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欧洲工商管理学院 INSEAD 发表 PAI 的案例研究

2020-04-15 ProjectPAI 来源:火星财经

近期,全球的国际研究生商学院INSEAD(欧洲工商管理学院)发布了一篇有关Project PAI早期采用者ObEN的案例研究 —— ObEN PAI: 建立个性化人工智能的世界 —— 详细介绍了ObEN开发人工智能(AI)技术并与Project PAI区块链一起赋予用户使用、保护和维护其数据安全的权利。

ObEN是一家致力于创建3D 个性化虚拟形象的人工智能技术公司。个性化的虚拟形象长得像你,声音像你,行为也像你。ObEN公司采用了Project PAI区块链技术,可以方便用户管理和保护其个人数据的安全性。在过去的几年中,ObEN参与了娱乐和医疗保健领域多个项目,并证明通过Project PAI区块链保护和维护用户数据是十分重要的。


通过INSEAD发布的有关Project PAI的早期采用者的新案例研究,ObEN在国际上获得了更多认可,证明了它的重要性和影响力,例如ObEN在2018年参加了中国举行的上海人工智能(AI)世界大会。



INSEAD, an international graduate business school across the world, published a case study on ObEN Inc, an early adopter of Project PAI. The case study, ObEN PAI: Building a World of Personal AI Avatars (behind a paywall), details ObEN’s achievements and challenges navigating between developing its artificial intelligence (AI) technology and aligning it with the Project PAI blockchain to empower its users by enabling them to secure and maintain their data rights.

ObEN is an AI company that creates Personal AI technology in the form of 3D virtual avatars that can look, sound, and behave like their human counterparts. The AI company adopted the Project PAI blockchain to enable its users to provide, safeguard, and manage their personal data. Over the past several years, ObEN was involved in several projects in the entertainment and healthcare space, both industries where securing and maintaining user data via the Project PAI blockchain proved to be invaluable.

INSEAD is a graduate business school offering a variety of executive education programs. The institution publishes many award-winning case studies, and is considered to be the second most widely used source of business cases behind cases published by Harvard Business School. Founded in 1959, INSEAD is also the first international business school that launched outside of the United States, and has locations in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and North America.

With this new case study published about Project PAI’s early adopter, ObEN is receiving more recognition in the international space. ObEN has a major presence throughout Asia, such as participating in the 2018 Shanghai AI World Conference in China.

Read more about the case study on the following PAI forum post:


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原文标题:欧洲工商管理学院 INSEAD 发表 PAI 的案例研究


