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core bear

1. 治理3.0SunderProtocol用“拆分”重新定义治理代币价值

...of Sunder Protocol, and early adopter/contributor to the DeFi movement since 2016. As for our other core team members, we’re mostly a diverse team of engineers and crypto native economists including core contributors to YearnFinance and Filecoin. You can track our experience and contributions on our Github: https://medium.com/r?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FSunderfinance%2Fsunder-contractsSunde...


2. 三元×YSL.IOAMA实录

...ck rewards). This process is explained further in our gitbook ??https://docs.ysl.io/ysl-io/v/cn/ysl-core-protocol-1/referral-programYSL.IO 推荐计划将是一个单层计划,将在平台启动后生效。任何通过推荐链接连接的用户都将受益于策略 1 放大的额外 0.5% APR 增量。共享推荐链接的用户将根据使用其链接连接的每个用户的 TVL 获得 0.5% 的...


3. 加拿大数字知名媒体Digital Journal全面报道Filenet项目

...式存储是大数据时代的必然选择,新的趋势所在。?Distributed storage, one of the core technologies of the blockchain, is to solve the problems brought by the data explosion era.?Filenet, as the world's first distributed storage application chain with main net launched, will lead the world into a new era of network technology.区块链的核心技术之一就是解决数据存储...


4. Vswap如何打造多链DEX提供最佳资产交易

...ervices, payment services, and layer2 networks. Vswap is a community-based open cooperation system. Core Developers play a coordinating role in DAO for technical realization and organizing more developers to join the Vswap ecosystem. At present, Vswap users have covered more than 50 countries around the world, with hundreds of thousands of active community users. Global users participate in the de...


5. 千字解析區塊鏈

...理以及為什麼如此重要。讓我們開始吧。Whatis blockchain?什麼是區塊鏈?At its core, ablockchainisnot so different from a regular database.It stores information on thingsthat happened in the past, with unique attributes, such as:從本質上講,區塊鏈與常規數據庫沒有太大區別。它以獨特的屬性存儲有關過去發生的事情的信息,例如:Decent ra...


6. Blockchainexplainedin1000words千字解析區塊鏈

...理以及為什麼如此重要。讓我們開始吧。Whatis blockchain?什麼是區塊鏈?At its core, a?blockchain?isnot so different from a regular database.?It stores information on thingsthat happened in the past, with unique attributes, such as:從本質上講,區塊鏈與常規數據庫沒有太大區別。它以獨特的屬性存儲有關過去發生的事情的信息,例如:Decent...


7. DeFi之道丨一文探讨Uniswap V3的最佳做市方案

...kmd.io/@HaydenAdams/HJ9jLsfTz[2] Hayden Adams, Noah Zinsmeister, and Dan Robinson. 2020. Uniswap v2 core.URl: https://uniswap.org/whitepaper. pdf (2020).[3] Hayden Adams, Noah Zinsmeister, Moody Salem, River Keefer, and Dan Robinson.2021. Uniswap v3 Core. (2021).[4] Guillermo Angeris and Tarun Chitra. 2020. Improved price oracles: Constantfunction market makers. In Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Confe...

知识:Uniswap V3

8. 深入分析 Uniswap V3 做市策略:什么是最优做市方案?

...kmd.io/@HaydenAdams/HJ9jLsfTz[2] Hayden Adams, Noah Zinsmeister, and Dan Robinson. 2020. Uniswap V2 core. URl: https://uniswap.org/whitepaper. pdf (2020).[3] Hayden Adams, Noah Zinsmeister, Moody Salem, River Keefer, and Dan Robinson.2021. Uniswap V3 Core. (2021).[4] Guillermo Angeris and Tarun Chitra. 2020. Improved price oracles: Constant function market makers. In Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Co...


9. DeFi七点钟社区|多链去中心化综合体Vswap16日上线DODO众筹池

...ervices, payment services, and layer2 networks. Vswap is a community-based open cooperation system. Core Developers play a coordinating role in DAO for technical realization and organizing more developers to join the Vswap ecosystem. At present, Vswap users have covered more than 50 countries around the world, with hundreds of thousands of active community users. Global users participate in the de...


10. What is the Nature of Blockchain?

...cle. I believe even if you don’t understand technology, you can still know the blockchain and its core technical principles.So when was the concept of “blockchain” proposed and who proposed? I checked some information and it seems there is no authoritative statement. As I dive into the sources, it can be clearly seen that the concept of the blockchain is gradually spread around 2013. Previou...


11. YSL.IO-一款尖端的DeFi工具|明煌研究院AMA

...报和锁定流动性。The YSL.I.O?protocol has been designed with several functions, here are the core functions that make us stand out among other projects:该YSL.I.O协议已经设计了几个功能,以下是使我们在其他项目中脱颖而出的核心功能1.Optimisation and Amplification优化和放大功能The YSL.I.O?platform will offer vaults where users can deposit their LP tokens ...


12. 区块链每日重要动态:8月13日见闻

...以区块链技术为导向的公益平台,为公益注入新的理念并添砖加瓦。26.【ETC Core创始人:“财政系统提案”损害矿工利益,注定不会成功】ETC Labs、ETC Core创始人James Wo发推称:“我每年都会花费几百万美元的个人资产来资助ETC。ETC Core正在招募更多的核心开发人员。欢迎大家提出建议和支持。但‘财政系...


13. 七彩研究院YSL.IO—让DeFi最大化加密资产回报

...续发展,又能为本地代币持有者带来回报。Q2.Caroline: Can you introduce us to the core functions of the YSL.IO protocol?Q2、七彩研究院主持人雪糕:能否给我们介绍下YSL.IO协议的核心功能?A2、Hardev Dhillon:The YSL.IO protocol has been designed with several functions, here are the core functions that make us stand out among other projects:1.??Optimisation...


14. 后NFT时代



15. Tokenism通证主义面面观之《DAO的无限可能及其在Cosmos生态中的例证应用》

...您如何衡量DAO治理的有效性Jazear:- How many responsibilities we can turn over from the core team to the DAO- Cryptoeconomic metrics such as market cap, token price, liquidity pooled, liquidity staked, etc.- Quality of deliberation among protocol politicians-我们可以从核心团队移交给DAO的职责是什么-加密经济指标,例如市值,代币价格,整合资金流动性...
