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1. 以太坊区块浏览器Etherscan在中国无法访问

...区块浏览器Etherscan在中国无法访问 中国使用的“大防火墙”(Great Firewall of China)是北京用来限制其公民访问Facebook和Google等网站的工具,它已阻止访问著名的以太坊区块链浏览器Etherscan。 该信息是由非营利性数据跟踪组织GreatFire透露的。 GreatFire指出,自2019年10月以来,中国已禁止访问Etherscan。 这意...


2. XT.COM三周年专题AMA回顾

主持人:Maxwell-区块链网络主编嘉宾:Charlie?- Polygon China主管Nicolas Contasti?- Into TheBIock业务发展主管Ori Levi?-?NFTrade首席执行官Onur Altan Tan?- BITCI 首席执行官Weber Woo?- XT.com 首席执行官2021年9月23日15:30 (UTC+8),XT.COM又开启了一次AMA直播!1、Maxwell:Hi,?everyone. Our AMA will start soon.?To celebrate the third anniversary of XT.com, we are ...


3. 从社交到元宇宙,XT.COM三周年开启新的征程

...ok在区块链网络举办了以“元宇宙的虚与实”为主题的AMA活动,邀请了Polygon China主管Charlie、Into TheBIock业务发展主管Nicolas Contasti、NFTrade首席执行官Ori Levi、BITCI 首席执行官Onur Altan Tan以及XT.COM?首席执行官Weber Woo,围绕元宇宙的价值潜力及其发展方向发表了各自独特的见解。XT.COM首席执行官Weber Woo在演讲...


4. 金色Web3.0日报|新华网发布第二批数字藏品

...立大中华区合资公司,以探索流媒体、NFT和元宇宙的机会。 RCA Records Greater China将在艺人管理和Web 3.0领域招聘关键员工。3.国家级数据云平台“人民云”正式上线:聚焦元宇宙等行业领域区块链网络报道,国家级数据云平台“人民云”5月20日正式上线,“人民云”聚焦党建、金融、元宇宙等行业领域,...


5. Chainlink近期多场黑客松获奖项目介绍

...5525微博:https://weibo.com/chainlinkofficial币乎:https://bihu.com/people/1869894547合作联系:[email protected]:https://github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlinkGitter:https://gitter.im/smartcontractkit-chainlink/LobbyTwitter:https://twitter.com/chainlinkofficialTelegram:https://t.me/chainlinkofficial


6. 琼·特洛(Joan Telo):目前购买比特币采矿设备时,主要因素是减半

... va a subir. Yo mejor me voy”Elena: Yo agarro mis equipos, se lo vendo a Venezuela, se lo vendo a China, a los mineros que trabajan marginales con la electricidad subsidiada y a ellos les siguen sacando el jugo a estos aparatitos y yo me paso a Monero.Joan: Exactamente. O hago cualquier otra opción. Pero aquí hay algo importantísimo que a mí me gusta siempre comentar, y es que en mi tiempo v...


7. 维基链WICC|项目进展周报第72期(6.15-6.21)

...incent governance currency popularization video, DeFi data and Project knowledge.Marketing Report(China)Tao Jing, strategic analyst of WaykiChain, was invited by the bull market financial media to attend the 284th bull market sharing class. Bull Market Finance subsequently published "Ace to Ace-MKR's strongest opponent WGRT", and was reprinted by major media in the industry.WaykiChain co-found...


8. 维基链WICC | 项目进展周报第72期(6.15-6.21)

...Vincent governance currency popularization video, DeFi data and Project knowledge.Marketing Report (China)Tao Jing, strategic analyst of WaykiChain, was invited by the bull market financial media to attend the 284th bull market sharing class. Bull Market Finance subsequently published "Ace to Ace-MKR's strongest opponent WGRT", and was reprinted by major media in the industry.WaykiChain co-founder...


9. 150 多页 PPT,全面总结加密货币世界发展现状

...球监管发展显著中国将区块链作为一项战略举措 https://www.wired.com/story/opinion-china-is-pushing-toward-global-blockchain-dominance欧洲央行开始开发匿名交易的数字货币 PoC https://www.ecb.europa.eu/paym/intro/publications/pdf/ecb.mipinfocus191217.en.pdf葡萄牙税务局明确表示对比特币交易和支付免税 https://www.forbes.com/sites/kellyphillipserb/20...


10. 维基链WICC|项目进展周报第71期(6.08-6.14)

...or Vincent governance coin popularization video, DeFi data and project knowledge.Marketing Report(China)WaykiChain's governance coin WGRT will be launched on June 17 on OKex. This week we will continue to launch the "All People Get Gold Bar" activity. WaykiChain selects a lucky user from the official community every day to give away a pure gold bullion worth 1,000 yuan. As of June 17, this eve...


11. 维基链WICC | 项目进展周报第71期(6.08-6.14)

...or Vincent governance coin popularization video, DeFi data and project knowledge.Marketing Report(China)WaykiChain's governance coin WGRT will be launched on June 17 on OKex. This week we will continue to launch the "All People Get Gold Bar" activity. WaykiChain selects a lucky user from the official community every day to give away a pure gold bullion worth 1,000 yuan. As of June 17, this eve...


12. Tomas Alvarez:区块链是比特币的有害产品

... de la centralización de la electricidad. Entonces, vas a tener un tema de que, pues como está en China, que China tiene unas peculiaridades en su mercado eléctrico, pero ves soluciones nuevas. Por ejemplo, estas donde hacen unos contenedores que meten en pozos de gas y de petróleo, en donde en lugar de quemar el gas, que es lo que ves normal, lo usan para producir electricidad. José: O de so...


13. 技术与产品并驱 DREP打造国际化生态 诠释区块链赋能商业之路——DREP 2019年终报

...镇、区块链振兴协会理事长金亨柱都出席现场。DREP团队的游戏生态顾问Riot China COO,Daniel Wang和DREP两位联合创始人受邀接受韩国亚洲经济TV、TVCC,韩国知名地产旗下媒体HKBnews,以及多名韩国区块链KOL的采访;DREP创始人团队受邀赴韩出席由节点资本、区块链网络、Coinin联合举办的CONNECT THE NODES活动,以及...


14. 150多页PPT,全面总结加密货币世界发展现状

...球监管发展显著中国将区块链作为一项战略举措https://www.wired.com/story/opinion-china-is-pushing-toward-global-blockchain-dominance欧洲央行开始开发匿名交易的数字货币 PoChttps://www.ecb.europa.eu/paym/intro/publications/pdf/ecb.mipinfocus191217.en.pdf葡萄牙税务局明确表示对比特币交易和支付免税https://www.forbes.com/sites/kellyphillipserb/2019/...


15. 150多页PPT:全面总结加密货币世界发展现状

...球监管发展显著中国将区块链作为一项战略举措https://www.wired.com/story/opinion-china-is-pushing-toward-global-blockchain-dominance欧洲央行开始开发匿名交易的数字货币 PoChttps://www.ecb.europa.eu/paym/intro/publications/pdf/ecb.mipinfocus191217.en.pdf葡萄牙税务局明确表示对比特币交易和支付免税https://www.forbes.com/sites/kellyphillipserb/2019/...
