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David Zimbeck关于BlackHalo和BitBay关系的最新说明

2014-11-17 黑币Blackcoin 来源:weibo.com

  以下内容来自于David Zimbeck今天早上在reddit发布的帖子:http://www.reddit.com/r/blackcoin/comments/2mgrgy/can_someone_please_update_me_on_the_bitbay/cm4alpy

  Good question. I'm going to explain exactly what the differences and similarities are.


  BlackHalo will be the first coin to have markets but they may only have a few days lead. You guys will want to prepare some articles when this happens.


  BlackHalo will be the only multicoin client at first. However Bay will probably get a Halo if they "earn" it.


  BlackHalo will be getting NightTrader multisignature exchange. Bay will not be getting pairs on release however will probably get a spot on the exchange.

  BlackHalo将会得到NightTrader多重签名交易平台 。BitBay在发布的时候不会获得交易对,但也很可能将会在其中获得一席之地。

  BlackHalo gets the Microtrading engine first making it the first decentralized exchange. Since I do not see it as a rush to put this in Bay, They will eventually get it.


  BlackHalo gets a feature that Bay won't. "Backing" by using locked funds. And, I'm thinking of ways to give BlackHalo a special multipool.


  Baycoin gets pegged to the dollar or RMB. They will be a test market for a fork to a NuBits style economy. It will reflect a governance system.


  Baycoin gets to be the first coin to support or fund a mesh network. I'm going to decide how to push this incentive.


  This one is very important. Baycoin will probably be the first of the two to use locktimeverify. unless rat4 wants to fork before that. I have talked to him. He will add it but I have more control over BitBay than BC. This matters because I can do my double escrows in exactly one transaction with this feaure. (Instead of 2) AND I can eliminate the instant refund from the client since malleability won't be an issue. Also, I can do many more types of contracts. Like I can do dead mans switch, futures without microtade and atomic trading. So I really hope he adds it so I can put all those contracts in Halo.

  Blackcoin gets a multisignature staking system and someone will probably create a staking device. Baycoin will have to eventually get this though for security purposes.

  Blackcoin will get pegged to something (maybe even Baycoin) if the peg to the dollar works out.


  However, if the peg works out i was thinking of making BC a multipool moving peg. But this only works if rat4 lets me do it since he would have the final say here.


  Also, dont think of them as competition. it was a funding issue and it was also that I was in major debt and was under a lot of stress and it was interfering with my work.


  One last thing. I can assure you that the million dollar crowdsale that Bay secured would have been impossible without the team that hired me. I highly doubt had I started my own coin i would have been able to raise it myself. So they deserve it. I'm not going to go further into detail on that but its a very exciting addition to the game. We should watch that project cautiously but with interest.






  3.David Zimbeck是第三方开发者,不属于黑币核心开发团队。





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