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collection shift

1. EOS生态发展近期综合简报、eosio 2.2发布

...、怀俄明州 DAO,3、Chintai 的 750 万美元,4、EdenOS 测试 #25、加密货币作者在 Collect.Social 上的投票Block.one 更改了其 Twitter 简介,重新设计了其网站,并发布了有关 Bullish.com 的更多详细信息。美国获得了第一个合法的 DAO;它建立在 EOSIO 之上。 Chintai 获得了大量的种子资金。跨链桥取得了更多进展。苹果...


2. 区块链动态2021年11月19日早参考

...注于网络和现场活动的社交平台公司Upstream正在推出一体化DAO构建器Upstream Collective。这将允许任何人通过发行代币来启动DAO,然后可以使用这些代币来创建提案并对其进行投票。如果提议通过,提议的操作将自动在链上执行。参与者甚至不需要知道如何编码。11. 道琼斯指数11月18日(周四)收盘下跌59.71...


3. ZKSync中better_better_cs如何实现聚合证明(?)

...r_public_inputs(&self,_domain_size:?usize,_public_inputs: &[E::Fr],_at:?E::Fr,queried_values: &std::collections::HashMap<PolynomialInConstraint,?E::Fr>,monomials_storage: &?AssembledPolynomialStorageForMonomialForms<E>,challenges: &[E::Fr],worker: &Worker)?->?Result<Polynomial<E::Fr,?Coefficients>,?SynthesisError>?{}?到的传?参数有?hashmap?格式的?queried_values、单项式缓...


4. 比特币ETF投资者正在抄底

This past year has seen $9.3bn invested in Bitcoin via the ETFs (and funds), and they now collectively own 809,105 BTC between them. That is 4.7% of the known active total Bitcoin supply and has become the single most important, measurable source of demand.在过去的一年里,93亿美金的资金体量通过ETF(和基金)的形式,投资了比特币。现在他们总共拥有809,105个BT...


5. a16z的宝藏学习清单:NFT、社交代币、DAO、创作者经济

...creatorsby Pak, Signe Pierce, Zoran Basichhttps://a16z.com/2020/11/22/crypto-for-creators-tokenized-collectibles-nfts/区块链如何闯入传统拍卖关于为什么 Beeple 一副 jpeg 图片可以拍出 6900 万美金。How the blockchain broke the auction blockby Alexi Horowitz-Ghazi and Mary Childshttps://www.npr.org/2021/03/12/976513031/the-69-million-jpeg加密经济中为玩家而生的通...


6. 监管无碍市场活跃,融资笔数创九周新高 | 投融资周报

...构包括红杉印度、Weekend Fund、ConsenSys Mesh、DeFi Alliance、Ethereal Ventures、Fintech Collective 和 Gnosis,以及天使投资人 Balancer Labs 联合创始人 Fernando Martinelli、Polygon 联合创始人 Sandeep Nailwal、Aave 机构业务负责人 Ajit Tripathi、Larry Sukernik 等。加密交易平台 Coinrule 完成 220 万美元种子轮融资,投资者包括 Fitbit、Twitc...

知识:Coinbase,Ripple,SBI,EOS,Mark C

7. 精通IPFS:IPFS 保存内容之中篇

...。如果文件进行了多次分块,这里就会根据生成的分块生成一个父块。调用collect流,调用回调函数即createAndStoreFile,把保存文件的结果传递到外部函数中。如果保存的内容是 Buffer,那么调用 pull-stream 的values方法,生成内容源流。if(Buffer.isBuffer(file.content)){file.content=values([file.content])}调用createReducer方法...


8. 区块链产业周刊|欧盟发布新数据法案相关提案;万向区块链推出智能楼宇碳足

...约合374.7万美元)澳元种子轮融资,由Jump Capital、Global Founders Capital、FinTech Collective、DACM、Waterdrip Capital、B Digital等参投。【悉尼风投King River Capital推出5000万美元Web3加密基金】2月21日消息,总部位于悉尼的风险投资公司King River Capital推出了5000万美元的Web3加密基金,将专注于Web3机会。该公司联合创始人Z...


9. 德央行行长:货币政策的变化与延续

... not holding its New Year’s reception in this hall, it is exhibiting photographs from its own art collection here.Some of these pictures can be found up here on the gallery, including photos from a series taken by Christian Borchert. He took portraits of families at home, usually in their living rooms. Years later, he came back to photograph them again.His images show how people change, yet stay...


10. 如何避免虚假的初始代币发行代币评级

...healthcare industry at this point in time. To date, healthcare and pharmaceutical related ICOs have collected just $8.31 million USD. There’s certainly a significant amount of room for growth in the ICO space for healthcare solutions.EntertainmentThe events and entertainment sector doesn’t present many opportunities for developers to present innovative initial coin offerings. Despite this ...


11. 收藏 | 万字长文说透加密货币本质

...934. https://iterative.tools/2Q4wXK9.Poynder, John. Literary extracts from English and other works; collected during half a century. London: John Hatchard & Son. 1844. https://iterative.tools/2QV38gn.Mitcham, Carl. Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics. Macmillan Reference USA, 2005. Pages 1152-1153. https://iterative.tools/2xO8QIh.Rifkin, Jeremy. The Zero Marginal Cost Society. Palg...
