sri Liow Soon Hee#Dato' Sri Nicky liow Soon Hee本文来源:区块链日报原文标题:拿督斯里廖顺喜承诺值金,风雨无阻,持续每个月捐款孤儿院


5. 100万个口罩捐前线人员爱国华侨拿督斯里廖顺喜率领集团共同抗疫

...y chinaCovid19Mask#云尊集团董事长拿督斯里廖顺喜#Dato' Sri Nicky liow# Datuk Seri Liow Soon Hee# Datuk Seri Nicky Liow Soon Hee# Datuk Sri Liow Soon Hee#Dato' Sri Nicky liow Soon Hee本文来源:区块链日报原文标题:100万个口罩捐前线人员爱国华侨拿督斯里廖顺喜率领集团共同抗疫


6. 爱国华侨拿督斯里廖顺喜NickyLiow心系大马前线抗疫队伍捐口罩

拿督斯里廖顺喜(Datuk Seri Nicky Liow Soon Hee)为走在前线的担忧,捐赠口罩亲力亲为的爱国华侨。继在疫情严重时,在中国各地捐赠了口罩助力复工。这一次马来西亚疫情爆发,爱国华侨拿督斯里廖顺喜也心系大马前线抗疫队伍。云尊集团董事长拿督斯里廖顺喜特别拜访马来西亚国防部高级部长拿督斯里...


7. 莱特币大涨超20%“莱特银”要起飞?

...场合;海豚代表filp(dophin flip),蜜蜂代表B(蜜蜂因为Bee谐音),钱代表cash,Soon代表Soon,连在一起就是“litecoin flip Bcash Soon”,莱特币将超过Bcash,不得不称赞“逃顶之王”真的很会玩。而且从莱特币自身发展来看,现阶段,莱特币目前正在寻求采用关键的隐私增强功能,莱特币创始人李启威认为这些...


8. XcadNetwork:Youtubers的货币化

...数量的Creator Token。Xcad 生态用例目前Xcad公开了4个生态用例:XCAD插件:coming soon影响力市值统计:已上线XCAD去中心化交易所:已上线NFT交易市场:coming soon影响力市值统计这是一套Xcad Network创造的对Youtubers的影响力代币化统计面板,用户可以追踪Youtuber的订阅数,Creator Token的价格统计以及购买入口。Xcad ...


9. 中国可能很快会有第一只区块链股票的交易基金

...,例如Wholeasy,该公司在2018年在比特币挖矿领域投资了8000万美元。china-may-soon-have-its-first-blockchain-exchange-traded-fundChina May Soon Have Its First Blockchain Exchange-Traded Fund


10. 路易斯安那州可能不久会给加密产业提供证书

原文链接:https://cointelegraph.com/news/louisiana-might-soon-offers-a-license-to-bring-crypto-business-back标题: Louisiana Might Soon Offers a License to Bring Crypto Business Back译者:币放光芒文章内容不构成任何投资建议,请读者自行斟酌。以下为译文:按照一份5月25日的报道,美国路易斯安那州可能不久就会通过一项法案给合法操...


11. ComplusNetwork做客GEM社区(海外)AMA

...s Network CTO):Right now, we have integrated Huobi Eco Chain, Avalanche and Binance Smart Chain.Soon, we will expand on Polygon-Matic and Fantom chains.In distant future we might consider even other chains目前,我们已经整合了火币生态链、雪崩、币安智能链。不久,我们将扩大Polygon-Matic和Fantom连锁店。在遥远的将来,我们可能会考虑其他链COMRADE...


12. 价格探底,比特币(BTC)主导地位下跌

...e moment BTC domiannce is located in the descending phase and moving to the ascending support. Very soon we will start very carefully watching the price reaction when it will be close to this level. If the 68$ level is broken, +++ pic.twitter.com/l7p7vZyT2B VIP 25 CRYPTO PREMIUM SIGNALS (@VIP25SIGNALS) November 11, 2019 接下来的几天和几周将显示BTC是扭转趋势还是走低趋势。...


13. MyTrade与KrystalAMA回顾

...ading fees.MyTrade V2 can be deployed on all EVM-compatible chains and will be launching on Polygon soon.Q3: There are already many DEXs out there, what makes MyTrade unique?DZ: Sure, let me first briefly talk about the pain points of DEXs we have encountered. Order Book DEXs like IDEX have been around since 2017, but they suffer from poor trading depth and high slippage, resulting in poor user ex...


14. PAI Candy商店预发布首款产品:基于AI的微生物组测试

...scounts as well. A pilot program is described below. If this pilot goes well, the PAI community can soon get access to a wider range of other products and services through a new service called PAI Candy store.One of the first companies that wants to work with the PAI Candy Store is a healthcare AI company funded by prominent Silicon Valley Venture Capitalists (VCs). The company is already well-kno...

知识:区块链,PAI CANDY,人工智能

15. 韩国加密交易所APRObit采用Bitfinex联合订单簿系统,于3月启动

...交易所之一Bitfinex的联合定单系统。韩国首个IEO交易所Tokenman的创始人Park Jae-Soon将担任新交易所的董事长。 Park在加密货币行业拥有丰富的经验。他是加密货币业务战略家,曾在韩国最大的加密货币社区Bitman中任职。在由安迪·张(Andy Cheung)领导的区块链咨询公司Bitwork的加速下,APRObit组成了一个强大的...
