视频英文陈述:Blockgeeks 英文整理:Future G 中文整理:Future G Sharding is a type ofdatabase partitioning that breaks up very large data sets into smaller chucks, or shards and stores them in separate machine. 分片是一种数据库分区,它将非常大的数据集分割成更小的块,或者将它们分片并存储在单独的存储器中。 This makes the data a lot faster to store and a lot easier to query. As far as blockchains are concerned, every node has to store all the information on the blockchain locally, and process all incoming transaction. 这使得数据存储更快,查询也更容易。就区块链而言,每个节点都必须在本地区块链上存储所有信息,并处理所有传入的交易记录。 This provides a lot of security but isn’t very scalable, because the entire network can only store as much data and process as many transactions as a single machine. 这提供了很多安全性,但可扩展性不佳,因为整个网络只能存储和处理与一台机器相同的数据和交易。 The Ethereum core team has come up with a proposal, which uses sharing to divide the blockchain data among nodes and allow nodes to process different transactions in parallel. Ethereum以太坊核心团队提出了一个方案,使用分片技术在节点之间划分区块链数据,并允许节点平行处理不同的交易。 Instead of every node performing every transaction and storing all the data, nodes will be broken up into smaller groups, and each group will handle one part of the data in transaction processing. 不是每个节点都需要执行每个交易,并存储所有数据,而是将节点分解为更小的组,每个组将处理交易中的一部分数据。 In this way, the network can scale, without scarifying security as there’s still more than one node storing each piece of data and processing every transaction. 通过这种方式,网络可以扩展,而不会损害安全性,因为仍然有多个节点存储每个数据块并处理每个交易。 —- 编译者/作者:Future小哥哥 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
一分钟学懂以太坊分片Sharding原理| 视频&文字
2020-09-08 Future小哥哥 来源:区块链网络
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