和氏币开发人员SyRenity 就和氏币最近的问题解决进度发布了状态更新: 简译如下: 状态更新 经过全面分析,我们发现一个节点传输了无效区块,导致节点在处理块链时停止。 注意: 值得一提的是,不会因此发生丢币事件。我们与各交易平台保持联系,会确保每个账户的和氏币资金正确。 我们仍在检查这是蓄意攻击还是内部缺陷,为了确保此情况不再重现,我们已经添加了一个流程。该流程会筛选此类区块和类似区块。 我们会随后发布 0.1.5 更新,解决当前问题。更新还将添加改进的分叉恢复机制,从本地块链存储中删除无效区块(无需手动进行) 原文 Status update After an extensive analysis, we found out that one of the nodes has transmitted an invalid block which caused nodes to halt processing the blockchain. While we included handling for such events, this particular use case was not included. Note: It's important to mention that no funds were lost as the result. We in constant contact with all the exchanges who integrated with Crypti, and will ensure the funds are attributed correctly to each Crypti account. We still checking if this was a deliberate attack or an internal bug, that said in order to ensure such cases do not repeat, we have added a processing that will filter out this and similar types of blocks. We will release a 0.1.5 shortly, that will resolve the current situation, and also will include an improved fork-recovery mechanism, that will remove the invalid blocks from the local blockchain storage (without the need to do it manually). —- 文章来源:http://cn.bter.com/article/2564 原文链接:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=654463.5580 原文作者:无 编译者/作者:Lily 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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