当标准普尔500指数低迷到历史最差数据时候, 世界的经济发展正在减速,潜在的危机正在萌芽, 传统的首次公开募股被市场所淘汰,一些独角兽企业惶惶而不得安, 但是Augur企业当年发动的一个众筹项目却成功了, 整个过程中没有中介投资银行、证交所等,区块链的首次公开募股IPO到来,我们先不谈IPO的缺点, 因为事物总有两面性,过分的去强调以太坊的融资不良,也不是可取的。传统的股权融资途径是, 通过私募发行、首次公开募股、二级发行以及上市后私募投资,出现了这些新兴的众筹模式后,一些小微企业也可以得到资金的支持, 公司可以通过在区块链上进行发行代币的方式进行筹集资金,这就是股权的象征,这样一来,例如Augur中,参与者有权决定平台开放的预测市场。 这种通过众筹原生代币,促进了项目本身的快速发展,因为项目启动需要大量的资金,最重要的是,任何人都可以成为这片股票市场的投资者, 区块链IPO将颠覆金融系统中的很多角色,股票经纪人、银行投资人员以及证券律师等等, 通过公开募股进行重新价值整合,将呈现一个分布式虚拟交易的系统布置,分布式的区块链技术可以使得系统出现故障时候, 其他局部数据帮助恢复,消除了对手方的风险和中心化服务器的影响, 就像以太坊一样,所有资金都存储在智能合约上,这种存储可以解决各种不道德的金融行为, 所以这种区块链IPO对金融服务领域、投资者以及整个市场影响都是积极的、向上的、快速发展的。 When the S&P 500 hit its worst number in history, the world economy was slowing, a potential crisis was brewing, the traditional initial public offering was being phased out, and some UNICORNS were panicking, but Augur enterprises launched a crowdfunding project that year was a success, the entire process without intermediary investment banks, stock exchanges, etc. , block initial public offering IPO came, let's not talk about the shortcomings of Ipos, because things always have two sides, it is also not advisable to overemphasize the poor financing of Ethereal Square. The traditional way of Equity Financing is through private placement, initial public offering, Secondary Placement and post IPO private placement investment. After the emergence of these emerging crowdfunding models, some small and micro enterprises can also be supported by funds, companies can raise money by issuing tokens on the Blockchain, a symbol of ownership, so that, for example, Augur's participants have the right to determine the platform's open predictive market. This crowdfunding native currency has helped the project grow quickly, because it requires a lot of money to get started and, most importantly, anyone can become an investor in the stock market, blockchain ipos will subvert many roles in the financial system, such as stockbrokers, bank investors, and securities lawyers. The value integration through public offerings will present a distributed virtual trading system, distributed blockchain technology allows other local data to be recovered in the event of a system failure, eliminating the risk of counterparties and centralizing the server, just like ethereum, where all the money is stored on smart contracts, this kind of storage can solve all kinds of immoral financial behavior, so the block chain IPO on the financial services sector, investors and the market as a whole is positive, upward, rapid development. 备注:以上中英文,中文部分为原创内容,英文为对应的翻译,为了更好的学习英语和服务于读者,所以陈述如上,随着区块链巡回内容不断的展示,后期内容会越来越精彩。 —- 编译者/作者:醉玲珑 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
2020-06-01 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络
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