合约币(XCP)网络钱包Counterwallet在主网上线: https://counterwallet.co 请小心使用你的资金!先用少量XCP或资产尝试使用,用习惯了之后,再尝试更多。请发电子邮件到dev@counterparty.co报告涉及损失或潜在资金损失的bug。 请小心你的密码短语。请将它写在纸上,而不是保存在你的计算机里。把密码短语多抄几份分别放在不同的安全的地方。不要写下描述告诉任何人这是用来干什么的(例如“我的Counterwallet密码:”<===这是错误的行为)。 另外,请注意以下警告: Counterwallet是测试版软件,并仍处于开发状态。在主网请谨慎使用它来存储和转移资金,并报告任何/所有错误。Counterparty合约币团队无法承担资金丢失或被盗的责任,但我们会尽我们的力量,防止和纠正这种情况。 英文原文: Counterwallet is live on mainnet: https://counterwallet.co Please BE CAREFUL with your funds! Try an operation with a fraction of XCP or asset, get used to things, and then try more. Please email dev@counterparty.co with any bug reports involving loss or potential loss of funds. Please BE CAREFUL with your pass phrase. Store it on paper, not on your computer. Store multiple paper copies in multiple different secure places. Do not give it a written description that would tell anyone what it's for (e.g. "My Counterwallet Password: " <=== bad move! ). Also, please heed the following warning: Counterwallet is BETA software and is still under heavy development. Please take caution in your use of it for storing and transferring funds on mainnet, and report any/all bugs. The Counterparty team cannot be held responsible for lost or stolen funds, although we will do everything in our power to prevent and rectify such situations. —- 原文链接:无 原文作者:无 编译者/作者:玩币族 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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