SWFT Blockchain 现已支持发Libra红包、用Libra支付,未来将支持更多Libra功能!欢迎体验:swap.swftcoin.com SWFT Blockchain 全球最大闪兑平台之一,无需注册进行去中心化闪兑!SWFT聚合交易汇聚币安、火币、OKEX等全网主流交易所,用户以全网最优价成交。SWFTC速币是SWFT平台币,已上线火币、OKEx等, 官网:swft.pro 官方微信:swftcoin2 Libra swaps, payments, red packets and more are coming to SWFT Blockchain
Following the Libra Association’s press release announcing its expansion from one multi-currency Libra Coin (?LBR) to also launching multiple single-currency stablecoins from the multi-currency ?LBR basket (e.g., LibraUSD or ?USD, LibraEUR or ?EUR, LibraGBP or ?GBP, LibraSGD or ?SGD), SWFT Blockchain would like to express its support for all of these initiatives. In fact, we think SWFT Blockchain’s swap and payments expertise will provide useful tools for millions, if not billions, of Libra users around the world. Because of this, SWFT Blockchain is committed to supporting?easy one-click currency swaps?between Libra Coin — and all Libra single-currency stablecoins — and all the other currencies available on SWFT Blockchain. SWFT Blockchain will also allow users to send free instant Libra payments to anyone, anywhere, by just sending a link. This means that SWFT Blockchain users will be able to send and request Libra to and from friends and family over any email messaging platform, social network not just the Facebook-owned ones with Libra integrations. Finally, just like users can now shared red packets filled with the cryptocurrency of their choice with all their friends and family on social media, soon they will be able to share red packets filled with Libra currencies! With easier ways to swap, trade, and share, SWFT Blockchain will provide Libra users with a practical, all-in-one wallet solution While the future looks bright, for now, all we can do is wait for Libra to launch, hopefully sometime this year.?However, for those who may be impatient, we have added support for the Libra testnet and have added Test Libra Coins to SWFT Pay and Red Packets.?Given the nature of the Test coins, these won’t be available for swaps as they have no actual value.?However, if you want to give Libra a test drive, visit the links at the bottom of this article to get SWFT Blockchain. Feel free to play around with Test Libra Coin payments and red packets! We think that once they are launched, Libra currencies will be very useful for our users from all over the world. Similarly, SWFT Blockchain’s tools will benefit any Libra user by making it easier for them to get Libra currencies and use them for payments, or simply share them!?If you want to learn more about what you can do right now (and will be able to do soon with Libra) on SWFT Blockchain, read on for a short guide of three of the main features: swaps, payments, and red packets. Making swaps, payments and red packets How to make a swap Swaps on SWFT Blockchain are super easy. The swap box is the first thing you’ll see on our website and app. Just pick the currency you have and the currency you want to swap to and click swap! If you don’t want to register an account on SWFT Blockchain you can also check out how to make a decentralized swap. How to make and request payments with SWFT Pay With SWFT Pay you can pay your friends and family around the world in over a hundred cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and dozens of stablecoins. If you want to send a payment tap ‘Pay’ on the top right drop-down menu on your SWFT Blockchain app homepage, pick the currency and amount, add a message if you want, and click confirm. This will create a link which will be live for 48 hours. Send this link to anyone you’d like over any messaging platform, social network, or even email and as soon as they open it, they will receive the money! You can also request a payment by tapping ‘Request’ on the same drop-down menu and selecting ‘Receive through link’ and then choosing the amount and currency you want to request. This will create a link which you can send to your clients, friends, or family where they will be guided on how to complete the payment. How to share a red packet Red packets are a fun and easy way of sharing cryptocurrency and the best way to introduce people to cryptocurrency. Just click ‘Red Packet’ from the drop-down menu and then select the amount and currency you want to share and the number of red packets you want to make (how many people you want to share it with). Once you create the red packet you can share it on messaging platforms, social media, or anywhere else! You can even make a QR code with the red packet link and people who scan it will receive free cryptocurrency! The options are endless! Now get your own Test Libra Coins with this red packet and start playing around with Libra:swap.swftcoin.com —- 编译者/作者:SWFT_Blockchain 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
2020-04-22 SWFT_Blockchain 来源:区块链网络
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