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Chain of Points

1. ChainofPoints ICO:Chain of Points公司推出新的区块链忠诚平台,以革新奖励行业

  译文:玩币族Sally   Chain of Points公司是开创性区块链平台的创造者,现推出了最新区块链忠诚平台计划。该公司于今天宣布其平台代币将于2017年2月9日开始销售,持续到3月9日。Chain of Points是多伦多的初创公司,致力于通过新的数字加密货币重振忠诚度平台和礼品卡行业。该公司新推出...

知识:Chain of Points

2. 区块链能为忠诚度计划提供帮助吗?

...块链技术的加入   为了解决上述报告所指出的问题,一家名为Chain of Points的公司策划了一个开创性的区块链平台,以推动更高效的忠诚度计划生态系统。这家位于多伦多的初创公司旨在通过一种新的数字货币Points来恢复用户对忠诚度奖励和礼品卡领域的兴趣。   该忠诚度计划生态系统将被设...


3. 关键 |《Wisdom Chain文档知识库》之Schnorr签名算法

...mbers are represented in lowercase letters, for example: a = 42. At the same time, we will use some points on the elliptic curve. These points are pairs of large numbers satisfying elliptic curve equation.We will use capital letters to represent these points, such as A= (4,68). Some algebraic operations can be performed on points on elliptic curves. The above two points can be added together and w...


4. 关键|《WisdomChain文档知识库》之Schnorr签名算法

...mbers are represented in lowercase letters, for example: a = 42. At the same time, we will use some points on the elliptic curve. These points are pairs of large numbers satisfying elliptic curve equation.We will use capital letters to represent these points, such as A= (4,68). Some algebraic operations can be performed on points on elliptic curves. The above two points can be added together and w...


5. 《Wisdom Chain文档知识库》之Schnorr签名算法

...mbers are represented in lowercase letters, for example: a = 42. At the same time, we will use some points on the elliptic curve. These points are pairs of large numbers satisfying elliptic curve equation.We will use capital letters to represent these points, such as A= (4,68). Some algebraic operations can be performed on points on elliptic curves. The above two points can be added together and w...


6. 脉动新闻|区块链行业应用:供应链金融领域竞争激烈还有哪些落地场景

...e, unforgeable and traceable, are considered to be the key to solve the supply chain financial pain points, that is, the mutual trust between enterprises and financial institutions.供应链金融本身解决的是在供应链交易过程中,核心企业与供应商之间难以做到“一手交钱一手交货”,通常居于强势地位的核心企业方会要求延后付款,对供应商压...


7. VTLvirtuallifebuildsgameecologyandhelpsdigitaltransformation

...for more than 66% of the overall game market consumption.Analysis on the current situation and pain points of the game industryHowever, there are some pain points in the game ecosystem under the traditional mode in the global market. These problems make it difficult to realize a truly unified and cross platform game ecosystem under the traditional mode. First, lack of fairness: the random event al...


8. 深度 |《Wisdom Chain文档知识库》之多重签名

...s of N private keys can be "aggregated" into one signature. The principle is as follows:Because the points on the elliptic curve can satisfy the multiplicative combination law, for the two points X, Y and corresponding scalar (private key) x, y and the origin G on the elliptic curve,then:For ECDSA signature algorithm, n modulus and 2 * n dot multiplication operations are needed to verify n signatu...


9. 深度|《WisdomChain文档知识库》之多重签名

...s of N private keys can be "aggregated" into one signature. The principle is as follows:Because the points on the elliptic curve can satisfy the multiplicative combination law, for the two points X, Y and corresponding scalar (private key) x, y and the origin G on the elliptic curve,then:For ECDSA signature algorithm, n modulus and 2 * n dot multiplication operations are needed to verify n signatu...


10. Obee Network New AMA

... design on the functional module is close to a wide range of users. Standard. Now that the function points of the product have been completely improved, this is also a large part of the development we have completed.Q4:Can you talk about the circulation and value of OBEE?singHwang:Funds raised: 70% for Obee Network’s R&D expenses, 20% for publicity and promotion,10% will be sealed as reserve...


11. 区块链大型巡回播放【第64期】#区块链应对中央对手方风险点# &“行情解读”

...eve the atomic level of stock exchange, the exchange of money and the order of delivery, these risk points need a set of solutions, blockchain is the best solution to risk points.Block chain distributed accounting technology, theoretically can completely eliminate the rolling and liquidation process, in fact, it is precisely because of securities trading technology and process inefficient, resulti...


12. 区块链大型巡回播放第189期“互联网和区块链”

... that the acquisition, processing, and improvement of big data, let us feel isolated pieces of data points together, conducive to the enterprise year-on-year, ring ratio to make major decisions, deep excavation of the potential value of big data, let us more accurate research and exploration of a topic; Cloud computing can be understood as an on-demand access mechanism, we have very little interac...


13. Solidity编写的智能合约的异步交易模式

...此,您定义三个这些事件,并且每个事件至少应包含发件人地址: event GetPoints_Success(address Sender, uint Points); event GetPoints_Pending(address Sender); event GetPoints_Failed(address Sender, string ErrorMsg); 函数 以太坊的默认模式是每个用户调用一个合约函数,并支付在一个同步事务环境中执行代码所需的GAS。 但现在我们...


14. SATO走进越南社区解析新型稳定币价值优势和应用场景

...erce loyalty platform called “iCashRewards" with over 500 top brands in the world.? Their loyalty points can be redeemed as USDT or SATO.其中一个是令牌化的电子商务忠诚度平台,名为“ iCashRewards”,在全球拥有500多个顶级品牌。他们的忠诚度积分可以兑换为USDT或SATO。The second investment we have made is a new NFT art exchange called "The Art of Teas...


15. RoseOracle-Hecochain-Anewgenerationoforacleintegratedsystem

...lopers to use any number of oracles to provide services for smart contracts, which can avoid single points of failure and reduce the losses caused by centralized oracles. Therefore, reliable decentralized oracles can stimulate the unlimited potential of blockchain and smart contracts.区块链为了保证其安全性和确定性,被设计为一个没有网络调用功能的封闭系统。在过...
