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crypto currency 货币

1. 金色观察|公开且合法美国最新法案准备这样监管加密货币



2. WhatisSimplex?AndhowtouseSimplextobuyandsellCrypto?Takealook!

I believe that investors who have been paying attention to the dynamics of the digital currency field must be familiar with Simplex. But maybe many people don't know what Simplex is for. Let us also directly understand what Simplex is.First of all, Simplex is a payment company that mainly provides fiat currency and cryptocurrency transaction services, and it is also a reputable payment company. In...


3. Currency.com 加入 CryptoUK 的执行委员会以帮助引导数字资产监管

...、安全、可访问性和合规性的核心价值观保持一致,领先的加密货币交易所 Currency.com 已加入 CryptoUK 作为执行委员会成员,以帮助为英国的加密货币行业制定更清晰的监管框架。旨在帮助定义英国加密货币实践的倡议在过去的几年里,英国对加密货币的使用和采用取得了长足的进步。 曾经蓬勃发展的不...


4. Currency.com 成为自律贸易集团 CryptoUK 的执行成员

加密货币贸易公司 Currency.com 正在加入 CryptoUK,这是一个英国加密货币行业的自律贸易协会。在周四的公告中,CryptoUK 表示,该公司将与 Binance.UK、Crypto.com、CryptoCompare、Electroneum、eToro、Ripple、BCB Group、Outlier Ventures 和 Simmons & Simmons 一起成为监管小组的执行成员。 除了与英国政府决策者合作制定加密...


5. 加密基金批量夭折,这十只却仍在高频出手

...Crypto Fund,并整理了他们的投资组合和投资金额。(排名不分先后)1.?Digital Currency Group仅九名全职员工管理的隐秘帝国 Digital Currency Group(简称 DCG) 投资了 125 家加密货币相关企业,触角触及了加密世界各个角落,并掌握行内最有话语权的媒体 CoinDesk。DCG 现在已悄然成为加密货币世界中的一家巨头,其...


6. 加密基金批量夭折,这十只却仍在高频出手

... Crypto Fund,并整理了他们的投资组合和投资金额。(排名不分先后)1.Digital Currency Group仅九名全职员工管理的隐秘帝国 Digital Currency Group(简称 DCG) 投资了 125 家加密货币相关企业,触角触及了加密世界各个角落,并掌握行内最有话语权的媒体 CoinDesk。DCG 现在已悄然成为加密货币世界中的一家巨头,其...


7. 金色荐读丨加密基金批量夭折 这十只却仍在高频出手

...Crypto Fund,并整理了他们的投资组合和投资金额。(排名不分先后)1.?Digital Currency Group仅九名全职员工管理的隐秘帝国 Digital Currency Group(简称 DCG) 投资了 125 家加密货币相关企业,触角触及了加密世界各个角落,并掌握行内最有话语权的媒体 CoinDesk。DCG 现在已悄然成为加密货币世界中的一家巨头,其...


8. DeFi 笔记:40 句话简读 Messari 万字研报

...可指摘的 token 分发方式17. Uniswap v.s. CEX 就像是 BTC v.s. 全球法币Bitcoin is a bad currency in relation to the U.S. dollar, buta very good currency compared to the Argentine Peso or Venezuelan Bolivar or Sudanese Pound. As bitcoin strengthens and other currencies inflate, it rises up the currency leaderboard. Likewise, Uniswap is a “bad exchange” compared to Binance and Coinba...


9. (8)RambleofNFTgame:AxieInfinityandcryptocurrencymarket

... for a while, I realized that the scenario of millions of people flood into a new world of"crypto currency"is on Show!. People who dream of getting rich rush to the world of block chain, crypto currency, and NFT.During this process, some people will lose everything, some will get wealth and success, but the operating mode of the NFT game Axie Infinity will have a significant impact on the future o...


10. 您应该关注的7个Cryptocurrency Instagram帐户

...e a stimulus package of its own. Deng said he expects the People’s Bank of China to use a digital currency to distribute a stimulus package, which he sees as a complementary catalyst to the bitcoin mining industry. While central banks continue printing money, there will only ever be 21 million bitcoin. The halving of bitcoin miners’ block rewards is scheduled for May in what some are calling a...


11. Binance Coin价格跃升至23.2美元,下一步是什么?

Binance硬币价格线在8月20日跃升至23.2美元的水平。Crypto Currency Alerts是Trading View的一位加密分析师,他认为BNB的价格将长期朝着40美元大关上涨。1天币安币价格分析交易视图的币安硬币价格走势图在上半天的价格在22.0美元和22.6美元之间交易之后,价格线在8月20日下午突然跳升至22.2美元。 格林威治标准...


12. 40句话简读Messari万字研报

...可指摘的 token 分发方式17. Uniswap v.s. CEX 就像是 BTC v.s. 全球法币Bitcoin is a bad currency in relation to the U.S. dollar, but?a very good currency compared to the Argentine Peso or Venezuelan Bolivar or Sudanese Pound. As bitcoin strengthens and other currencies inflate, it rises up the currency leaderboard. Likewise, Uniswap is a “bad exchange” compared to Binance and Coinb...


13. CityBank预测到2021年比特币价格将达到120,000美元

Altana Digital Currency的首席投资官分享了与CityBank相关的图表,该图表预测到2021年比特币的价格将达到12万美元。分析公司Crypto Quant表示,当当前反弹持续太快时,比特币鲸鱼将出售比特币。Altana Digital Currency的首席投资官Alistair Milne分享了一张图表,并对比特币表示乐观。 根据Milne的出版物,所涉及的图...


14. 【12.12国外百咖说:顺便学英语】非洲的第一枚稳定币建立在币安链上

Africa’s first stablecoin, the Africa Stable-Coin(ABCD) is backed by Nigeria’s national currency, the Naira. Also, the fiat-backed crypto is built on Binance’s native blockchain, the Binance Chain.非洲第一枚稳定币,非洲稳定币(ABCD)得到尼日利亚国家货币奈拉的支持。同样,由法令支持的加密货币建立在Binance的本地区块链Binance Chain上。The c...


15. 2020加密货币基金投资行业数据

...lockTower宣布拥有1.4亿美元的资产。BlockTower由前高盛的Matthew Goetz创建。Digital Currency Group由巴里?西尔伯特(Barry Silbert)创立的数字货币集团(Digital Currency Group)目前管理着超过20亿美元的资产。他们对区块链公司进行风险投资,并运营加密基金/票据管理公司Grayscale,拥有包括比特币投资信托在内的各种信托。...
