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暗黑币DRK RC4更新消息

2014-08-16 Lily 来源:比特儿

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  前几天暗黑币发布了 RC4。 RC4 运行相对良好只是有些小的缺陷。开发团队已在修复缺陷。根据暗黑币论坛中用户的最新讨论,有些用户说暗黑币面额分配的问题已经解决,钱包运行良好。但是也有些用户似乎仍有问题。您可以通过以下链接了解用户的讨论。

  论坛链接:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php topic=421615.55180

  暗黑币社区领导eltito 昨天发布有关 RC4 跟新的帖子,大家可以回顾一下:



  RC4 发布几天了,对于这么大规模的更新。RC4的运行可以说相当良好。RC4 运行过程中出现了几个Bug,开发团队正在处理。请注意,这些bug 仅影响本地钱包,不影响 Darksend 或暗黑币的基础结构。此次更新中,没有发现影响主节点的bug。

  如果您想随时了解当前问题的处理状态,您可以通过此链接查看: https://darkcointalk.org/threads/rc4-issues-bugs-feature-requests.2039/


  yidakee、 chaeplin 以及其他人一直在努力促使矿池将客户端升级到 RC4,以便让 RC4 主节点获得付款。现在,合规比例大约为 66%,yidakee 预计在今天结束前,该比例会接近 75% 。RC3 后,花费了很长时间达到这个合规水平,yidakee 和其他人员的表现非常出色。随着更多的矿池更新到 RC4, 向运行 RC4的主节点付款将会达到合理的水平




  对于主节点(Masternodes)最近的强制更新是 10.12.26 版。如果您在主节点上运行的是该版本或更高版本,则无需任何操作。当前正在发布的更新是解决 Darksend的面额分配流程中出现的问题,仅影响希望在本地钱包中使用 Darksend 的用户。对于主节点(Masternodes),10.12.26 以外的版本不是强制更新。


  Hello everyone,

  We're a few days into RC4 and things are going relatively well for an update of this size and scope. A few bugs have turned up and they are being dealt with in turn. Please be aware that these affect local wallets only and not the underlying structure of Darksend or Darkcoin. There are no known bugs affecting Masternodes at this time.

  If you'd like to keep up with the status of current issues, you can do so here: https://darkcointalk.org/threads/rc4-issues-bugs-feature-requests.2039/


  yidakee, chaeplin and several others have been working diligently on getting pools to upgrade their clients to RC4 so that RC4 Masternodes will be paid. Compliance is now around 66% and yidakee anticipates that we will be closer to 75% by the end of the day. This level of compliance after RC3 took much longer - this is fantastic work by yidakeeand crew. As more pools update to RC4, payments to Masternodes running RC4 will pick back up to their proper levels.

  You can follow progress on that front (or help out!) here: https://darkcointalk.org/threads/rc4-compliant-mining-pools-vs-non-complying.2038/

  Masternode Owners

  The most recent mandatory update for Masternodes is v10.12.26. If you are running that or any higher version on your Masternode, there is nothing more that you need to do at this time. The updates being released right now are to address bugs that have been found in the denomination process for Darksend only. These only affect those who wish to use Darksend on a local wallet. Versions beyond 10.12.26 are not mandatory for Masternodes.

  Last edited: Yesterday at 11:12 AM





