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blockchain database

1. 区块链大型巡回播放第175期“区块链是什么”

...个服务器,节点越多越安全,数据遭到破坏的难度越大,恢复起来越方便。Blockchain can solve the pain point of the Internet, the uniqueness of value exchange, the exchange of mutual trust between the two sides. Blockchain is committed to being a tool that has its own auditable nature and generates trust among participants. The blockchain is arranged chronologically, and ...


2. 区块链大型巡回播放【第35期】#智能合约代币系统# &“行情解读”&“PI网友观点

...okens from database a and assign them to database B. There are many applications of token system on Blockchain, from legal tender assets to company funds, traditional tokens mostly appear in integral form, and are modified at will, the advantage of the intelligent contract token system is that it has the characteristics of intelligent asset form and can not be forged.2、行情解读每日行情...


3. 区块链大型巡回播放【第41期】#智能合约私密性问题# &“行情解读”&“PI网友观

...ng and distribution, crop insurance, savings wallets, and housing leasing. Smart contracts based on blockchains are still in their early stages, and have not yet made a clear landing in terms of their substantive application, another major issue facing smart contracts today is privacy. Often see news some x project side, simply copy a well-known public chain code to issue their own tokens, used to...


4. 带你走进存储王者-世库

关于World databaseWorld database,世库是一个安全、可靠、无限扩展的去中心化存储网络,以推动互联网去中心化发展为使命,旨在为新一代价值互联网打造存储基础设施。在World database共识网络上实现数据的去中心化存储、数据的完整性及安全性验证和市场化存储交易的运行,为新一代互联网提供可无限扩展的数...


5. 超节点独家:全球首届 Substrate 开发大赛-杭州黑客松WORKSHOP大放送 第二期(上)

...网络)(Part 1) 原作者:Nicole Zhu, Hanwen Cheng (Parity) 简化后的区块链技术栈 Blockchain nodes need区块链节点组成: ● Database数据库 ● P2P Network点对点网络 ● Consensus Algorithm共识算法 ● Transaction Handling交易处理 ● State Transition Function (Runtime) 状态转移函数(Runtime) ● Some special functionality: zk, sharding, etc 特殊功...


6. 终于等到你WorldDatabase全球首款5G存储公链即将全面上线

总是提前到达的惊喜,始终在World Database延续。2021,World Database即将上线存储网,意味着全球首个可商用的区块链存储公链全面落地。对于存储这样已与我们每个人工作生活如影随形的标配,它的重要性不言而喻。当各种云已经成为我们对于存储的思维定势,由World Database开启的区块链存储时代到底能带...


7. WorldDatabase数字货币是什么制度?怎么对接?

...式存储和计算的环境下,提供大数据和人工智能学习的相关计算服务。World Database则致力于提供一种全新的解决方案,基于将不同类型的数据在不同的链和块上分开存储的设计,World Database致力于为去中心化应用提供一个基础设施,在此基础设施平台之上,提供可无限扩展的存储、高吞吐量 计算、快速网络...


8. Achain星系研究院:Achain2.0chainbase解析

...回滚,支持多线程操作,正是因为这些特征让他能够满足区块的存储需求。database的具体实现源码在目录?\libraries\chainbase中的chainbase.hpp,chainbase.cpp。database的底层技术实现是通过boost库中的?boost::multi_index_container 和?boost::interprocess::managed_mapped_file 实现的。这其中multi_index_container 用来为容器实现增删改查...


9. 什么是WD节点如何构建WD节点WD的分布式存储发展前景

【World Database 主网即将启动】据 World Database 官网最新通知,距离主网正式上线只剩下 1 天多时间,即将开启全网搭建网络节点,WD 重点的一刻即将到来。?World Database 项目提供了一种新的解决方案,基于将不同类型的数据在不同的链和块上分开存储的设计,World Database 致力于为去中心化应用提供一个基...


10. 盛大公链实现万链互联,共建开放共赢的区块链网络生态

...体系特点。Based on the diversified business ecosystem, STD Chain uses the unique technology of blockchain decentralization to identify, disseminate and record information in the distributed database intelligent peer-to-peer network and decentralized peer-to-peer network. It combines cryptography principle and consensus mechanism with open-source software to ensure the consistency and continui...


11. 观点 | 区块链可提升数据治理透明度与效率,隐私保护仍面临挑战

...v.cn/sgybzeb/gzdt_2132/201705/t20170515_238441.htm. [2017-05-15]/[2020-02-13].[13]Vo H. Blockchain?based data management and analytics for micro-insurance applications//Proc of the ACM Int Conf on Information and Knowledge Management. New York: ACM, 2017: 2539—2542.[14]Vo, H. Research directions in blockchain data management and Analytics//Proc of Int Conf on Extending Database T...


12. CyberVein推出基于DAVE PISR DATABASE的「CVT 信息交流平台」

律动 BlockBeats 消息,11 月 5 日,CyberVein 宣布推出基于 DAVE PISR DATABASE 的「CVT 信息交流平台」(网址:cvtinfo.cybervein.org) CyberVein 表示,平台一直以用户价值为中心,为了迎合和满足目前 CVT 持有用户的需求,现推出基于 DAVE PISR DATABASE 的「CVT 信息交流平台」。 未来一个月,凡在 OKEx 的 CVT 持有者可以选...


13. WorldDatabase参与2021世界区块链大会在杭州举行

据悉,2021 世界区块链大会·杭州即将在 7 月 24-25 日开启。World Database将出席圆桌论坛以及在会场现场展示 World Database 分布式存储的优势和特点。会议·重点本次大会将推动区块链和实体经济深度融合,加快 5G 网络、大数据、云计算、区块链、数据存储、人工智能等新兴技术的建设和广泛利用,为社会...


14. 区块链大型巡回播放【第69期】#数据存证# &“行情解读”

...不会被泄漏出去,区块链链上数据存证的确靠谱。The core of the database based on Blockchain is unalterable. Tampering with the account book is the same as stealing the bell. Therefore, blockchain technology is a good data storage technology. For example, in a proof of existence, a user pulls a local file into a browser, and the file itself is not uploaded, but the local browser ...


15. 揭秘Hyperledger Fabric(七)

...个许可节点Endorsing Peer\的分类帐(图3的步骤3)的临时存储数据库Transient Store Database\。接下来,每个许可节点Endorsing Peer\都会将生成的私有读写集private read-write set\通过gossip数据传播协议传播至n\个以上授权组织(图3的步骤4)的其他集合成员节点。n\是在许可时间内需要私有数据private data\的成员节点的最小成...
