第一篇章“分布式商业经济” 目前大型机构正在使用互联网信息的不对称进行获取利润,那分布式的应用如何更有效的融合到公司架构中呢?只有通过实体发力,分布式商业应用才有经济价值,通过实现弱中心化实现创新和价值的引领,最终重新分发财富,而不是重新打土豪分配财富,分布式商业模式有四大关键组成,开放式的互联网企业、分布式自治企业、智能合约和自主运作的代理人,联网企业越开放参与者密集度越高,从智能合约到自主运作模型的功能复杂程度在上升,运用区块链技术作为基础,同时采用通证进行有效激励,智能合约可以让合作伙伴变得更加信任,公司边界在流动起来,同时它还可以降低搜索成本等,公司可以很容易的检索供应商的可信性,当然在系统形成前,这些基本信息的录入都是中心化的,同时它们的信息准确性需要时间去检验。 分布式商业的场景扩展可以让供应链伙伴更加多元化,例如我们生产一部手机,可以从日本采购外壳、从德国购买芯片和在国内加工电路板,这些目前可以实现,但是真正关键在于每一种商品的去中心化结算,各方达成关于价格、货期的合约,自动执行不会偏袒,我们还可以得到一个详细的记录,过去所有合作伙伴的交易记录和公司的运营情况,同时区块链物联网可以让货物实时跟踪,这里可以让虚拟的地图去标注这批货物的运输状况,这里主要展示的是构建智能自我执行的协议,未来智能合约可能会集合在一体,公司与公司之间的信任危机不在存在,这样合作的成本会降低,有效的价值可以充分挖掘出来,这样分布式网络商业经济就可以让针织网一样协作、高效、扩展。 At a time when large organizations are profiting from the asymmetry of information on the Internet, how can distributed applications be more effectively integrated into corporate structures? Distributed business applications have economic value only through physical effort, innovation and value leadership through weak centralization, and ultimately redistribution of wealth, rather than redistribution of wealth by the plutocrats, there are four key components to a distributed business model: an Open Internet enterprise, a distributed autonomous enterprise, an intelligent contract, and an autonomous agent, from smart contracts to autonomous operating models, which use blockchain technology as a base and a pass as an effective incentive, smart contracts allow partners to become more trusting, the boundaries of the company are moving, and it reduces search costs, and so on. Companies can easily search for the trustworthiness of their suppliers. Of course, before the system was formed, the entry of these basic information was centralized, at the same time, their information accuracy needs time to test. The expansion of the distributed business scenario, which allows us to diversify our supply chain partners, for example, by making a phone that can be purchased from a shell in Japan, a chip in Germany, and a printed circuit board at home, is now possible, but the real key lies in the decentralized settlement of each commodity. The parties reach a contract on price and delivery date. Automatic execution will not be biased. We can also get a detailed record, the transaction records of all partners and the company's operations in the past, while the blockchain Internet of things allows goods to be tracked in real time, where virtual maps can be used to mark the status of the shipment, here we mainly show the construction of intelligent self-executing protocols, the future smart contracts may be integrated, the trust crisis between companies does not exist, so the cost of cooperation will be reduced, effective value can be fully tapped out, so that the distributed network business economy can be as collaborative, efficient, and extended as the knitting net. 第二篇章“行情解读” 每日行情走势,大饼从3月12号开始爬升,初始点为3800点,今日6月15号12点12分为9175美元左右,近期走势下跌严重,变盘来临,从日曲线看8700-9100之间目前支撑点很多,庄家买入挂单持仓1.5万BTC 持续三个月的走势,接下来到了变盘的时刻(目前仅是轻轻点水),分析师无法预测,需要自己判断方向,凡是给出接下来走势的都是骗子。 从15分钟曲线可以看出,张开了大幅度的下跌通道,比特币从9492到9132美元处于一个下降趋势,继续等待庄家的变盘,近期波动剧烈,小编结论很简单,没有金叉,没有支撑点,没有抛盘点,最近关注了7月4号的 VOICE,感觉可能会搞事情如果需要免费梯子,可以加小编VX1093628138,备注梯子。 备注:以上中英文,中文部分为原创内容,英文为对应的翻译,为了更好的学习英语和服务于读者,所以陈述如上,随着区块链巡回内容不断的展示,后期内容会越来越精彩。 —- 编译者/作者:醉玲珑 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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