... and destroy, more and more coins will be used by currency holders, and the liquidity pool will get larger and larger, and the price curve will get higher and higher.Total MIX: 10 billionMIX address:0xc5fec9d94962ff341aa044437b873837145bd808
...Tarbert)认为,对加密衍生产品的适当监管将有助于带来合法性,并“创造 [larger] 数字资产市场。”
...ex trading volume is 53 times that of the New York Stock Exchange. The forex market is 12 times larger than the futures market and 27 times larger than the stock market. However, the many disadvantages of traditional forex transactions make it impossible to face the new situation in the current forex market. In September 2019, FG Wealth Management Co., Ltd. invested 100 million e...
...ly low mutation levels and fewer neoantigens present.However, small groups of mCRPC patients within larger Phase III trials have seen?favorable outcomes?to checkpoint inhibitors, explained Subudhi, which drove the researchers to ask whether effective immune responses could be stimulated by checkpoint blockade in tumors with low mutation levels.To investigate this question, the research team launch...
...,CME与BitMEX和OKEx之间的未平仓头寸差异 [the two leading derivatives platforms in the larger unregulated and non-US market] 这表明在美国有更多机构投资者,随着美联储和美国国会实施的流动性和刺激计划的增加,他们的投资组合的比特币持有量增加了。 CME的未平仓合约为2.33亿美元,为2月25日以来的最高点,而BitMEX和OKE...
... perspective, the obstacle related to cryptocurrency market is often its illiquidity. Consequently, larger trades frequently cause larger slippage rates that can significantly reduce traders’ profitability. The initiative by Curve, Ren and Sythetix is one of the projects aiming to resolve this issue. Users are incentivized to provide liquidity by the yield they can obtain for their native tokens...
...changes in the currency. The documentary marked the first time bitcoin came to the attention of the larger Chinese public. 去年5月份中国国家电视台中央电视台(CCTV)播放了一部有关比特币的纪录片,引发了人们对这个基于软件的支付系统的关注,其中也包括那些希望从比特币的变化中赚一些快钱的中国投机者们。这部纪录...
...年间出现三个阶段的发展,非理性繁荣(irrational exuberance)、更大的 关注(larger focused) 和全球性发展(global)。?其中在2020?年左右,其商业价值将超过3?万亿美元。从非理性繁荣到全球化发展。WTO?预测,区块链技术的发展会在?2020?年左右迎来约?130%?增速, 其能产生的商业价值也将骤升到超?30000?亿美...
...分享更大愿景的片段》原文链接:https://forums.eoscommunity.org/t/sharing-pieces-of-a-larger-vision/4835本文已单独发布:《分享更大愿景的片段》如果朋友想进微信群,请通过 Telegram 或 mixin 群组联系我,或去微信公众号 Yestoday 私信。备份群组:tg 群组:https://t.me/joinchat/W3pyhpMH87gzM2Q1mixin 群组:https://mixin.one/codes/6315f...
...ing its public community members to partake in the pre-public rounds. Usually reserved only for the larger institutions, the earlier stage private rounds offer early access, where participants can enjoy privileged pricing.MRHB’s community has reached 20,000 members in less than four months and to better reward their early supporters, MRHB has eliminated the large minimum participation amount req...
...要匿名?There was a suggestion that BPs are political businesses and depend on the largesse of larger BPs and whales, and so if the juries were not anonymous there would be retribution, in the form of votes being pulled. The counter argument is that such retribution can only be done once per juror and the public outcry may be violent enough to recover. Large non-beholden BPs would be free to s...
...ions that stand out and support with the following functional capabilities in order to combat these larger data privacy issues: secure blockchain authentication, decentralized storage, management console, enterprise phone system, data encryption, HD video conferencing, P2P audio & video calling, and more. We already have such a solution.”It’s notably:Debriefhas been compared to the likes o...
...?年间出现三个阶段的发展,非理性繁荣(irrational exuberance)、更大的关注(larger focused) 和全球性发展(global)。其中在2020?年左右,其商业价值将超过3?万亿美元。从非理性繁荣到全球化发展。WTO 预测,区块链技术的发展会在?2020?年左右迎来约?130%?增速, 其能产生的商业价值也将骤升到超?30000?亿美...
...回购和燃烧This means that the oven is always increasing the amount of cake staked and creating larger and larger buybacks and burns这意味着烤箱总是在增加蛋糕的数量,并创造越来越大的回购和燃烧This means that the rewards from sue syrup pool destroy tokens and add liquidity to the protocol every day这意味着SUE糖浆池的奖励每天都会摧毁代币,并为...
...pay for the good. In the max flow case, the amount would be 1 BTC in both cases since the output is larger than 1 BTC)。仅在几个交易后,最小流量可能会降到零。 在最小流量大于零的情况,我们可以证明从入口到出口的比特币,有充分的可追溯性。但在最小流量因为所有潜在的输出而变成零时,这种情况下通常是没有可...