文/Mr.李 新鲜币团队正式宣布 Fresh Online v1.0发布,访问地址:http://online.freshcoin.net 以下是功能一览: 1、在线钱包功能 2、可以用Facebook或者邮件登录 3、即时转账系统,无需转账手续费 4、可在朋友之间随意发送新鲜币,即便朋友没有钱包 5、长远的投资基金决策 投资基金决策目前以游戏为主要线路,团队已经和至少5家游戏商和工作室进行过沟通。 以下是新鲜币投资决策概览图,清晰的展示了一个投资者的基金流转和收益: ![]() ![]() 原文如下: 03/09/2014 The development team is proud to anounce: http://online.freshcoin.net Current features at a glance: Online FRESH coin wallet Login with Facebook or email Instant online transactions without paying fees! Send FRESH coins to friends that don't have a wallet yet Long term investment option Although the system is well tested it's still the first (beta) release. This means there are probably some bugs and or improvements in the current features. Please contact me using the PM fucntion and tell us what we can improve. —- 文章来源:http://cn.bter.com/article/2753 编译者/作者:酒儿 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
新鲜币团队正式发布Fresh Online v1.0
2014-09-06 酒儿 来源:比特儿
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