这两周,Serum平台全新功能——流动性池,也将上线! ——本文翻译自FTX创始人、Serum顾问SBF于2020年9月20日发布的关于Serum生态路线图(第二部分)的最新推特,文末附推特原文。 本文所有内容均不构成投资建议。 对于之前谈论到的Serum路线图第一部分,请参见:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/J4GkR1JcxhDG_3jtl0X3rw 您也可以点击文末的“阅读原文”,查看Serum生态的详细路线图内容:https://projectserum.com/road-map‘ 社区需要在Serum上创建些什么? DEX(去中心化交易所)流动性;跨链桥;众多钱包;流动性池;创建自己的市场;理想状态下,还包括借贷功能。上述(a)和(b)项功能之前就已经实现。现在(c)和(d)功能也已上线,(e)和(f)将于下周发布。所以下周,Serum项目的第二步将半正式地启动。接下来就是项目入驻创建的大好时机了。 此页面(https://serum-academy.com/en/dex-list/)包含了一个网页端GUI接口列表,用于快速(一秒内结算)、便宜(不高于0.00002美金的gas费)的带订单簿的链上去中心化交易所交易,且其流动性已经是DeFi中的最好的。 http://sollet.io 还提供了连通所有ERC20币种的跨链桥,您可以将任意ERC20币种充入Serum。 另外,下周Serum平台全新的功能——流动性池,也将上线。流动性池是抵押投资(staking)、自动化做市商(AMMs)、基金(funds)、兑换交易(swaps)以及其它很多类型交易的基础;并且,流动性池也必定会产生收益。 您可以在此页面找到支持的钱包:https://serum-academy.com/en/wallet-support/ 以及新上的交易对:https://serum-academy.com/en/add-market/ 有人问为何现在在Serum平台的收益并不高。 这个问题的答案就是,我们的重中之重,首要目标是建立好核心的基础架构,让Serum使用起来简洁方便,更利于在其上创建项目。只有做好了这一基础架构,我们才好谈后期收益。 开发者可以在此页面找到所有功能的示例代码: https://projectserum.com/developer-resources;资产池和创建自己的市场的GUI接口将于下周公布。 除了上述的各项功能,Serum的交易页面也正在升级。此次升级后,交易页面将更加快捷简便,并会增加一系列新功能。 所以,创建者们,现在放手来创建属于自己的项目吧! 如果您有好的项目,我们很乐意在Serum及Solana平台为您提供试验基地!如果您想找到好的项目,请查看此页面以获取灵感及资助:https://serum-academy.com/en/serum-project-ideas/ 欢迎大家通过各种渠道关注我们的最新进展: Serum公众微信号:Serum资讯平台Serum官方微博:@Serum官方微博Serum客服微信:ProjectSerumTelegram:https://t.me/ProjectSerumDiscord:https://discord.gg/bJPkfRN社区网站:http://projectserum.com令人心动的项目、资源以及(更重要的)收益,就在眼前!快上车吧! ———————— 以下为SBF的推特原文内容: Announcing Serum: Step 2 NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE for prior discussion of the Serum roadmap, see https://twitter.com/SBF_Alameda/status/1303571153500254213 and for an updated one: https://projectserum.com/road-map What does the community need to build on Serum? Well, a lot of things, maybe.But here are some: DEXliquiditycross-chain bridgelots of walletspoolscreate your own marketsideally, borrow/lendingLast time we checked in, (a) and (b) were there. Now, (c) and (d) are live, with (e) and (f) coming next week. So next week, Serum: Step 2 is going semi-officially live.It's time to come build. https://serum-academy.com/en/dex-list/ has a list of GUIs for a fast (~1 second settlement), cheap (~$0.00002 gas), on-chain DEX with orderbooks which is already among the most liquid in DeFi. http://sollet.io has a bridge for arbitrary ERC20 tokens: you can move anything to Serum. And next week, pools -- a brand new primitive on Serum -- will launch. Pools can be the backbone of staking, AMMs, funds, swaps, and more; and, of course, they can take yield. You can find wallets here: https://serum-academy.com/en/wallet-support/ And new market listing: https://serum-academy.com/en/add-market/ People have asked why there isn't much yield on Serum yet. The answer is, first things first, let's get the core infrastructure in place -- the scaffolding needed to make Serum easy and clean to use and build on. Then, we'll have a place to put Yield. Developers can find example code for everything at https://projectserum.com/developer-resources; GUIs for Pools and create-your-own-markets will be coming out next week. And along with all of these features, Serum markets are getting an upgrade.This will make them faster, cleaner, and have a bunch of new features! GUI hosters, check out https://twitter.com/ProjectSerum/status/1306867580188069888 for what you'll have to do. And builders--it's time to build. If you have a project, we'd love to have an outpost on Serum + Solana! And if you want to find one, check out https://serum-academy.com/en/serum-project-ideas/ for ideas and grants! And everyone else -- come check out our Telegram (https://t.me/ProjectSerum), Discord (https://discord.gg/bJPkfRN), or community website (http://projectserum.com)! Exciting things are coming: projects, resources, and, of course, yield. Hop on board. 关注我们 Serum微信客服:ProjectSerum Serum微信公众号:Serum资讯平台 Serum邮箱:[email protected] 本文来源:Serum资讯平台 —- 编译者/作者:Serum资讯平台 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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