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being water

1. 汪涛:be water和无为

...达形式。李小龙有个非常著名的演讲。“Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put water in a teapot, it becomes theteapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend.” ~ Bruce Lee放空你的思想,像水一样没有形式,像水一样没有形状...


2. 行情分析丨为什么你没有在37000美元的BTC车上?

...但做执行计划时,需要放弃预测,做一个执行交易者!就像李小龙说的“be water”!交易是什么?“be water”!遇阻转弯,顺势而为。BTC日线趋势没有停止的意思,至少需要四小时以上的调整才需要考虑风险,否则就需要一直在车上。很多老币友告诉我早就被吓下了车,涨的让人难受,那是你在用情绪交...


3. 您知道要成为最大的WATERS的1%所需的BTC吗?

如果您几天前没有购买9500美元,则无需立刻抓头发。杰克·勒维森(Jake Levison)提出了一个有趣的统计数据,它表明,最富有的1%HODL雕像中仅需要0.28 BTC。问题是,购买比特币将获得多长时间。买比特币还是不买比特币?让您升至最高1%的问题拥有HODL策略是最好的选择方式之一。比特币是过去十年中...


4. 币圈丽姐:比特币再破高位为什么你不敢上车

...但做执行计划时,需要放弃预测,做一个执行交易者!就像李小龙说的“be water”!?交易是什么?“be water”!遇阻转弯,顺势而为。?BTC日线趋势没有停止的意思,至少需要四小时以上的调整才需要考虑风险,否则就需要一直在车上。?很多老币友告诉我早就被吓下了车,涨的让人难受,那是你在用情绪...


5. 月白:交易日记连载第45篇—比特币不断刷新高下一目标在哪现在还可以上车吗

...但做执行计划时,需要放弃预测,做一个执行交易者!就像李小龙说的“be water”!交易是什么?“be water”!遇阻转弯,顺势而为。,比特币日线趋势没有停止的意思,至少需要四小时以上的调整才需要考虑风险,否则就需要一直在车上。很多老币友告诉我早就被吓下了车,涨的让人难受,那是你在用...


6. 月白:交易日记连载第45篇—比特币不断刷新高下一目标在哪现在上车还来得及

...但做执行计划时,需要放弃预测,做一个执行交易者!就像李小龙说的“be water”!交易是什么?“be water”!遇阻转弯,顺势而为。,比特币日线趋势没有停止的意思,至少需要四小时以上的调整才需要考虑风险,否则就需要一直在车上。很多老币友告诉我早就被吓下了车,涨的让人难受,那是你在用...


7. 【第271期】“区块链物联网发展”&“行情解读”

...易确认。Believing that blockchain technology applications have their place in energy, waste and water management, as well as in resource extraction and agriculture and environmental protection monitoring and emergency services, we've always imagined that Industry 4.0 and AI will bring us a quality intelligent life, already full of garbage intelligent garbage classification data side can automa...


8. "要知道鱼怎么想"

...he monthly meetings. I learned that fish is a cold- blood animal and therefore is very sensitive to water temperature. That is why fish prefer shallow water to deep water because the form is warmer. Besides, Water is usually warmer in direct sunlight than in the shade. Yet fish don't have any eyelids and the sun hurt their eyes... the more I understand fish, the more I became effective at finding ...


9. 【第269期】“区块链物联网”&“行情解读”

...ting the ability to share power and spare energy at low cost, all of the utilities, energy systems, water systems, and interconnections in the blockchain can operate on it, and we can manage our limited resources on the chain, in other words, we are entering a system of trust in which the rules of the game are to trust each other, people or things that are dishonest will be denied access, and does...


10. 【第282期】#家谱家风区块链记忆# &“行情解读”&“PI网友观点摘录”

...o forgive, means to forgive, to forgive those who have made a mistake, as the saying goes, when the water is clear, there is no fish; when the man is watchful, there is no man. To forgive and deal with others is to let those who know that they have made a mistake The Way, Way Back, as the ancients said, the prodigal son can not be exchanged for gold, you can see the power of forgiveness. Health, h...


11. DREP研究院:“Libra是否有2.0--从公链梦想谈起”

...会与众议院的严厉指责,竟然在6月18号发布当天下午,金融委员会主席Maxine Waters就通知Libra官方前来国会接受质询。7月份,先是Libra项目主管被盘问,到了十月份,眼看例如Paypal,Visa这样的小伙伴都退会了,扎克伯格都不得不亲自出马。然而,回天乏术,去年Libra不断传出坏消息,被迫承诺“在美国监...


12. 「 比特派AMA」Helium-当物联网遇见区块链直播回顾

...ution is tracking leaky toilets in apartments. We have several customers like NOWI, who use LoRaWAN water leak sensors to connect to the Helium network to alert the maintenance team of leaks so they can repair them before too much water damage occurs.在美国,我们有几个客户在这种应用中使用Helium。Nestle Foods(美国的雀巢公司)就是其中一家。我们还有另外一个用...


13. 专访 Helium 孟繁荣:去中心化物联网难点与商业探索之路

...ution is tracking leaky toilets in apartments. We have several customers like NOWI, who use LoRaWAN water leak sensors to connect to the Helium network to alert the maintenance team of leaks so they can repair them before too much water damage occurs. 在美国,我们有几个客户在这种应用中使用 Helium。Nestle Foods(美国的雀巢公司) 就是其中一家。我们还有另外一...


14. 狗狗币已发动的慈善项目汇总,你知道哪几个?

...  Doge 4 Kids:捐赠30000美元的狗狗币为残疾儿童提供导盲犬。   Doge 4 Water:募捐40000000狗狗币,为给肯尼亚的人们提供两个水井。   Water 4 Africa:通过狗狗币捐赠给非洲一个村落里提供清洁和安全的用水。   Doge 4 Housing:我们的目标是筹集1100万狗狗币提供租赁和抵押贷款资助至少5个明...


15. 七号矿场无处不在

...The same idea doesn't mean that they can be used mutually. Some merchants began to fish in troubled waters and told users to dig more with one machine. BZZ was dug first in the early stage when it was hot, and FIL was dug after the heat passed, which made you put down your mental alert and told you responsibly that it was impossible.Swarm更广泛的目标,分散的Web应用程序开发人员提...
