第一篇章“万物联网难题” 从1950年的大型计算机成为了运算的霸主,有名品牌有IBM、Univac等公司,随着时间的推移,到了1970年,微型计算机登上了历史的舞台,微型计算机的诞生让这些大型的部分计算机公司不得不退出这个行业的演出,到了1980年左右IBM的硬件和微软的软件给我们带来了新的计算机使用时代,即使是当时的苹果也无法和它们进行抗衡,微软和IBM在IT领域领先了四十年,这或许就是时代的变迁,通信网络也伴随着技术的进步而变化,从早期的互联网进化到现在的分布式网络,计算机技术和网络技术巧妙的合成了移动手持设备,黑莓率先将智能手机进行商业化操作,到了2007年苹果的iphone4让智能手机真正火爆起来。这些设备共有的一些特性,例如感知、测量、通信、定位、监控、识别等这些新的技术可以让所有的设备联动在一起。这些设备之间相互通信,互联网让这些设备不断的扩容,不断进化,为什么我们现在不能万物联网呢?智能家居没有真正大范围的推广呢? 目前没有办法实现有一个原因就是早期的雏形物联网设备很少可以带来实际的价值,比如智能家居的烟雾报警器很低概率发挥它的作用,向你的移动设备传递火警信息,还有一点,新的商业模式,用户不愿意去参与,即使有些企业家已经在开发新的商业模式,但是传统的中介角色还是无法打破,安全漏洞对目前的系统也有一定的风险,第四点是如果想要实现物联网的价值,我们需要更多的网络进行连接,但是扩展性很值得担忧,同时我们目前无法低成本的处理上万亿的实时交易,区块链万物联网带来的变化,创造出新的驱动力和价值导向,区块链首先解决就是提供万物账本,期待区块链技术可以帮助互联网实现可靠的、安全的信息分享和自动执行,同时可以低成本的运营下去。 From the 1950s to the 1950s, the mainframe computer became the dominant computing power, with brands such as IBM and UNIVAC. Over time, by 1970, the microcomputer was on the scene, the birth of the microcomputer forced some of these large computer companies out of the game, and around 1980 IBM hardware and Microsoft software gave us a new era of computing, even apple couldn't compete with them. Microsoft and IBM were 40 years ahead in IT. Maybe that's the change of the Times, from the early days of the Internet to today's distributed networks, computing and networking technologies have combined to create mobile handsets, and blackberry has pioneered the commercialization of smartphones, by 2007, APPLE'S IPHONE 4 had really taken the smartphone by storm. These devices share a number of features, such as sensing, measurement, communication, positioning, monitoring, identification, and other new technologies that allow all devices to interact together. These devices communicate with each other, and the Internet allows these devices to expand and evolve, so why can't we have the Internet of everything now? There's no really big push for smart homes? One reason it's not possible is that early prototypes of Internet of things devices, such as smart home smoke alarms, have little chance of delivering real value, to send fire messages to your mobile device, and also, new business models, users are reluctant to participate, even if some entrepreneurs are already developing new business models, but the traditional intermediary role can not be broken, the fourth point is that if we want to realize the value of the Internet of things, we need more networks to connect, but scalability is a big concern, at the same time, we are currently unable to process trillions of transactions in real time at low cost. The changes brought about by the blockchain and the Internet of things create new drivers and value orientation. The first solution of the Blockchain is to provide the ledger of everything, expect blockchain technology to help the Internet to achieve reliable, secure information sharing and automatic implementation, while at the same time can be low-cost operation. 第二篇章“行情解读” 每日行情走势,大饼从3月12号开始爬升,初始点为3800点,今日6月30号07点17分为9175美元左右,近期走势微妙,变盘来临。从日曲线看8700-9100之间目前支撑点很多,庄家买入挂单持仓0.6万BTC 持续三个月的走势,接下来到了变盘的时刻,到底是真下跌还是假诱空或者是继续横盘,分析师无法预测,需要自己判断方向,凡是给出接下来走势的都是骗子。 从15分钟曲线可以看出,比特币从9026美元逐渐回升9236美元,逐步有抬头行情趋势,行情像梅雨一样,绵绵不断,继续等待庄家的变盘。 近期波动剧烈,小编结论很简单,没有金叉,没有支撑点,没有抛盘点,最近关注了7月4号的 VOICE,感觉可能会搞事情如果需要免费梯子,可以加小编VX1093628138,备注梯子。另GOC正在重新登录治理舞台,对于用户来说或许是一种机会,加微信进入木星群。 备注:以上中英文,中文部分为原创内容,英文为对应的翻译,为了更好的学习英语和服务于读者,所以陈述如上,随着区块链巡回内容不断的展示,后期内容会越来越精彩。 —- 编译者/作者:醉玲珑 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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