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Sunfund Fortuna Global Opportunities

1. 瑞典金融监管局警告“ Fortuna私人投资”

瑞典金融监管局(Finansinspektionen,FI)已对声称自称代表“ Fortuna Private Investments”公司的人士发出警告。提供各种“金融服务”的个人声称他们在瑞典设有办事处。 但是,FI无法验证Fortuna Private Investments确实存在。 监管机构的公告说:“金融情报机构警告投资者和其他人,与未经授权提供金融服务的...


2. 周报第87期 | 新衍生品交易产品进入第二阶段开发

...算。官网:WWW.FOTA.COMEmail:[email protected]官方微博:FOTA方图电报(中文):www.t.me/FortunaOfficial电报(英文):www.t.me/FortunaGlobal电报(俄语):www.t.me/Fortuna_Rus电报(韩语):https://t.me/FortunaOfficialKoreanTwitter:www.twitter.com/FortunaBlockch1Facebook(英语):www.facebook.com/fortunablockchain/Facebook(俄语):www.facebook.com/fortunablockchainRu/Medium:...


3. LuckinCoffeeToBeDelistedFromNASDAQ:LearnFromItsPastFailure

...ount to introducing the company to the international investment community with invaluable financing opportunities.Established as a subsidiary of AFF Multi-finance Group in 2019, GIB Global Investment Bank was founded by a group of elites of the financial industry. By developing an upgraded version of the digital bank, GIB is committed to providing world-leading funds management services to benefit...


4. Thefivebestcryptoexchangesintheworld,howmanydoyouknow?

...s around the world. It is committed to discovering high-quality innovative digital asset investment opportunities. It currently provides more than forty digital asset product trading and investment services. Headquartered in Singapore, it is operated by the Huobi Global Professional Station team.Transaction type:spot, futures, legal currency.2、 BinanceRegistration:MaltaFounded time:2017Int...


5. Guggenheim Macro Opportunities Fund向美国SEC申请投资比特币

...Kevin Rooke 在推特分享的图片显示,管理资金规模达 50 亿美元的 Guggenheim Macro Opportunities Fund 向美国 SEC 申请投资比特币。 据悉,Guggenheim Macro Opportunities Fund 于 11 月 27 日向美国证券交易委员会提交了一份修正案,希望允许其将基金的 10% 投资于 GBTC。Guggenheim Macro Opportunities Fund 的 10% 价值 4.87 亿美元,比...


6. 剖析灰度背后的金主

...s 官网</blockquote>Kinetics Mutual Funds,Inc. 管理的 Paradigm Fund(范式基金)、Small Cap Opportunities Fund(小市值机会基金)、Internet Fund(互联网基金)、Market Opportunities Fund(市场机会基金)、Global Fund(全球基金)分别持有灰度比特币信托份额 196.5 万份、30.71 万份、214.66 万份、60.18 万份、15.65 万份。其中,Global Fu...


7. 2020全球区块链明星投资机构第1季榜单全网发布

...in the investment and financing world. Both Old Money and New Money are actively seeking investment opportunities with high liquidity and high rate of return in New business forms.资本无疑是任何创新领域发展的催化剂,各国越来越多的涌现出资深的区块链投资机构。Capital is undoubtedly the catalyst for the development of any innovative field,more and more?sophistic...


8. 深度剖析“巨鲸”灰度背后的23位金主:谁才是比特币信托的最大持仓者?

...rizon Kinetics 官网Kinetics Mutual Funds,Inc. 管理的 Paradigm Fund(范式基金)、Small Cap Opportunities Fund (小市值机会基金)、Internet Fund (互联网基金)、Market Opportunities Fund (市场机会基金)、Global Fund (全球基金)分别持有灰度比特币信托份额 196.5 万份、30.71 万份、214.66 万份、60.18 万份、15.65 万份。其中,Globa...


9. 支付公司SumUp以85亿美元估值完成6.24亿美元融资,Bain Capital Tech Opportunities领投

... SumUp 宣布以 85 亿美元估值完成 6.24 亿美元融资,本轮融资由 Bain Capital Tech Opportunities 领投,贝莱德、btov Partners、Centerbridge、Crestline、Fin Capital 和 Sentinel Dome Partners 等参投。SumUp 将自己定位为中小企业金融科技整合服务提供商,与该公司处于同一业务领域的 Square 现在已转型为加密货币支付公司。 SumUp ...


10. 首发|深度剖析“巨鲸”灰度背后的23位金主

...Horizon Kinetics官网Kinetics Mutual Funds,Inc.管理的Paradigm Fund(范式基金)、Small Cap Opportunities Fund(小市值机会基金)、Internet Fund(互联网基金)、Market Opportunities Fund(市场机会基金)、Global Fund(全球基金)分别持有灰度比特币信托份额196.5万份、30.71万份、214.66万份、60.18万份、15.65万份。其中,Global Fund(...


11. 从DeFi流动性管理协议到NFT流动性协议|DeFi投融资每周动态

...募资】加密资管公司Ikigai Asset Management推出首只风投基金Ikigai Trust Revolution Opportunities Fund,已完成3000万美元募资,该基金将专注于投资元宇宙、X-to-earn、GameFi、DeFi、DAO和NFT等领域的项目。【BitKeep以1亿美元估值完成1500万美元A轮融资,Dragonfly领投】Web3跨链钱包BitKeep以1亿美元估值完成1500万美元A轮融资。...


12. 加密风险投资公司Pluto完成约4000万美元融资,Argo领投

...美元资金,Argo Blockchain Plc 领投,上市公司 Pires Investments Plc 和 Riverfort Global Opportunities Plc 参投。 律动此前报道,英国上市矿企 Argo Blockchain 通过向机构投资者和其他投资者发售股票的方式完成约 2680 万英镑新一轮融资。[原文链接]


13. 加密风投公司 Pluto 完成 4000 万美元融资,英国上市矿企 Argo 领投

... Argo Blockchain Plc 领投,其他两家上市公司 Pires Investments Plc 和 Riverfort Global Opportunities Plc 参投。链闻此前报道, Argo 已经完成约 2680 万英镑融资,将使其能够完成对 Pluto Digital Assets 的后续投资,并在加密挖矿、资本投资、DeFi 和 Web3.0 计划以及一般运营资本方面寻求战略机遇。来源链接免责声明:作为区...


14. Digital Exchange Alliance meeting invites OCX to attend|China Travel: Shenzhen

...ration, delivered speeches respectively, focusing on blockchain investment and industry development opportunities, which aroused the resonance and reflection of the guests attending the meeting.Sun Zheng, Chairman of Angels in Guangzhou, gave a speechEdward Jacobs, head of the Global Digital Exchange Alliance, gave a speechSpeech by New John, Secretary-General of the World Free Trade area Federati...


15. 加密猫团队最新项目 Flow 将在 Coinlist 社区售卖

...ground:??900+ 项目, 1,800+ 合约??10-15% WoW 成长?????Alpha Program??200+ 申请人??80 active opportunities??包含工具、游戏、defi项目????NBA Top Shot:??售出22,000包NBA NFT卡包??总价值120万美刀??超过900名NBA Top Shot玩家??玩家已交易14,000张NFT卡牌??推出”Marketplace“,玩家能于Top Shot游戏内直接交易NFT????合作伙伴:??NBA及NBA球员工会(N...
