Kevacoin is a blockchain system that is designed based on the bitcoin and litecoin code. As the name tells itself, kevacoin is made up by two parts, keva and coin. coin is easy to understand, it follows the main stream to name a new block chain system, while keva is an abberivation for key-value. It is a key-value store built on blockchain. Kevacoin is not only a cryptocurrenty, but also a blockhcain that allows users to add, update and delete key-value pairs. It is also influenced by another cryptocurrency called Namecoin. Well if we talk a little bit further, Namecoin is a name regustration system, while Kevacoin is a key-value store. Now lets go back to talk a little bit about Kevacoin's token, the Kevacoin bolckchain system will totally issue out 1.05 billion KVA tokens and its PoW algorithum is Randomkeva, the time to generate each block is two minutes and reward is 500 KVA tokens. the reward will halved every four years. The difficulty adjustment is every block, not like bitcoin's 2016 bolck. There is no ICO, premined tokens or developer fees as well. How to mine kevacoin Kevacoin could be mined by CPU,so here we will demonstrate how to mine kevacoin with CPU. CPU mining Guide Step 1: download wallet. search the Kevacoin official website and download the specific kevacoin core client version according to your computer's OS. My laptop runs Windows10 64bit version, so I download the Windows 10 version. Step 2: close your security software and install the exe file you just downloaded. Step 3: After the installtion, click finish button to run kevacoin client. Step 4: Once the Kevacoin client is running, set the client to download and update the blockchain data on your local computer. This step will take around two hours, please be patient. Step 5: When it finished the update, click Recive button and then click Request payment button to generate your wallet's address. Step 6: go to github xmrig project and download the xmrig, please make sure you sownload the right xmrig version according to your computer's OS. Here I choose the version Step 7: unzip the file you just downloaded and find the start.cmd file. Step 8: edit start.cmd file, set the mining pool, wallet address etc. Be noted, the right pattern should looks like this: -o [pool URL] -u [wallet address] -p [password] If you are not confident enough, just copy the content below and replace Your_Wallet_Address with your own wallet address. This step will connect your miner into Dxpool and decrease the donation fee from the original 5% down to 1%. Step 9: Click start.cmd file and now you are good to go. Step 10: search Dxpool on Google, registered and log in. Then copy your wallet address and select KVA. Step 11: Check your hashpower in the pool and if it shows the correct hashpower, then you are all set! Summary Kevacoin is a relatively new cryptocurrency, and currently the total net hashpower is 986Mh/s. Although currently it has no market capacity, the future of KVA has already attracted many people participating in mining it. Click here to check the bolck explorer 本文来源:算多多 —- 编译者/作者:算多多 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
Kevacoin brief and how to mine
2020-04-15 算多多 来源:火星财经
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