一个伟大而创新的世界 A mighty world filled of innovation 人与人之间没有信任危机. No trust crisis between people 私有财产不会被侵犯 Private properties will never be violated 共享与合作不会被时空所阻隔 Sharing and cooperation can never be compromised by space and time. 现实世界中的信息和资产均能在平行网络世界中自由秘密安全的流转 All?information and?assets in the real world can circulate and transfer freely, secretly and securely in a parallel virtual world. 这是 IPv6 源计划开启的新时代 This is a new era created by IPv6 Source Plan IPv6源计划是由当今世界最具权威的互联网工程任务组(IETF)发起 IPv6 source plan is initiated by the most authoritative Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in the world 目的在于推动IPv6发展 It is intended to promote the development of IPv6 将网络技术变革红利惠及每个人 And benefit everyone with the bonus of network technology reform IETF负责互联网底层通信协议IPv4和IPv6开发和地址发放 IETF responsible for IPv4 and IPv6 development and address distribution of Internet underlying communication protocol 其成员来自世界各地网络工程师、设计师,运营商,供应商和研究专家 Its members come from?network engineers, designers, operators, suppliers and research experts from all over the world 他们是互联网行业技术规范的研发者和制定者 Their primary mission?is the research and development of Internet related technical standards IPv6 源计划的核心正是IPv6 Chain IPv6 chain is the core of IPv6 source plan 它是全球首个支撑大规模应用的实用化区块链4.0基础设施 It is the first practical Block chain?4.0 infrastructure supporting massive applications in the world. 它是构建下一代全球价值互联网的基石 It is a cornerstone for building global value internet 同时是一个用户友好的高可用性去中心化分布式应用开发平台 And a user-friendly decentralized application development platform with?high availability 它从各个技术维度对区块链进行了重塑 IPv6 Chain?improves every aspects of block chain technologies. 高效安全双层共识机制-HashNet Efficient and secure double-layer consensus mechanism-Hashnet 支持高并发、快速确认 with high transaction concurrency and fast confirmation 支持无缝透明跨链交易的跨链通信和多链融合技术 seamless and transparent cross-chain communication and multi-chill emerging technologies 众多的行业通用功能接口满足不同应用场景需求 Industrial common functions interface is satisfying different application requirements 全新的抗量子攻击算法消除了来自量子计算的威胁 Novel anti-quantum algorithms?reducing threat?coming from development of quantum computing 建立在图灵完备的摩西编程语言之上的全新智能合约 Totally new smart contract based on Turing complete language Moses 支持链下数据的自适应安全访问 which could support off-blockchain data?accessing adaptively?and securely 通信及交易匿名技术 Communication and transaction anonymity technologies 公平的通证分发机制 Fair token distribution mechanism 这些关键技术使得IPv6链能够创造一个新的世界 These features enable IPv6 Chain?to define a new world 深度完整连接虚拟世界和现实世界 Connecting virtual world and real world 全方位保护和永久存储数字资产 Comprehensively protect and?eternally?store digital assets 人们基于IPv6 链可以开发各种分布式应用 People can develop numerous sophisticated Dapps based on IPv6 Chain 例如需要高TPS和快速确认的各类应用 Such as high tps and quick confirmation Apps 跨链资产交换和转移 Cross-chain assets exchange and transfer 跨境交易及支付 Cross border trading and payments 资产发行、认证、登记、溯源、确权 Assets distribution, authentication, registration, source-tracing, right confirmation IPv6链将会构建一个完全颠覆现有生活方式的新生态 IPv6 Chain?will construct a brand new ecosystem, completely changing our existing lifestyle 我们一直在努力 Everything we promised is ongoing 加入IPv6源计划,和我们共同开启人类社会新纪元 Join?IPv6 Source Plan?to witness the opening of a new era —- 编译者/作者:IPv6布道者 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
2020-05-10 IPv6布道者 来源:区块链网络
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