当前位置: 玩币族首页 > 区块链资产 > 关于停用原论坛、启用bbs.nuls.io新论坛的公告


2020-05-15 不详 来源:区块链网络

Dear NULS community,

Our nuls.community forum is one of the most important platforms for the communication and interaction of all members of the NULS community. However, it was a little clunky and didn’t have many functions to clearly organize the valuable information being posted by everyone.

With the help of NULS NTC, we decided to build a new forum to make communication, knowledge sharing and social interactions more efficient and pleasing for you, the members of our global NULS community.

The new forum (bbs.nuls.io 1), has been successfully deployed. It provides advanced features such as information groupings, content classification with sub-sections, multilingual publishing, communication and social interaction. All valuable and time-sensitive content from the original forum have been transferred to the new forum.

The original forum (nuls.Community) will no longer be updated and maintained, and all future information and updates will be made in our new forum of bbs.nuls.io 1.

Please register and create a new account, so that you can continue to contribute to the ecological development of the NULS.

Thank you for your continued support and growth of NULS.

NULS Community




原论坛(nuls. community)一直是NULS社区全员交流、互动的重要平台之一,但也存在着体验不够友好、功能单一、访问速度较慢等缺点。

为全球NULS社区成员沟通更加高效、顺畅,近期在NULS NTC成员的帮助下,成功搭建了集资讯归集、内容分类别|分板块|多语言发布、交流互动等功能为一体的bbs.nuls.io论坛。目前,原论坛富有价值和时效性的相关内容已完成了迁移。

因此,从即日起,原论坛(nuls. community)不再进行更新与维护,NULS所有资讯与动态全部转移到bbs.nuls.io新论坛上。请社区成员及时注册新论坛账户,关注论坛的实时资讯和NULS项目生态发展,获取您的社区成员权益。






