香港福羲2019香港秋季拍卖会拍品预展将在,2019年10月28至10月29日位于香港旺角东帝京酒店(Royal Plaza Hotel)隆重举行,10月30日帝京酒店(Royal Plaza Hotel)进行举槌开拍。诚请您届时莅临预展及拍卖现场。2019福羲国际物竞天择秋季拍品预展将为广大藏家、传媒朋友和艺术爱好者呈献现当代艺术、中国书画、中国古董珍玩、法国艺术品、珠宝及尚品等跨越不同收藏类别的精品佳作。 Hong Kong fuxi 2019 Hong Kong autumn auction preview will be held from October 28 to October 29, 2019 in the east king hotel, mongkok, Hong Kong. The hammer will be held in the east king hotel on October 30. We sincerely invite you to visit the preview and auction site. Fuxi international autumn auction preview exhibition will present modern and contemporary art, Chinese painting and calligraphy, Chinese antiques, French art, jewelry and other fine works spanning different collection categories for collectors, media friends and art lovers. 2019香港秋季拍卖会 | 法国工艺精品赏析 2019 Hong Kong autumn auction l exquisite appreciation of French craftsmanship 本次拍卖会的重点拍品: 十八世纪末 越南王室法国玛瑙床/Late 18th century Vietnamese royal family French agate bed 宽:167cm, 长:214cm ,床高(不含床板):45cm,主床头板:92cm W:167cm,L:214cm,H:45cm,H:92cm 法国玛瑙床的历史由来,太子从小便被送到了法国去学习受西方教育,13岁时父亲去世,从法国回国登基称帝,接着继续回到法国完成学业,直到19岁时回越南执政。回到越南后的皇帝,在一次舞会上,认识了同样从法国回来的漂亮姑娘阮有氏兰,他们有共同的语言,又是差不多的年纪,便迅速坠入爱河。此玛瑙床是法国制作后送给越南帝后的新婚礼物。新婚不久后,册封阮有兰氏为南芳皇后,足以证明阮有兰氏的受宠程度。南芳皇后的美貌和穿衣品味,瞬间成为焦点,掀起一股热潮,在后来被评为“全球最美五个皇后之一”。 The history of agate beds in France is that the prince was sent to France from childhood to study for Western education. At the age of 13, his father died and returned to France to become emperor. Then he went back to France to complete his studies until he returned to Vietnam to govern at the age of 19. After returning to Vietnam, the emperor, at a dance, met Ruan Youshilan, a beautiful girl who also came back from France. They had a common language and were about the same age, and fell in love quickly. This agate bed is a new wedding gift made in France for the empress of Vietnam. Shortly after the marriage, Ruan Youlan was appointed Queen of Nanfang, which is enough proof of Ruan Youlan's favor. Nanfang Queen's beauty and dress taste became the focus of attention in an instant, which set off a boom and was later named ''one of the five most beautiful queens in the world''. 越南王室法国玛瑙床 越南王室法国玛瑙床 越南王室法国玛瑙床 越南王室法国玛瑙床 越南王室法国玛瑙床 越南王室法国玛瑙床 此玛瑙床是由18世纪末19世纪初法国制作后送给越南王室皇后的玛瑙床,玛瑙床用大块的玛瑙精挑细琢,整体低调奢华有档次,款式匠心独运,精美绝伦,床体大气线条柔美,雕刻精致生动,床头雕刻着伟大的母亲哺乳着孩子,孩子们在葡萄树下玩耍,象征着多子多福和一本万利的美好寓意。床两侧的男玛瑙石雕,体格雄伟,肌肉壮硕,雍容高贵的特征,给人力量美的享受。女玛瑙石雕裸露着双臂,透过薄衣裙隐见丰艳健美而有力量的身体,体态优雅,整个形象富有女性的温柔和充满生命。侧壁玛瑙雕刻着香根鸾尾是法国的国花,它体大花美,婀娜多姿它象征光明的自由,“香根鸾尾(法国国花)”在法国被认为是幸福的象征。床尾的玛瑙天使雕刻,代表圣洁、良善,正直。玛瑙自古被视为美丽、幸福、吉祥、象征友善的爱心和希望,有助于消除压力、疲劳、浊气等负性能量。还具有医疗效果,改善人体内分泌系统,加强人体的新陈代谢,增强血液循环,加强身体的免疫功用。此玛瑙床品相完好存世量十分稀少,本法国玛瑙床为本次重点拍品,包含着美好的寓意和深深地祝福,十分值得收藏。 The agate bed was made after the end of the 18th century early 19th century French royal queen agate bed to Vietnam, agate bed with big agate fine cut, whole have class, low-key costly design is ingenious, beautiful, soft bed body air lines, vivid and exquisite carving sculpture of the head of a bed the great mother breastfeeding the child, the children are playing under the vine and a symbol of the many children and good moral bottom line. The male agate stone carvings on both sides of the bed, the physique is majestic, muscular, elegant and noble characteristics, give a person the power of the United States to enjoy. Female agate stone carving bare arms, through the thin dress hidden to see the rich, beautiful and strong and powerful body, body elegant, the whole image of a woman full of tenderness and full of life. Carved in agate on the side is the national flower of France, which is big and beautiful and graceful, symbolizing the freedom of light. ''luan luan (national flower of France)'' is regarded as the symbol of happiness in France. The agate angel carving at the end of the bed represents holiness, goodness and integrity. Since ancient times, agate has been regarded as beautiful, happy, auspicious and a symbol of friendly love and hope, which helps eliminate negative sexual energy such as pressure, fatigue and turbidity. Also has the medical treatment effect, improves the human body endocrine system, strengthens the human body's metabolism, enhances the blood circulation, strengthens the body's immune function. This agate bed tastes phase intact to exist the world quantity is very rare, this French agate bed is this time key pat article, containing beautiful implied meaning and deep blessing, be worth collecting very much 拍賣主辦方:香港福羲國際拍賣行 拍賣地點:香港 預展時間:10月28.29.號 預展 拍賣日期:10月30號 拍賣會 拍卖地址 :香港旺角東 帝京酒店六樓 Auction organizer: Hong Kong Fuxi International Auction House Auction venue: Hong Kong Preview time: October 28.29 Auction Date: Oct. 30 Auction Auction Address: Sixth Floor, Dongdijing Hotel, Mongkok, Hong Kong 责任编辑:福羲曾小姐 —- 编译者/作者:最新拍讯 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
2019香港秋拍开启 最美皇后之一睡过的床 越南王室法国玛瑙床
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