...oinDesk 报道,为 DAO 开发治理基础设施的初创平台 Tally 获得 600 万美元融资,Blockchain Capital 和 Placeholder 领投。另外,融资中约 25% 的资金来自于 DAO,包括:The LAO、MetaCartel Ventures、Fire Eyes DAO 以及与 DAO 有关联的天使投资者,包括 Bankless 创始人 Ryan Sean Adams。Tally 平台为 DAO 提供投票结构与分析、组织成员...
...链技术的软件公司Block.one和EOSIO开发人员今天宣布,Dao Bull被评为EOSIO Beyond Blockchain Hackathon的优胜者。 这次黑客马拉松挑战了参与者,以开发利用EOSIO区块链技术和最新云计算功能的解决方案,以创建一个具有潜在重大全球影响力的项目。优胜者:Dao BullDao Bull创建了一个分散的自治组织(DAO)平台,使...
...不对特定投资者开放的融资中,以稳定币USDC筹集了1500万美元,投资者包括Blockchain Capital、Cherry Ventures和Ethereal Ventures。其余的资金则是以太坊(ETH)、Gnosis(GNO)和xDAI的形式从其社区的5000名成员那里筹集的,这些成员被亲切地称为“CoWmunity”。CoW协议的联合创始人Anna George表示,这样做是为了不把社...
...)I have multiple culture study experiences, including China, Japan, the UK, and Canada.I joined the blockchain industry in 2018. I worked with a Singapore project and global blockchain event & media.Lilith Li简介:我有多语言学习经验,包括中国,日本,英国和加拿大。我于2018年加入区块链行业,曾参与新加坡项目以及全球区块链活动和媒体LinkedIn:ht...
...one, my name is Alina. I have once worked as a top-tier strategy consulting at McKinsey, Zurich. In blockchain, I built UniDAO - An Asset Management DAO on Aragon platform, also the first DAO for DeFi management. Afterwards, I? joined Equilibrium to start my Polkadot Ecosystem career. In 2020, i founded Idavoll Network to bring the ideas of DAO into Polkadot ecosystem.大家好,我叫Alina。曾...
...s the Dao of community autonomy as the core concept, and Dao is the synthesis of any application of blockchain such as defi, NFT and metauniverse, born to realize the true core values of blockchain.查看更多
...one, my name is Alina. I have once worked as a top-tier strategy consulting at McKinsey, Zurich. In blockchain, I?built UniDAO - An Asset Management DAO on Aragon platform, also the first DAO for DeFi management. Afterwards, I ?joined Equilibrium to start?my?Polkadot Ecosystem career. In 2020, i?founded Idavoll Network to bring the ideas of DAO into Polkadot ecosystem.1您好,请您简要介绍...
NFTb很高兴地宣布:TG DAO 3.0,Blockchain和Token化传统创业公司的启动平台和孵化器,已经选择使用NFTb的DeFi作为服务来完成IDO。TG DAO--新可能性的空间TG DAO 3.0是TG Ecosystem的投资传统和加密初创企业的启动板。所有启动板的投资者都被认为是共同所有者,并参与启动板功能的决策过程。DAO 3.0社区:TG DAO正在...
...https://enjin.io/software/walletWe are proud to announce that @Enjin has integrated $DAO into its blockchain wallet, expanding the DAO Maker Ecosystem to the #Enjin community, which has over 20M+ users.Find DAO in the Enjin Wallet now!https://t.co/KqF2hSvqIL pic.twitter.com/5OvVntt1Y8 DAO Maker (@TheDaoMaker) February 26, 2021</blockquote>令牌袋:https://www.tokenpocket.pro/Did you know that @...
在复杂的加密货币世界中,在传统法院中解决一个问题肯定会是一团糟。我们最终会遇到诸如“但是DAO是什么? “ DAO是一个权力下放的自治组织,您的荣誉”“说英语!”同时,区块链“社区”发现在传统法院中解决分歧非常复杂。资本主义确实在法律上运行。最终限制了可以在Internet上完成的业务量...
5月14日,在由米林财经主办的BLOCKCHAIN2140云端峰会DeFi论坛现场,比特股中国区负责人雨卦发表了主题为“比特股的DeFi之路”的演讲,他通过3.12Maker DAO黑天鹅事件谈到DeFi的致命风险,他表示,Maker DAO出现问题包括:拍卖机制存在漏洞、ETH网络性能先天性不足、预言机治理风险、MKR51%攻击风险。在谈到比...
...区块链第38号法案的人来说,佛蒙特区块链有限责任公司法案(Vermont Bill For blockchain )为去中心化自治组织(DAOs)的重大新突破铺平了道路。怀俄明州立法机构于上周颁布了这项立法,它将允许DAO作为有限责任公司成立。对DAO来说,这可能是向前迈出的巨大一步, 法案将允许DAO在链上操作、资产代理和管理...
...hind the MANTRA DAO project is an organization called The MANTRA DAO Foundation. It is comprised of Blockchain experts with extensive experience in the industry at both the business and technical levels. John Patrick Mullin and Will Corkin particularly are Polkadot ambassadors.The mission of the MANTRA DAO foundation is to bootstrap the growth of MANTRA DAO ecosystem and drive the organization tow...
...hind the MANTRA DAO project is an organization called The MANTRA DAO Foundation. It is comprised of Blockchain experts with extensive experience in the industry at both the business and technical levels. John Patrick Mullin and Will Corkin particularly are Polkadot ambassadors.The mission of the MANTRA DAO foundation is to bootstrap the growth of MANTRA DAO ecosystem and drive the organization tow...