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1. What is the Nature of Blockchain?

What is the Nature of Blockchain?Since stumbling into the blockchain space in June 2017, I have witnessed myriads of industrial cycles, the prevalent price surge, blockades of exchanges in September 4, 2017, the unexpected bull market at the end of 2017, and the protracted bear market through the year.The boom of altcoins, the explosion of ICOs, the rivalry among the public blockchains, the franti...


2. 对话IdavollNetwork|波卡生态DAO基础设施

...one, my name is Alina. I have once worked as a top-tier strategy consulting at McKinsey, Zurich. In blockchain, I?built UniDAO - An Asset Management DAO on Aragon platform, also the first DAO for DeFi management. Afterwards, I ?joined Equilibrium to start?my?Polkadot Ecosystem career. In 2020, i?founded Idavoll Network to bring the ideas of DAO into Polkadot ecosystem.1您好,请您简要介绍...


3. 三元社区联合IdavollAMA访谈

...one, my name is Alina. I have once worked as a top-tier strategy consulting at McKinsey, Zurich. In blockchain, I built UniDAO - An Asset Management DAO on Aragon platform, also the first DAO for DeFi management. Afterwards, I? joined Equilibrium to start my Polkadot Ecosystem career. In 2020, i founded Idavoll Network to bring the ideas of DAO into Polkadot ecosystem.大家好,我叫Alina。曾...


4. ZBCEO欧码哥深度对话R网AMA:减半将至历经7载的一线交易所ZB如何突出重围

...历,能给我们分享一下吗?We know that you have been involved in traditional VC / PE and blockchain exchange business. Can you share with us the creation opportunity original intention of ZBG and the experience of taking over ZB later?Omar:大家好,我是中币的欧码哥,之前在ZBG。我是学计算机出身,研究生毕业后,在爱立信做过码农,接着在华为海...


5. 以太坊的未来所在:技术和协议,成为下一个的关键要素

.../第三部分,社区:https://realsatoshi.net/15891/原文标题:The key ingredients to a better blockchain, Part I: Tech and protocol原文链接:https://www.etherean.org/blockchain/2019/09/09/key-ingredients-better-blockchain-part-i-tech-and-protocol.html作者: Lane Rettig


6. 克罗地亚开设比特币商店销售加密货币,可以提供“发票”

...币监管做出明智的决定,他们已经建立了区块链和加密货币协会组织Udruga za Blockchain i Kriptovalute,愿意就所有与密码相关的事宜向当局提供建议。不仅如此,该协会组织还为其成员提供法律,财务和技术支持。


7. 守正创新链游走向理想元宇宙

...。最新科技赋能链游元宇宙技术基础,可以用BIGANT来概括。B 指区块链技术(Blockchain),I 指交互技术(Interactivity),G 指电子链游技术(Game),A 指人工智能技术(AI),N 指网络及运算技术(Network),T 指物联网技术(Internet of Things)。“大蚂蚁”可以说集数字技术之大成,是目前最前沿的科技。链游利用最新科技,...


8. 一文读懂元宇宙六大技术全景图

...术的拉动作用。支撑“元宇宙”的六大技术支柱 BIGANT 包括:B 指区块链技术(Blockchain),I 指交互技术(Interactivity) [ nt r k't v t ] ,G 指电子游戏技术(Game),A 指人工智能技术(AI),N 指网络及运算技术 (Network),T 指物联网技术(Internet of Things)。这六大技术体系,既是六座技术高塔,也是六条技术英雄们的宽广财富...


9. 深度好文:区块链将成为人工智能的DNA



10. AI距离一次颠覆性革命有多远?

...的蓝图是什么?Tyreal Min:在ABI概念中,首先A代表人工智能AI,B代表区块链BlockChain,I代表物联网IOT。人工智能解决了生产力的问题,为所有的机器及系统提供了大脑。区块链提供了数据流通及知识问题,提供了在知识积累中的经济学及社会学的支持,配合知识图谱的搭建,为机器提供了知识的积累。物...


11. VOICE商业 | 图灵链——AI距离一次颠覆性革命有多远

...的蓝图是什么?Tyreal Min:在ABI概念中,首先A代表人工智能AI,B代表区块链BlockChain,I代表物联网IOT。人工智能解决了生产力的问题,为所有的机器及系统提供了大脑。区块链提供了数据流通及知识问题,提供了在知识积累中的经济学及社会学的支持,配合知识图谱的搭建,为机器提供了知识的积累。物...
